Patriot Press
Week of August 12, 2024

Message From The Principal
Greetings Poynter Families,
I hope that your students are enjoying their summer breaks. We are looking forward to seeing them in September. I am honored to join Poynter's community and look forward to meeting everyone.
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Jeremy Corwin. I grew up in Beaverton and have been working in education for 19 years (17 of those year I've been lucky to be part of the Hillsboro School District). I taught middle school social studies, leadership, and computer applications at R. A. Brown Middle School for 13 years and spent 4 year as a member of Century High School's administrative team. Before coming to J. W. Poynter, I was an associate principal at Twality Middle School in the Tigard-Tualatin school district.
I love middle school! This is a time in students' lives when they begin to transition from childhood to adolescence. Friends become very important to them as they learn to navigate different social interactions. They are beginning to develop the habits and routines that will carry them through high school and beyond. And though they sometimes hide it, they still need the support and love of the adults in their life that care for them.
I am truly excited to be at Poynter this year as we support your students in achieving their dreams. If you have questions leading up to the school year, please reach out. Enjoy the rest of your summer and I can't wait to see you at our community night on August 28th.
Go Patriots!
Jeremy Corwin
Upcoming Dates
8/28 - Poynter Community Night and Family Connections
9/4 - First Day For 7th Graders
9/5 - All Students Attend (First day for 8th Graders)
9/30 - No School (Staff Development Day)
Back To School Packets - Coming Soon
In the next few weeks, we will be mailing home back to school packets that include a lot of valuable information to start the year off strong. If you'd like to get a sneak peak before they get to you, you can look here.
August 28 - Family Connections Day and Poynter Community Night
On August 28, teachers will be reaching out to their advisory students' families to welcome them to Poynter.
That night, at 5:00pm, we invite you to visit us at Poynter to learn about our community, pick up schedules, and meet your students' teachers. Please accompany your student on this evening. We'll see you there!
September 4th - First Day For 7th Graders
We will be welcoming our 7th graders to the Poynter community on Wednesday. This is a day for 7th graders to get accustomed to our school before everyone is here. Because it is a Wednesday, our day starts at 9:16.
Band Information
Liberty Football Games
Liberty's home football games are coming up and we want to make sure they are fun and safe for everyone to enjoy. To help ensure that, middle school students will need to be accompanied by an adult and need to be seated in the stands most of the time. Also, please keep the following at home:
- Backpacks
- Outside food & drink
- Bikes, skateboards, & scooters
For more information, please look here.