Callahan Family Newsletter
October 3, 2022
Back to School Open House Night
THANK YOU all for making our Back to School Open House Night so special! Thank you all for attending, checking out classrooms, and meeting with teachers and staff. It was really nice seeing everyone in-person again. Special thank you to our PTA volunteers for organizing the Book Fair and inviting Addie's Groceries to share some yummy treats!
Second Cup of Coffee with Mrs. Grandt
October 7, 2022 8:30am-9:00am in-person at the Callahan School
Join Mrs. Grandt for coffee (or tea!) to chat about what's happening at the Callahan! There is no formal agenda, just an opportunity to chat, ask questions, and share ideas.
Norwood Parents Music Association
Greetings Families!
I wanted to reach out and let you know that we are working on expanding our music parent boosters group, the PMA - Parents Music Association, this year. In order to help make this group more accessible, we will be rotating our monthly meetings through each school over the course of the year. It is our hope that you will consider joining us to provide support and help for the Norwood music programs across all grade levels. You don't have to have a student in the program, you simply need to love music and want to help out. Please look for individual school dates to follow. Our next meeting is on 10/18 in the NHS library and then we will be over at the Coakley Middle School for our November 15th meeting. If you can't wait until then to jump in and help, please see the message below from our PMA President Kim Smith about our Marching Band home show on 10/16. If you have any questions about volunteering, please feel free to reach out to me.
Jeff Kerr
Director of Fine Arts
Dear Music Parents & Enthusiasts!
The Norwood High School Mustang Marching Band will host the annual MICCA Norwood Marching Band Classic on Sunday, October 16 beginning at 1:00 p.m.
We need lots of volunteers to help our students make this show happen! All volunteers will have the opportunity to see Norwood's performance for free! Click the link below to volunteer or donate food/beverages:
Thank you & Go Mustang Marching Band!
Kim Smith
Norwood Parents Music Association
Lost and Found
School Hours
Please make sure that your child is coming to school on time. School begins at 7:50am. Students can be dropped off at 7:35am for supervised morning play.
Elementary Curriculum Guides
Norwood Public Schools (NPS) curriculum for K-5 students is aligned with the Massachusetts State Frameworks in Arts, English Language Arts and Literacy, English Language Development, Health, History and Social Science, Mathematics, and Science Technology Engineering. Each grade level, Kindergarten through 5th grade, has developed a curriculum overview that provides a summary of what your student should know and be able to do by the end of their school year. Please use the following link to access our curriculum for each grade level.
Aspen Returning Student Registration - PLEASE COMPLETE (REMINDER)
The district requires that each family completes the "Aspen Returning Student Registration" via Aspen Family portal to update emergency contact information. Please review this video for instructions. If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call the Main Office. Please note that Aspen is not available on mobile devices.
Attendance and Dismissal Changes (REMINDER)
Important dates
October 4 - PTA meeting 7:00pm
October 7 - Second Cup of Coffee with Mrs. Grandt 8:30am - 9:00am
October 10 - No School
October 20 - Coffee with the Super 6:00pm-7:00pm
October 25 - Early Release PD
October 28 (tentative) - Monster Mash (PTA)