Caldwell School District Update
From Superintendent N. Shalene French
August 28, 2020
Update on technology Issues
Caldwell families
Thanks for your patience as we work through issues that caused yesterday’s slow or no internet connection on district Chromebooks and Ipads. In addition, some areas of Caldwell experienced a power failure.
It was a challenging day for everyone.
Our tech team identified the problem areas and made fixes.
All students should restart their devices and allow it to update. This should take a few minutes.
This weekend, the team will be making additional changes to improve connectivity. Monday morning students should restart their devices again and allow updates to occur.
Our tech support team can be reached one of two ways:
Call (208) 649-1125 weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Submit a helpdesk request online
Again, thanks for your understanding as we encountered some bumps in the road. I want to assure you that will work through these start-up issues.
Dr. N. Shalene French
Caldwell Superintendent
Superintendent N. Shalene French
Committed to Caldwell School District's mission, vision, and values to ensure equity and access for all students.
Location: 1502 Fillmore Street, Caldwell, ID, USA
Phone: (208) 455-3300
Twitter: @CSD132Sup