The Scoop from South Pines
October 18, 2024
Important Dates to Remember
10/22/24 - Tuesday
Cross Country practice - 3:15 - 4:10
Inland Chess Academy Chess Club - 3:30 - 4:30pm
10/23/24 - Wednesday
4th & 5th grade field trip to the Spokane Symphony
10/24/24 - Thursday
Leo's individual picture retake day
Cross Country All-Valley Meet @ CVHS - 4:30pm
10/25/24 - Friday
PTO Trunk or Treat - 5:30pm - South Pines North staff parking lot
10/29/24 - Tuesday
Inland Chess Academy Chess Club - 3:30 - 4:30
10-31-24 - Thursday
End of day Fall festival costume parade - 2:40pm
South Pines Cafe
Messages From Music
4th and 5th grade families!
A quick reminder about the Symphony Day field trip next Wednesday, October 23rd.
Permission slips must be returned by Tuesday to attend!
Remember to have your student wear a nice outfit.
PTO Happenings
Feel free to follow along the South Pines Elementary PTO Facebook page for the most up to date information!
Cross Country Information
Note From the Nurse
It’s important for parents and guardians to be aware of the policies regarding medical concerns during after-school programs. Specifically, if a student has medical needs, a parent must be present in the building to assist with those needs, as nursing services will not be available during after-school activities. If your child wishes to participate, please make sure that a parent/guardian is available to be with the student in the building at all times during the activity. This ensures that all students can participate safely and that their medical requirements are adequately addressed. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to your school nurse, Amanda at extension 4412, ahubof@cvsd.org, or via cell 509-919-2161.
CVSD Volunteer Information
Volunteers play a vital role in supporting our students and enhancing the educational experience at South Pines Elementary. To ensure a safe and positive environment, all volunteers must be district-approved, a process that needs to be renewed every two years. If you're interested in making a difference in our school community, please take the time to complete the approval process. Your dedication and involvement are greatly appreciated! For more information call 558-5400 or email volunteer@cvsd.org.
Opportunities Outside our South Pines Space Station
Social Media
Don't forget to follow South Pines on Facebook to see the most up to date information.
Principal Jennifer Reyes
Email: jreyes@cvsd.org
Website: https://spes.cvsd.org/
Phone: 509-558-4400
Attendance Line: 509-558-4410
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/southpinescvsd/