RRHS Senior Update!
Each week, seniors at RRHS will get two Sunday updates - one that is for general school announcements and one that is specific to their class. The senior year has so much relevant information that is critical for preparation for June 16th at 9:00AM!
Stay tuned and reach out with any questions you may have!
Senior Sunrise - Main Turf on 8/21 at 6AM!
Immunizations - Please Read!
Immunization requirement for Rising 12th graders: Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine
A big thank you for those parents who have submitted vaccination receipt/records already! Your support and cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Please have your senior immunized for the 2024-25SY with the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine if you haven't done so already. This is a VDOH requirement. Once completed, please email the proof of immunization to steve.park@lcps.org.
Senior Portraits - DON'T FORGET!
If you missed getting your senior portrait taken, there is one more session coming on September 23rd and 24th! Remember, the session is free for a yearbook photo and parents may purchase packages upon sign up if they choose. Watch for the next Flyer and send any questions to Mrs. Prince.
Senior Painting CONTINUES!
Senior Painted Parking
Seniors may now reserve a parking space for the whole year by painting their spot. There is no county parking fee this year, and this is the ONLY way for seniors to have a reserved spot. Students can get their designs approved and pick their spot, then come back a different day to paint. Please make sure you complete ALL the steps below in order to be able to choose & paint your spot.
1. Fill out the parking agreement on the RRH website
2. Seniors must get their design approved and pay to reserve/paint their spot: Fill in the attached parking spot form: https://tinyurl.com/RRHPaintedPark25
3. Pay $40 online here, or bring cash or check with you to one of the painting days.
PLEASE NOTE: Buying online does NOT reserve your spot - spots will only be reserved on a first come, first served basis at school
4. Paint your spot! Check in at the main office & once your design is approved you may choose your parking spot