December newsletter

Jan. 5, 2024
This e-newsletter is intended for Osseo Area Schools Community Education staff.
Adult Basic Education
ABE sees large increase in the number of EL students interested in English classes
To accommodate this increase, ABE hosted four additional intake sessions in November and December. With three of the four additional sessions completed, ABE has been able to enroll an additional 52 students! This has been a joint effort of the whole ABE office team and has reduced the time people are waiting to complete the intake and registration process by more than seven weeks.
Standardized testing, while only one marker of student progress, is a requirement for all students in the ABE program.
Welcome new staff
Karen Hansen has joined the ABE Team in a Temporary Teaching Assignment, through June 2024 teaching Day EL Level B. In addition, Bob Janson Kelley started on Dec. 27 as the new Building Engineer at NWFSC/WL. He comes to District 279 from the Cowles Center for Dance, where he worked for the past seven years. Please welcome both Karen and Bob.
Adult and Youth Enrichment
Adult Enrichment
- Adult Winter classes will begin Jan. 4 and run through March 22.
- Adult Spring classes will begin April 1 and run through May 31.
- There are 50 more classes being offered in Winter & Spring 2024 than in Fall 2023.
- Some fun new classes include:
- A series of online classes by Nickie Welsh that include: creating YouTube Channels, Podcasts, Growing Your Business with Instagram, Effectively Using Venmo, How to Use Uber for Your Transportation, etc.
- DIY classes by a new instructor who is a female construction contractor that include: Painting & Drywall and Kitchen Cabinet Painting & Trim Enameling
- New art classes by Caponi Art Park that include: Seed Mosaics, Wire Sculptures, Mandala Rock Art, Linocut Relief Printing, Macrame Plant Shelves.
- Stem Cell Regenerative Healing
- Some summer classes that are normally not available (since there are summer school/camps) include:
- Sushi classes
- Paint Like Bob Ross classes with a new instructor, Julie Fjetland, who flies in from Florida to teach during the summer.
Youth Enrichment
- Youth Winter classes will begin Jan. 5 and run through March 22.
- Youth Spring classes will begin April 1 and run through June 6.
- Camp ROCKS! Academic Adventures and mini camps employment opportunities have been posted online. Contact Melissa Henderson at hendersonm@district279.org or 763-391-7117 for additional information.
- Camp ROCKS! Academic Adventures will be open for enrollment from Jan. 22-March 22 (prior to the start of winter conferences). Scholars are recommended into Camp ROCKS! program by a teacher in their building based on a need for academic or emotional support and/or are learning English. If a student is recommended and meet the criteria, the program is free for the family through Targeted Services funding.
- Typical enrollment: 750-950 students into Camp ROCKS! Academic Adventures
- Camp ROCKS! Mini Camp Enrollments: in 2023 there were 2,525 enrollments (of which 1,390 were unique users).
- Sports or physically active classes seem to be in high demand and run well throughout the district. Opportunities for students to “try” a sport:
- Kung Fu, Floor Hockey, Basketball, Tennis, Golf, Flag Football, Lacrosse, Track & Field, Racing, Phy-Ed Games Variety Class, Pickleball, Baseball, Soccer and Touch Football
District Enrollment Center
ABE and ENR team up for 2nd Annual Gingerbread House Making Contest
In December, the Enrollment Center and Adult Basic Education staff teams organized the 2nd Annual Gingerbread House Making Contest. The theme was “seasons” – fall, winter, spring, and summer. Adult Basic Education students cast their votes for their favorite entries during evenings classes. The 2023 winner was 'Summer Season.'
Important enrollment dates
Dec. 31, 2023: This date was the first magnet school lottery deadline.
Jan. 15, 2024: This date is the open enrollment and school choice lottery deadline.
Visit the Enrollment Center website for more information at district279.org/enroll
Welcome new staff
Christi Gordon joined the Enrollment Center team as the newest Administrative Assistant. Please welcome Christi to the team!
Early Childhood & Family Education [EC&FE]
Sally Nault-Mauer Retirement: Jan. 17, 2024
After 14 incredible years with Osseo Area Schools and an astounding 40 years in early childhood education, Sally Nault-Maurer has decided to embark on a well-deserved retirement journey from the Osseo Schools Early Childhood and Family Education (EC&FE) program. Sally’s last day will be Jan.17.
Sally's dedication, talent, and care have left an indelible mark on our district and the EC&FE program. Her contributions have been invaluable, and she has been an inspiration to her colleagues and the families she has served.
Reflecting on her retirement, Sally shared, "I feel privileged to end my career in such a wonderful district and program. My colleagues here in Osseo and in EC&FE are some of the most dedicated, talented, and caring people I’ve worked with."
Please join in wishing Sally a retirement filled with joy, relaxation, and new adventures! We express our deepest gratitude for her commitment to early childhood education and the positive impact she has had on countless lives.
As she steps into this new chapter, Sally looks forward to spending time up north and, with a bit of luck, enjoying some cross-country skiing.
Kari Sawyer: New EC&FE Coordinator
Kari Sawyer has been named as the next Coordinator of the Early Childhood and Family Education (EC&FE) program.
Kari will join EC&FE from Columbia Heights School District, where she served as the Early Childhood Coordinator. Prior to that, she spent eight years as the ECFE District Program Facilitator with Minneapolis Public Schools. Kari's extensive background includes a BA in Child and Family Studies, a Minnesota Parent and Family Education Teaching License, a Master of Arts in Family Science, and a Director of Community Education Administrative License.
Believing in the critical importance of early childhood development, Kari sees early childhood programming as a family's initial connection to a school district. She is dedicated to ensuring that children and families feel supported and connected to Osseo Area Schools.
Kari's official start date is Jan. 16. Please extend a warm welcome to Kari as she takes on this pivotal role in the EC&FE program. We look forward to the positive impact Kari will undoubtedly bring to our early childhood community.
Community Needs
To help families in need, the Early Childhood Parent Teacher Association (ECPTO) is hosting a Diaper Drive. Visit https://bit.ly/ECFE_Diaper_Drive to learn more about making a donation.
Currently, the most needed items are:
Diapers - sizes 6 & 7
Pull Ups - sizes 4T/5T - boys or girls
Every purchase will be shipped directly to the EC&FE Home Visiting team, who will ensure these essentials reach families in need in our school district community.
If you know of a family or if you are in need of diapers, text Rebecca, EC&FE Parent Educator at 612-346-2204 with family name, telephone number, and size needed.
Facilities Scheduling
Building staff updates
Welcome new staff
Park Center Senior High hosted The Big Stage Classic in conjunction with Breakdown Sports
On Dec. 16 Park Center Senior High hosted The Big Stage Classic in conjunction with Breakdown Sports. The Big Stage Classic brings together some of the best programs in the Twin Cities metro area and this year the classic featured Maple Grove Senior High, Osseo Senior High and Park Center Senior High amongst other teams. A portion of the proceeds from the tournament went to the Park Center Boys Basketball Booster Club.
Special thanks to building supervisors that assisted with this successful fundraising event!
Kidstop/Four Star Express
Winter Break news
Kidstop had great student registration counts for Winter Break non-school days at all three sites! There was an average of 50 students attending at Edinbrook Elementary School, 88 students attending at Fernbrook Elementary School and 122 attending at Weaver Lake: A Science, Math & Technology School.
During Winter Break all three sites had scheduled field trips planned.
- Fernbrook Elementary School Kidstop hosted a field trip on Dec. 20 to Stages Theatre and watched Beauty and the Beast
- Edinbrook Elementary School Kidstop went on Dec. 21 to the Old Log Theater and saw Snow White and the Seven Vikings
- Weaver Lake: A Science, Math & Technology School went to Grand Slam on Dec. 21.
Welcome new staff
Jaime Jannette is the new Lead Instructor at Oak View Elementary School Kidstop. Jaime's start date was Jan. 2. Justin Ervin is the new Instructor at Woodland Elementary School Four Star Express. Justin's start date will be Jan. 8. Please welcome Justin and Jaime to Kidstop/Four Star Express teams!
District 279 Foundation
District 279 Foundation’s grants program
District 279 Foundation’s grants program provides funding for learning opportunities for students in Osseo Area Schools. District 279 Foundation is now accepting applications and strives to be an accessible partner for teachers, programs and schools to support learning. Any district employee, school volunteer or community member may apply for consideration. Applications may be submitted through March 31 and will be reviewed monthly. For more information on guidelines and to access the application, visit district279foundation.org/classroom-grants.
A Night Out at the Speakeasy is on Friday, Feb. 2, 2024
District 279 Foundation’s A Night Out at the Speakeasy will take place on Friday, February 2, 2024, at Edinburgh USA Golf Course. Nearly 300 attendees including many business, city, school and community leaders who want to support scholars and educators in Osseo Area Schools are expected to participate. Proceeds from this fundraising event will support District 279 Foundation’s grants program which provides enriching learning experiences, like the anatomy model project that engaged Osseo Senior High students in learning the structure of the human body.
Join in the fun and consider one of the following:
- Auction Donation: Contribute an item for the auction. Items should be received/delivered by Friday, January 5, 2024.
- Register: Visit http://www.district279foundation.org/a-night-out.html to register. Registration will close on Monday, January 22, 2024.
- Promote: Like and share messages on your social media platforms. You can follow D279F on Facebook and district279foundation on Instagram.
- Volunteer: Contact Susan Wineland (winelands@district279.org) if you can volunteer to help the day of the event.
Auction items will begin to be delivered in January and will be stored in the Community Education conference room and general space as needed. Meetings are still welcome to take place in the conference room if the room is available and you have enough space for your group. A calendar will be posted on the conference room door if you would like to reserve the space for a meeting. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Reading is Fun 5K
The 13th annual Reading is Fun 5K took place on Saturday, October 7, at Elm Creek Park Reserve. Over 350 registered participants and many more community members gathered to cheer on the runners. The proceeds from the event raised $13,000 for media centers in Osseo Area Schools. Other than the 10th annual event, held in 2020 where the Foundation received an anonymous $10,000 gift, this is the largest amount raised over the course of the event’s history. Over the past 13 years, proceeds from this family friendly event have cumulatively provided over $117,000 to fund unique activities and resources for media centers in Osseo Area Schools.
Picture: Disbursement of the proceeds from this year’s event took place at the December Library Media Specialist team meeting.
Investment in Youth Celebration
In preparation for the annual Investment in Youth (IIY) celebration, the ESC has an opportunity to submit two award recipients to be honored at the event. If you have an idea for someone to be nominated as one of the ESC’s award recipients, please contact Brian Siverson-Hall to share your thoughts. Two individuals can be recognized from each site.
About the Investment in Youth Celebration: For over 20 years, District 279 Foundation's Investment in Youth celebration has honored the many achievements and success stories of students, volunteers, and staff in Osseo Area Schools. This year’s event will be held on Sunday, May 5 at Park Center Senior High School. This celebration recognizes two award recipients from each site/program. ALL sites/programs participate in this celebration by submitting award recipients.
Staff Spotlights
An opportunity to get to know some new or current Community Education staff from various programs.
Meet Jesse Toren, AESP Community Education
Jesse Toren is a member of the Community Education enrichment team. She is the amazing AESP who works to support our community with adult and youth class and camp enrollments. In addition, she manages class rosters, supports the afterschool check-in process at schools, creates and posts content for social media and so much more! Jesse provides every member of our community with unparalleled customer service. She is positive, compassionate, resourceful, ambitious, organized and always willing to support others. When she is not at work, Jesse is busy supporting her beautiful daughter Amari. We are fortunate to have her as a member of Osseo Community Education.
Meet Jaime Jannette, Lead Instructor Oak View Elementary School Kidstop
Jaime has been working with children for 27 years. Jaime lives with her husband and her bearded dragon, Zillfriend and has two adult children. Some of her hobbies include: MN Twins baseball, literacy (she has a goal to read one book per month), art, and watching the tv show Wednesday Adams. Some of her favorites include: the color yellow, the season of fall, and Diet Coke. In college Jaime majored in Child and Family Studies.
Meet Justin Ervin, Instructor Woodland Elementary School Four Star Express
Justin has been working with kids for the past 8 years and it has become a passion of his since the beginning of his career journey. From coaching basketball to being a leadership coach and classroom teacher, he really enjoy helping kids reach their fullest potential and become the best versions of themselves they can be at all times. Justin's overall aim in his career is to help build strong relationships within the community and become a strong and positive influence in each kids lives. Justin has a Bachelor's degree in Child Psychology and a Master's in Education. His favorites include: the color blue, a tiger animal, the season of fall, Gatorade and water. His hobbies include: sports, photography and spending time with family.
Meet Connor Verkuilen, Auditorium Technician
Connor Verkuilen, a senior at Park Center Senior High School (PCSH) has worked for the last two years as an auditorium technician and part of the facilities scheduling team in the district. Before taking on the role, he volunteered in musical productions during ninth and tenth-grade as a part of the tech crew at PCSH. "I have always been interested in how things work-from the lighting, sound, and control room to even the fly system," Connor said. "I'm a bit of a tech wizard."
During his typical work as an auditorium technician, Connor ensures facility permit holders' equipment is in working order, troubleshoots equipment needs and ensures that all equipment is put away properly and turned off after events.
"I like to make sure facility permit holders know who they can go to when they need help," he explained. His favorite aspect of the job is being on-site to provide support and quickly jump in to assist with the soundboard or lighting.
Connor credits his success in this role to his experience volunteering with the tech crew as an underclassman and getting to know auditorium managers, who encouraged him to explore working as an auditorium technician.
Connor's contributions make a positive impact to the greater school community.
"Connor does a fantastic job for our team! He’s always willing to lend a hand and to jump in as needed," said Jamie Cassidy, facilities scheduling program manager. "Connor always does his job with a smile on his face and a positive attitude. This really shines through as I receive wonderful and gracious comments from the groups we host."
Now in his senior year at PCSH, Connor appreciates the flexible hours and schedule of auditorium technicians. He successfully balances school and his role as an auditorium tech while pursuing multiple extracurricular activities, including cross country, track, soccer refereeing, and being a yearbook photographer. "You can get involved in a lot of things in this district," Connor said.
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These social media pages serve as a hub for communication and connection about all of our Community Education programs. Click on the links below to “Like” and “Follow” to stay updated an engaged.
Osseo Area Schools Community Education on Facebook
Osseo Area Schools Community Education on Instagram
Once you're connected, encourage other staff, volunteers, participants and community members to like, follow and share future posts!
Would you like to see something in the next newsletter?
Email Kathryn Polum, Communications Specialist at polumk@district279.org. In general, content and photo(s) are requested on or before the 20th of each month.
Connect with Us
11200 93rd Ave. No.
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Phone: 763-391-7000