Weekly Newsletter
February 17, 2025
Dear Families,
Winter iReady growth reports have been printed and sent home with students on Friday, February 7th.
Quarter 3 progress reports will be sent via RenWeb on Wednesday, February 19th
We’re looking forward to our Career Fair on March 14th. See below for more information.
There will be no school on Thursday, March 20th for the Diocesan wide professional development day.
There will be no school on Friday, March 21st for a dedicated schoolwide professional development day.
See updated calendar below.
Have a blessed weekend,
Principal Gaumont
After School Program
If students are participating in a club or meeting with a teacher after school, they still need to be signed up for After School.
This Friday, February 14th, ASP will be ending at 4:30 pm.
After school dismissal times are 3:15, 4:15, and 5:00. In the interest of maintaining student safety, we encourage families to adhere to these times.
In the event that you need to pick your child up from ASP at a different time, please email info@stjoesjrhs.org or call 603-668-2910 ext. 215. All student dismissals will happen in the St. Joe’s drop off area.
Reminders for Parents
We are making plans for the 2025-2026 Academic School Year! Enrollment Packets Are Now Due!
Current 7th Grade Families- For a waived tuition deposit for returning students for 8th grade at STJ, please submit the enrollment packet by February 15th. After February 15th, there will be a re-enrollment/tuition deposit of $250.
Also, a reminder to families who have a student that has received their acceptance letter to Trinity should also submit their enrollment packet and tuition deposit of $250 now, after February 15th, the tuition deposit will increase to $500.
Recognizing Excellence Awards Nominations
Please see the links below to nominate teachers and staff as part of recognizing excellence!
Saint Joseph the Worker Award
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Award for Achievement & Excellence in Catholic Leadership
Saint Jean Baptiste de la Salle- Catholic School Teacher of the Year
Sports News
The CYO Tournament begins this Saturday, February 15. Girls will play at 3:00 and the boys will play at 6:45. The games will take place at Lurgio Middle School in Bedford. The finals will also take place at Lurgio. The boys’ finals will be Monday, February 17 at 7:30 and the girls’ finals will be on Wednesday, February 19 at 7:45. Good luck to all!
And now we think of Spring! St. Joe’s will be looking for a baseball coach. With his new position as principal of both Trinity and St. Joe’s, Mr. Gaumont just won’t have to time to dedicate to coaching. If you, or someone you know is interested, please contact me at pmartineau@stjoesjrhs.org. Thank you.
Robotics Update
Please contact Mr. Pouliot with any questions.
Career Day (March 14th)
St. Joe’s students completed a career interest survey last week in preparation. We are in need of professionals from a variety of fields to come speak to students at St. Joe’s as well as Trinity. The fair starts with breakfast at 7:30, followed by sessions with students from 8 to 10. If you’re interested, please fill out this Google form. As always, we thank our families for your partnership.
Virtue, Saint, & Commandment of the Month
Virtue: Cheerfulness
Ex: Even when negative things are happening, look to others with a smile and words of encouragement
Saint: Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro
Commandment #6: You shall not commit adultery
Shows respect for their own body and the bodies of others.
(Youcat 400)
Special Announcement
Due to the lack of numbers and the new prohibitive cost, the trip for the 8th graders to New York has been cancelled. Gerber Tours has graciously agreed to return all monies.
Inclement Weather Alerts
In the event that school is delayed or cancelled due to inclement weather, an update will be posted to WMUR and sent home via RenWeb.
Food for Children
Our next visit will be March 1st. If you plan on attending, please do the following:
1. Email Mr. McSorley at mmcsorley@stjoesjrhs.org to inform us. Please do so no later than the Monday before the Saturday event.
2. Make sure every member of your family who plans to attend is signed up with the New Hampshire Food Bank. Volunteers must be signed up before participating in the event. If you do not have an account, use this link to create one:
Help Out Trinity's Key Club!
Trinity Key Club will be holding a bake sale for Saint Joe's students during lunch on Friday.
8th grade families, it’s time to submit your Trinity applications!
1. Log onto the Trinity website (trinity-hs.org)
2. Click on the three lines in the upper right hand corner and then select Parentsweb
3.Click log in
4. Log in using the District Code ( THSSTJ-NH ) and use your CURRENT STJ username and password
5. Once logged into your family portal, on the left hand panel, go to "Apply/Enroll" and select Application
6. Then "Click Here To Open Application" then "Create a new student application"
A financial aid application will not be reviewed unless an application for admission has been received.
If you would like your student to have a Shadow Day, click here: SHADOW DAY
If you missed our Open House and would like to attend a Parent Tuesday Tour click here: PARENT TUESDAY TOUR
We're excited about our STJ Bears beginning their journey as Pioneers!
Please let Jen McGrath know if you have any questions.
Jen McGrath- Admissions Manager ( jmcgrath@trinity-hs.org ) 603-668-2910 ext. 114
Lunch Ordering
Drama Club
Report Card Requests
We have received a number of requests for student records. All report card requests can be sent to Mrs. Horne. All iReady reporting requests can be sent to Mr. McSorley.