Spring Tech Tools
Ed Puzzle, Story Builder, Cube Creator & more!
EdPuzzle Video Lessons
Edpuzzle is a site that allows users to select a video and customize it by editing, cropping, recording audio, and adding questions to make an engaging presentation or lesson.
EdPuzzle Tutorial
Story Builder
Let your students create a story, and build their writing skills with Google Story Builder.
Cube Creator
Example: Hound of the Baskervilles
Google Keep
Google Keep is a note taking tool to keep you and your students organized. You can take notes on your computer or on your device with the Google Keep app for iOS and Android.
Discovery Virtual Field Trips
Climbing Kilimanjaro
Wonder Ground
The Wonder Ground by Wonderopolis is an amazing resource for educators. It features ready to use lesson plans, classroom resources and blogs from leading educators. I am excited to be a Wonder Lead Ambassador and share Wonderopolis with you. Have you wondered today?
YouTube Channels for Educators
Michelle Cooper
Email: cooperm@woisd.net
Website: http://womslibrary.wonecks.net/
Twitter: @_MichelleCooper