Wolf Pack Weekly
Upcoming events and announcements from the Nature Ridge PTO
Week at a Glance - May 6th - 10th
Mon. 5/6: Donuts with a Grownup RSVP forms DUE!
Mon. 5/6 - Fri. 5/10: Teacher Appreciation Week!
Fri. 5/10: Fun Fair Presale Orders DUE!
Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6-10th
It's time to thank our teachers for all of their hard work this year! The PTO will be spoiling them with tokens of appreciation each day, but we know they really LOVE to receive *thanks* from their students! Here are a few ways you can show your appreciation...
*Buy something for the classroom from the Giving Tree: http://tinyurl.com/s4mnbcyc
*Choose one of their Favorite Things from this list.
*Do a little something each day from the attached flyer!
Nature Ridge Teachers' Favorite Things List
Surprise your teacher with their favorite snack, drink, or special treat during Teacher Appreciation Week! Click here.
Wolf Pack Car Magnets For Sale!
Order here: https://forms.gle/jVMMpu3Shrx56jxQ6
Magnets will be sent home with your child.
Upcoming Events:
- Tues. 5/14: Donuts with a Grown-up @7:15-7:45 am
- Sat. 5/18: Nature Ridge Fun Fair & Silent Auction @4-7 pm
- Weds. 5/22: Cherry on Top Fundraiser
- Tues. 5/28: Sixth Grade Recognition
- Thurs. 5/30: Last Day of School
Donuts with a Grownup! - RSVP forms due TODAY - May 6th!
Link to form: https://tinyurl.com/2pcsyux6
Nature Ridge Fun Fair & Silent Auction
The PTO is thrilled to bring back the Fun Fair this year on SATURDAY, May 18th, from 4-7 pm! This event is for the WHOLE FAMILY!
The gym will be FULL of carnival games! We will have pizza, popcorn, and candy for sale! The Ice Cream Overload truck will be outside selling delicious, hand-scooped sundaes! PLUS, we have over 75 donations for our SILENT AUCTION!
Our sponsors include: Chicago White Sox, Chicago Cubs, Bartlett Wellness Center, Bartlett Aquatic Center, Kohl Children's Museum, Cooper's Hawk, Dogfather, Orange Theory, Main Event, Zanie's, Zyia Active Wear, Two Brothers Brewing, and MANY MORE!
All Access Wristbands = $12 presale / $15 at the door
Taylor Street Pizza slices = $4 presale / $5 at the event
PRESALE ORDERS DUE MAY 10TH! Extra forms here: English / Spanish
Attention Fifth Grade Parents!
Each year, the PTO asks current 5th grade families to lend a hand during the Sixth Grade Recognition Ceremony, knowing they will be on the receiving end the following year.
We are looking for 6 volunteers to help out on Tuesday, May 28th at SEHS from 6:00-8:00 pm. Volunteers are needed to cut/serve cake, pour juice, hang a photo backdrop, and clean up afterwards.
Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4EAEAB2AA5FCC07-nature
Thank you for your consideration!
The Nature Ridge PTO
Review of Past Events:
Plastic Bag Collection Contest - FINAL RESULTS!
Wow! After collecting for the whole month of April, Nature Ridge was able to recycle 251 pounds of plastic bags! Unfortunately, Otter Creek came out on top at the end with a total of 303 pounds. However, we can be proud to say we helped to recycle over 550 pounds of plastic bags in honor of Earth Day! Way to go, Nature Ridge!
Remember to bring your plastic bags to local grocery stores for recycling until next year's contest!
Field Day!
It was a great day for Field Day! Thank you to ALL of the volunteers who came out to run the games for the students. Without volunteers, we could NOT have this event! An extra special shout out to Mrs. Niewinski for planning the day, and for getting everything ready!
Nature Ridge Spirit Wear
Stay Connected:
PTO Google Calendar - Now Available!
The Nature Ridge PTO has created a Google Calendar to keep you up-to-date on all of our events this year! Click here for detailed instructions to add the calendar to your Google account.
*Don't worry - you can "mute" the calendar when not in use!
Nature Ridge PTO Family Directory (Live link!)
Any questions? Feel free to contact us!
Email: NatureRidgeBoard@gmail.com
Website: https://www.u-46.org/domain/2840
Location: 1899 Westridge Blvd., Bartlett, IL 60103
Phone: 630-372-4627
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NatureRidgeElementaryPTO/