Volunteer Update
Tennessee 4-H Volunteers / January 2025
The Tennessee 4-H Volunteer Jam is scheduled for Feb 28 - March 1, 2025 in Lebanon, at the Wilson County Fairgrounds.
Registration will be open soon and will be available at this website. A detailed schedule with a list of workshops and educational displays will also be available. Make sure to participate in this wonderful opportunity of learning and fun...and spread the word!
A notice will be sent out as soon as registration is open.
The Reunion, happening at the Farm Bureau Expo Center on March 1 in Lebanon, is for Alumni and Friends of 4-H. One does not need to have been a member of 4-H.
Believing in the power of the 4-H program to transform today’s youth, the Tennessee 4-H Alumni and Friends serves in a variety of ways… acting as mentors and project coaches, providing financial support, and volunteering to staff and supporting 4-H programs and events.
At this year’s event, we will be recognizing National 4-H Congress Delegates from 1975, 1985, 1995, and 2005.
2025 registration will be just $30 and includes lunch. There will also be a silent auction to benefit the organization. This year’s reunion is held in conjunction with Volunteer Jam 2025. Registration opens soon!
Best wishes to you and your 4-H members and families for a successful and exciting new year. 2025 promises to be a great one, so lets make it happen!
Tennessee House of Representatives
The state is divided into 99 House districts from each of which one representative is elected. Each district is comprised of approximately 69,806 residents.
2025 Tennessee 4-H Congress Officers
Summer-Grace Kelly, Franklin County, Speaker of the Senate; Jadian Keith, Franklin County, Governor; and Calli Alonso, Franklin County, Speaker of the House.
WIth the theme, "Beyond Ready," 4-H members will be descending upon our state capital, Nashville, as well as Murfreesboro on March 9-12, to take part in Tennessee 4-H Congress. Congress is an activity that supports the Citizenship project and helps 4-H’ers develop the life skill of responsible citizenship. Responsible citizenship is an individual’s demonstration of love and devotion in response to duties, rights, and privileges as a member of a community, state, or country.
How much do your 4-H members know about their government? One way to be a responsible citizen is to understand government and how one can be involved, so that the government represents its citizens.
A great way for 4-H members to be prepared for State 4-H Congress is to read the Tennessee Blue Book. The Tennessee Blue Book is filled with useful information about our state, both past and present, including the makeup of Tennessee state government, state history, national and state constitutions, most recent election results and census data.
Contact your County 4-H Office for more information on this major state 4-H event.
Each year, a new batch of 4-H members are elected to serve on the Tennessee 4-H State Council. As the governing body and leadership group for the state’s 4-H youth development program, the Council provides leadership for state-level 4-H events and promotes 4-H across the state. The 21 members of the Council are elected by their peers yearly at three statewide events – State 4-H Congress, State 4-H Roundup and All-Star Conference. Read more about them here.
The 2025 State 4-H Swine Show is scheduled for January 8-11, 2025 at Hyder-Burks Ag Pavillion in Cookeville. All interested persons should consult the show schedule for all dates and times. There is also a handbook of guidelines and procedures. All information on the show can be found on the UT Animal Science Department website.
A number of 4-H Shooting Sports dates have been scheduled. Here are the dates:
- Level 1 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Training - January 25 - Ridley 4-H Center, Columbia
- State 4-H BB and Air Rifle Jamboree - March 21-22 - Murfreesboro
- State 4-H Archery Jamboree - April 11-12 - Cookeville
- State 4-H Shotgun Jamboree - May 3 - Nashville
- Tennessee 4-H Target Smart Camp - May 26-30 - York 4-H Center, Crossville
- National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships - June 22-27 - Grand Island, NE
- Daisy National BB Gun Championship Match - June 29-July 3 - Rogers, AR
Contact your County Extension Agent for more information on 4-H Shooting Sports. All Extension youth shooting activities must be done by a Certified 4-H Shooting Sports instructor.
Dates of Interest
- State 4-H Swine Show - January 8-11 - Cookeville
- Senior Citizenship and Leadership Project Portfolios Due - January 20 - State Office
- Level 1 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Training - January 25 - Ridley 4-H Center, Columbia
- State 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl - January 25 - Murfreesboro
- State 4-H Congress Registration Due - February 3 - Your County Office
- State 4-H High Council Meeting - February 7-8 - Lebanon
- National Wild Turkey Federation Conference - February 12-15 - Nashville
- State 4-H Horse Bowl and Hippology - February 14-15 - Knoxville
- 4-H Volunteer Jam! - Feb 28 - March 1 - Lebanon
- Tennessee 4-H Alumni and Friends Meeting - March 1 - Lebanon
- Tennessee 4-H Foundation Annual Meeting - March 1 - Lebanon
- Agribition Livestock Judging - March 8 - Lebanon
- Tennessee 4-H Congress - March 9-12 - Murfreesboro and Nashville
- 4-H Beekeeping Essays Due - March 15 - State Office
- State 4-H BB and Air Rifle Jamboree - March 21-22 - Murfreesboro
- Senior 4-H Project Portfolios Due - April 1 - State Office
- State 4-H Archery Jamboree - April 11-12 - Cookeville
- State 4-H Sheep Conference - April 26 - Crossville
- Tennessee 4-H Chopped Challenge - April 26 - Murfreesboro
- 4-H College Scholarship Applications Due - May 1 - State 4-H Office
- Knoxville Spring Junior Cattle Show - May 2-3 - Gray, TN
- State 4-H Shotgun Jamboree - May 3 - Nashville
About us
Email: dsarver@utk.edu
Website: https://4h.tennessee.edu/volunteers/
Location: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
Phone: 865-974-2128
Facebook: facebook.com/Tennessee4H