Welcome Tyler Military Families
Thank You for Your Service!
To our military families,
Welcome to Tyler Elementary! We are excited to have you join our team. Thank you for your service to our country. It is our goal to ensure not only a smooth transition, but a warm welcome for your child and your entire family.
We recognize the challenges our military children face. As supporters of the Military Interstate Compact, you will find that Tyler Elementary intentionally plans for the needs of our military children. This starts with flexibility with the registration and enrollment process, includes ensuring opportunities for clubs, services, programs and more. We have earned the distinguished Purple Star Award demonstrating our commitment.
You will find that Tyler is a close-knit community and glad to have you here. Welcome Tomcats!
Jennifer Perilla, Principal
Information in this webpage
School Activities and Opportunities
School Transition Information
Family Support and Resources
Special Education and Educational Programs
Contact Info
Feeling connected and accepted at school is especially important for military students. We offer many activities and opportunities for military families to get connected and feel supported by their school.
No Place For Hate Club
Robotics Team
National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS)
Spanish Language Classes
Wee Deliver (School Postal System)
Mindfulness Club
Spelling Bee
Watch Dog Dads
Tyler PTO
Classroom Volunteers
Fun Runs
School Festivals
Purple Up!
Watch Dog Dad Program
Remember Veterans
Transitioning Information
Parent Education Advocacy Training Center (PEATC)
PEATC offers training to Military Families navigating the special education process. Contact info: peatc.org/ 703-923-0010. See flyer for the next training.
Family Support & Resources
Whether you are planning your arrival, preparing for your move from PWCS, or wanting more information to support your child's educational plans, the first link below will direct you to the Prince William County Schools resources for military families. Please note, these resource tabs may not be visible using smart phone devices. If your child is coming to PWCS with an IEP, we encourage consulting the Special Needs Navigation and Parental Rights tab found within PWCS Military Family Support link below. Many states do not offer parental consent provisions or procedural safegaurds to the same extent as we do in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We would also like for you to be informed regarding transferring of special services.
Procedural Safeguards.
Special Education & Educational Programs
Special Education Services
Students who were receiving Special Education services at their prior school will continue to be provided with comparable services based on the student’s current IEP. Prince William County Schools make reasonable accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities. We may perform subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriate placement of the student. Families arriving over the summer, will have their student's IEP review after our staff returns in late August to ensure the input of all stakeholders. As a fellow stakeholder in your child’s education, we value and seek your input.
Resources and Information from PWCS Office of Special Education can be accessed using the link:
If your child is coming to PWCS with an IEP, we encourage consulting the Special Needs Navigation and Parental Rights tab within PWCS Military Family Resources link above. Many states do not offer parental consent provisions or procedural safegaurds to the same extent as we do in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We would also like for you to be informed regarding transferring of special services.
Procedural Safeguards.
English Language Learner Services
English Language teachers provide English instruction to eligible English Language Learners in small group and whole class co-teaching formats. These supportive settings enable English learners to attain proficiency in English while having access to the same challenging academic content and student achievement standards as their peers. Assessments for English Language Program eligibility services are done off the Tyler campus at Central Registration Office. 703-791-8745
Resources and Information from PWCS English Learner Programs can be accessed using the link:
Gifted Education Services
Prince William County Schools has an obligation to provide like services for children of active duty military parents new to the Division who have documented evidence of receiving gifted services in their prior school system. The student's identificatin and need for services is honored until a determination is made for identification and placement in the PWCS system. These students should receive services during the IDP (identification) process until they are found eligible or ineligible for services specific to PWCS.
Parents of students found ineligible for gifted services have the right to an appeal. Also, parents may refer their child for a Gifted screening referral by asking our gifted teacher or school counselors. The referral form can also be found using the link below to the gifted education web site. The form can be found at the bottom of their page.
The PWCS Gifted program office may be reached at 703.791.7400
Middle School Specialty Programs
Attention Parents of all 5th Grade Students!!!
Middle school students in Prince William County are offered the options of remaining at their base school, transferring to a specialty program in World Languages; Mathematics and Science; International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme; or a same gender program, or a Traditional School. Applications are accepted on-line between November 1st and February 1st during the student’s 5th grade year.
Access to the Middle School Specialty Program site.
****Note: Fifth Grade students moving into Prince William County after January 1 who are interested in applying to a specialty program, should contact the Office of Student Learning at 703.791.7400 for additional information.****
Contact Information
- Local Installations Student Liasion Officers (SLO)
Quantico Office 703-784-4729
Ft. Belvior Office 703-805-1794 or 703-805-2606
- PWCS Central Office Military Contact
Dominique James
- George G. Tyler Elementary 703-754-7181
Jennifer Nelson
School Counselors-
Molly MooMau, Full-Time Counselor
Jennifer Perilla, Principal
Barbara DuPree, Assistant Principal