Dust Devil Weekly
Sunday, October 8
There are two long stretches during each school year. There is one long stretch later in the Spring, but we are in the middle of the longest stretch of the year right now. The month of October often finds students and teachers feeling tired, and “worn out.” JMMS has passed the halfway point of the first Trimester, and it is important that everyone maintains their focus, and pushes through their “fall wall.”
The 6th graders certainly looked as though they were having no trouble pushing through the wall this past Friday in their “BLUE OUT dance”–their first middle school dance. A great time was had by all as the kids and their teachers danced their hearts out to the hits in the JMMS gym!
Looking ahead to the coming week, we will be holding out next Leadership assembly this Wednesday morning.
Please enjoy this latest edition of the Dust Devil Weekly.
Sighted on Campus...
- Mr. Walker's class making lava lamps in science! So cool!
- 8th grade Science in Mrs. White's learning about Natural Selection by recording and graphing data. The information is used to form conclusions about survival.
- Mrs. White's Astronomy class is solving an escape room puzzle using facts they learned about the planet Venus.
- Students in the Maestra Rincon's Dual Language Social Studies class studying "el desarrollo de feudalismo en Europe occidental. Students are having fun making props for a mini presentation to come next week.
6th Grade Dance
JMMS Spirit Wear
JMMS is excited to offer Spirit wear for our Dust Devils! You can find offers and options here:
Take a Closer Look: Focus on Grades
Each week we will be examining different aspects of grades and grading to hopefully demystify this important part of the school experience.
It is every child’s goal (and every parent’s desire) to earn good grades in school. But what is a grade, really? What does a grade truly mean? This year at JMMS, the instructional staff is taking a deep dive into the practice of grading. At its heart, a grade is a communication tool. A tool which communicates how a student is performing in relation to a specific academic standard or learning target. This is why JMMS uses three different categories for grades. Students receive an Academic grade, which represents how a student performs against standards. There is a Work Habits Grade, which communicates how well a student completes their tasks and how much effort they put into schoolwork. The final grade is the Citizenship grade, which relates student behavior, and cooperation.
So if a student completes all tasks on time, and is generally cooperative and well behaved they may receive high marks in Work Habits and Citizenship. But perhaps the student’s work demonstrates that the child still does not understand the content. In this case, even if the student has completed ALL their work on time, they might receive a lower Academic Grade, while earning high marks in Work Habits and Citizenship.
Grades are not a label, and they are not a judgment. They are a means of communication to students and their families about academic performance.
Birthday Wishes
2023-2024 Yearbook
Upcoming Dates
Weds 10/18 - Late Start Morning 8:30 am
Fri 10/20 - Coffee with the Principals
Tues 10/24 - Wear Red Spirit Day
Weds 10/25 - Retro Day Spirit Day
Thurs 10/26 - Glasses Day Spirit Day
Fri 10/27 - Pajama Day
Mon 10/30 - Band T-Shirt Spirit Day
Tues 10/31 - Halloween Costume Day