The Titan Weekly
January 26, 2024

Principal's Message
It’s been nice to have a normal week, uninterrupted by weather and schools being closed. We were able to get second semester well under way and settle in to new routines. One of those new routines is that we began writing tardy passes at 7:30 instead of 7:35. An increasing number of students were arriving late to school and disrupting the learning environment. On a given day we have over 180 students, 11% of our student enrollment, arriving late to school. In one week, 1/8/24 – 1/12/24, 535 individual students, or 32% of our student enrollment, were late to school during first block. Again, the interruptions that occur when students arrive late to class disrupt the learning environment. Students need to be in class ready to learn at 7:30 when the school day begins. Our building opens at 7:00 AM. Please consider leaving a few minutes earlier so that students can make it to class on time. We very much appreciate your help in ensuring that students are in school and ready to learn.
Report cards will be distributed on Wednesday of next week, instead of Tuesday, due to the snow and cancellations from last week. Our grade processing got pushed back a day.
Finally, as a reminder, please have your student turn in their 2024 – 2025 course selection sheet via their grade level course in Schoology. If you have questions, please message your student’s school counselor or administrator.
Wishing you a fabulous weekend!
Lisa Smith
Weekly Calendar
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Regional Leadership Conference
Congratulations to the following students who placed at the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Regional Leadership Conference
Introduction to Business Communication
2nd Catherine Eng
Business Management
3rd Jason Li, Jack Reardon
Introduction to Information Technology
3rd Kirthi Sunkara
Career and Technology Industry Exam Certifications
Congratulations to the following students who received industry certification.
BASF Plant Science
- Keira Mascarello
Elaco Fundamentals of Animal Science
- Maddie Almaraz
- Nina Connors
- Mara Duran
- Mahkayla Ramos
- Aymen Saifullah
- DeRique Smith
Elanco Veterinary Medical Applications
- Teah Doan
- Kaden Kurtz
- Ella McDonald
- Delaney Patrick
- Savannah Russ
Titans Got Talent with Mr. Titan
Thursday, February 8th
6:00 PM
Tuscarora Auditorium
$5 Admission
Senior Class Chipotle Fundraiser
Wednesday, February 7th
4:00 - 8:00 PM
Class of 2024
Senior Meeting
Important Dates
- Thursday, February 7th: Chipotle Fundraiser 4:00 - 8:00 PM
- Thursday, February 8th: Titans Got Talent with Mr. Tuscarora sponsored by the Junior/Senior Classes
Monday, April 15th: Senior Video Submission Deadline
Monday, April 15th: Senior Bio Submission Deadline
- Friday, April 26th: Senior/Junior Prom from 7:00 - 10:00 PM at the Null Building at the Frederick Fairgrounds
- Wednesday, May 15th: Seniors Last Day of Instruction
- Friday, May 17th: Senior Awards Ceremony
- Monday, May 20th: Graduation Rehearsal from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the THS Gymnasium
- Tuesday, Mary 21st: Graduation Rehearsal from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the THS Gymnasium
- Wednesday, May 22nd: Graduation at 1:30 PM at the PNC Complex at the Knott Arena on the Campus of Mount St. Mary's University
View the senior website for all the details.
Student Services
Seniors – It’s Scholarship time!
Since 1986, the Community Foundation has been the leading source for post-secondary scholarship funding in Frederick County.
Our program supports nearly every area of study imaginable, with scholarships funded by generous donors who believe in the value of education.
The Community Foundation of Frederick County scholarship application will open on February 15th. This is one application for over 250 different scholarships.
THS will be holding a session for Seniors who are interested in learning more about the Community Foundation Scholarships on Wednesday, January 31st during Block 2 FLEX. If you would like to attend, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/tQhrnS3VqiGPTxFo8
10th Grade Conferences
Counselors have begun meeting with their 10th grade students! We will review graduation requirements, career pathways available, and discuss academic programs available at Tuscarora and within FCPS!
Use the link below to sign up for a meeting with your Counselor! These meetings are for Students ONLY.
Ms. Moore (A – Ce) https://calendly.com/ths-danielle-moore/10th-grade-conferences
Mr. Gill (Cf – Ha) https://calendly.com/william-gill-1/10-grade-conference
Ms. Goto (He – Mc) https://calendly.com/carla-goto/sophomore-conference-with-ms- goto
Ms. Cooper (Me – R) https://calendly.com/diane-cooper/grade-level-meeting
Mr. Harrison (S – Z) https://calendly.com/joshua-harrison-2/sophomore-conference
Ms. Ingram (ML Students) https://calendly.com/amanda-ingram/sophomore-conferences
Career and Tech Center Shadowing is STILL Available!
Shadowing for the Career & Technology Center is now open!
The Career and Technology Center (CTC) is part of the Frederick County Public Schools system. With more than 24 programs to choose from, students have the opportunity to gain college and career experience in a variety of areas. They can earn college credits as well as valuable industry certifications and licenses through a CTC program. The programs are taught in half-day blocks, and students attend their high school for the other half of the school day. Shadowing a CTC program is the first step in the application process and is open to students in grades 9-11. Students may shadow and apply to up to two programs.
Interested students can request a shadow from the CTC website https://edu.fcps.org/ctc/
Shadowing is open November 2, 2023 - February 29, 2024.
Last day to request a shadow is February 20, 2024
Application deadline: March 8, 2024
For additional information about the Career & Technology Center visit https://edu.fcps.org/ctc/.
· Students MUST complete a shadow experience prior to completing an application
· Program information: https://edu.fcps.org/ctc/programs-courses
Early College Information Nights
Attention 9th and 10th Grade Students
Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) and Frederick Community College (FCC) invite you to attend one of our Early College Information Nights to learn about the FCPS-FCC Early College program:
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 (in-person, at FCC)
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 (virtual)
All times 7:00 - 8:00 PM
The Early College program allows high school students to earn an associate’s degree and high school diploma simultaneously by attending FCC full-time during your junior and senior years. The program was created to increase participation and completion for students from populations historically underrepresented in higher education and is open to all FCPS high school students.
FCPS students apply to Early College during their sophomore year of high school.
Interested students MUST attend one information night prior to applying.
At the Information Nights, members of the Dual Enrollment Team will go through the details of the Early College program and acceptance process, and they will answer questions from interested students and families.
Register to attend one of these sessions at tiny.cc/earlycollegenight.
A confirmation email will be sent with further information regarding the location and/or meeting link.
Contact the DE Office at DualEnrollment@frederick.edu, or visit www.frederick.edu/de for more information!
Counselor Student Breakdown
Ms. Moore (A – Ce)
Mr. Gill (Ch – Ha)
Ms. Goto (He – Mc)
Ms. Cooper (Me – R)
Mr. Harrison (S – Z)
Ms. Ingram (EL)
Ms. Honaker (Behavior Support)
Ms. Gomez (Community Liaison)
Mr. Jackson (Registrar)
Congratulations to the Cheerleading Team who placed 2nd at the CMC (Frederick/Washington County) Winter Cheerleading Championship.
Online Tickets
All FCPS athletic events are using the GoFan platform to purchase online tickets. Please see the link for more information.
Contact Us
Lisa Smith - Principal
Kristin Coulehan- Asst Principal
Kevin Hall - Asst Principal
Jason Lininger - Asst Principal
Roger Rich - Asst Principal
Tanisha Smith - Asst Principal
John Milliman - Special Programs
Chris O'Connor - Athletics & Facilities
5312 Ballenger Creek Pike
Frederick, MD 21703
240-236-6400 - Phone
240-236-6401 - Facsimile