The Howler Vol. 32
May 10th, 2024

From the Principal
Greetings Grant Watts Community-
We have had an exciting and busy week around the school, and are loving this sunny weather! I would like to personally thank all of our amazing teachers who deserve recognition each and every day, though it is always fun to celebrate them for Teacher Appreciation Day! We are beyond lucky to have such dedicated and talented educators in our midst and are looking forward to adding a few new faces next year from Warren Elementary.
As we begin preparing classroom rosters for next fall, we encourage families to share some information about their children. While we do not take requests for specific teachers, it is helpful for us to know how students learn best. Please take a few moments to complete this form so we can be thoughtful about their class placement for the upcoming school year.
A huge shout out to Mean’s Nursery for generously providing all of our students with geraniums for Mother’s Day. We would like to wish all of our moms, grandmothers, and mother figures a very happy day this Sunday. Our hearts are also with those who are remembering someone special who has passed.
Thank you for supporting GWPO- we enjoyed a cool assembly at the High School this afternoon thanks to your donations. Ask your child what they thought of IMAGO Theater!
Principal Small
There are just 5 weeks left of school! As we start wrapping up the year, we are beginning to plan for 2024-2025. We understand that your student’s after-school plans may change between now and September. By filling out this form now you help the bus company to be able to work out next year’s routes in a timely manner. Please fill out this transportation form here with your best estimate of your student's after-school plans for next year.
If you have questions regarding transportation, please reach out to Kailee in the office at 971-200-8002.
Thank you!
The end of the school year is almost here and that means it’s time to order your Grant Watts Elementary yearbook! What a great way to remember this school year, and look back to see classmates, events, and staff! Yearbooks are $15 each. Forms with payment are due by Wednesday, May 22nd. Cash or check only. Please write checks to: GWPO. Yearbooks will be delivered to the school and sent home with students.
If you were unable to attend the spring auction or forgot to sign up, here is your chance to buy a class book or register your student for a staff experience!
Check Us Out on Social Media!
Our annual career expo is back and we need your help! June 14th, 2022-we are looking for presenters of different careers and trades, there is a morning and an afternoon opportunity (or both)-please return the flier that can be found here
OR complete the google survey found here
Any questions-please email Tami McDonald
The Northwest Parenting Hub has a wealth of resources, workshops, and support available to us;
They have both in person offerings and online workshops to support different needs and scheduling. Check them out at this link; https://www.nwresd.org/departments/instructional-services/northwest-parenting/-curm-4/-cury-2022
3rd Grade students are participating in statewide testing. Students are being assessed in the subject areas of English Language Arts and Mathematics.
There are many ways you can help support your child to prepare;
1. Prepare for test day the night before (so your child doesn't feel rushed in the morning
2. Go to bed early to get a good night's sleep (8.5-11 hrs is recommended)
3. Eat a healthy breakfast (Choose fruits and whole grains over sugary foods)
Here is a link to the Oregon Department of Education, Statewide Assessments website if you would like more information;
PLEASE, if your child or your family are experiencing challenges, please reach out to me for support.
Tami McDonald, School Counselor
Book Fair is Coming!
THIS WEEK IN THE LIBRARY!: This week we learned about Cinco de Mayo and the complex question of where are you from by reading a great book: Where are you from? and talking about how we don’t just come from a place, but from the people, culture and heritage of that place and our families. I love books that help us learn about each other in meaningful ways!
NEXT WEEK IS BOOK FAIR PREVIEW!: Next week we will be doing our Book Fair preview lesson and then the Book Fair will be open the week of 5/20-5/24! Check out our homepage to preview the books offered at the fair, set up eWallets and sign up to volunteer! Hope to see you at the fair! If you have an eWallet left over from the Fall, please make sure to sign into your Scholastic account and transfer it to this fair. Please reach out with any questions!
FREE BOOK CART: Watch for the free book cart this week. I will have it out after school and in the hallway during the school day. These books have served a nice long life on our shelves, but are being removed to make room for transferred books from Warren. Many of these books are worn and/or haven’t been circulated in a very long time. Please make sure that you preview the books to make sure the content is appropriate for your family and age of kiddos. When you are done feel free to pass them along and keep the book joy going! Thanks!
MARK YOUR CALENDAR!: Last week for check out will be 5/27 in an effort to get all books returned before the last day of school! It is VERY important that all books get returned this year with the reconfiguration process of Warren and Grant Watts–we need accurate inventories and it will help us get things packed up as books will be moving between all 3 elementary schools in this process! Thank you for your help!
Happy Reading ~ Mrs. Nudo
Musical Moments
Kindergarten Notes:
The kindergarten students have been working very hard on their songs in class and are doing a great job! Please remember to mark the Spring Sing date on your calendar: June 3rd at 2:00 pm in the Scappoose High School auditorium. Here is the link for the songs for practice purposes: Kindergarten Practice Videos
1st Grade Notes:
We have just over one week left before the 1st Grade concert. It is imperative that your student is practicing at home so that they know the words for the songs in time for the concert. They may also receive a speaking part from their teacher. If your student receives a speaking part, they should practice their part at home until they can say it confidently. Here is the link for the 1st grade practice slides for their songs: 1st Grade Concert Practice 2024
Attendance and Transportation Changes
Please communicate all transportation changes by 2pm on M,T,Th,F and 1pm on early release Wednesdays. This gives us time to make sure the change is communicated with the student's teacher.
- Kailee Klobes: kklobes@scappoose.k12.or.us
- Anne Flores: aflores@scappoose.k12.or.us
- Your child's teacher
Oregon's Student Educational Equity Development Survey
Oregon Statewide Assessments
Each year, schools are required to participate in administering the Oregon Statewide Assessments. These tests include Math and English Language Arts (Grades 3-8 and 11), Science (Grade 5, 8 and 11), ELPA (eligible students only) and Extended Assessments (eligible students only).
For Math and English Language Arts, parents may OPT-OUT by preference. For exemptions for Science, ELPA21 or Extended Assessments, they must be based on a disability or religious reason per the Oregon Department of Education and approved by the District Test Coordinator.
Parents can find these forms below:
First Student Transportation
First Student Phone #: 971-290-4020
SSD Student Conduct on School Buses
SSD Discipline Procedures for Bus Transportation
Kindergarten students must be met by a guardian at the bus stop. If you would like to have your kindergarten student get off the bus with an older sibling OR if someone other than a guardian will be meeting them at the stop, please email that permission to kklobes@scappoose.k12.or.us or write a note for the bus driver. First Student is required to have this information in writing. Thank you!
My MealTime Breakfast and Lunch Accounts
*Please make checks out to "Scappoose School District"
MealTime Parent Helpline: 800-755-0904
Upcoming Events
- Monday, May 13th- Second Grade Field Trip to Tualatin Hills Nature Park (Wentz/Rodrigue)
- May 20th-24th- Scholastic Book Fair
- Tuesday, May 21st- First Grade Music Program @ SHS Auditorium
- Monday, May 27th- Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday, May 28th-Neilson's Class Topaz Farm Field Trip
- Wednesday, May 29th- Harbour's Class Topaz Farm Field Trip
- Thursday, May 30th- Backus Class Topaz Farm Field Trip
- Friday, May 31st - Bailey's Class Topaz Farm Field Trip
- Monday, June 3rd- Kindergarten Spring Sing (2pm @ SHS Auditorium)
- Thursday, June 6th-Night of the Notables Third Grade
- Friday, June 7th- KG/1st Field Trip to NW Children's Theater
- Monday, June 10th- Small Fry Olympics Field Day
- Tuesday, June 11th- First Grade Field Trip to Zoo
- Friday, June 14th-LAST DAY of SCHOOL -dismissal at 11:40am
School Hours: 8:10am-2:45pm M, T, Th, F
Early Release Wednesday 8:10am-1:45pm
971-200-8002 *messages checked frequently throughout the day