News from the Nest
May 10, 2024
The Week Ahead
Monday, 5/13 (Day 3)
Tuesday, 5/14 (Day 4)
-Reminder: The HSA meeting schedule for May has been cancelled.
Wednesday, 5/15 (Day 1)
-Math 24 Club 8:00 AM -8:30 AM M005
-Kindergarten Field Trip - 2 classes 9:00 AM -12:00 PM
Thursday, 5/16 (Day 2)
-Service Hawks 8:00 AM -8:30 AM Third grade pod
-Kindergarten Field Trip - 2 classes 9:00 AM -12:00 PM
-Reading Olympics Pizza Party 3:30 PM -4:30 PM Library
Friday, 5/17 (Day 3)
-Field Day
-Family Movie Night 8:30 PM -10:30 PM Playground
Field Day Parent Volunteers Needed
Our annual Field Day is scheduled for Friday, May 17, 2024, with a rain date scheduled for Friday, May 24, 2024.
Field Day will continue to be an all-day event. Kindergarten through Fifth Grade will be participating in various activities from 9:10 until 3:10.
Please use this link to sign up as a volunteer:
Family Movie Night at Vernfield
The Vernfield Home & School Association presents Family Movie Night on Friday, May 17th, 2024 for current Vernfield students and their families.
Please join us in viewing "Trolls Band Together" at Vernfield Elementary, with the movie starting at 8:30 pm outside at the school. Please bring blankets and snacks.
This event is not a drop-off event and all children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please see the accompanying flyer for more information.
Easy Ways to Help Fundraise!
Please consider helping to raise funds for Home & School using the following:
- Box Tops Bonus App: Download the Box Tops Bonus App for your phone or tablet! Find offers, buy products, scan your receipt and earn even MORE box tops for Vernfield!
- Coca Cola Give: Sign up at https://us.coca-cola.com/give/schools/ then just scan your product or enter your product code and watch the funds grow.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, 5/20
-Instrumental Music Demonstration - 3rd and 4th grade 2:15 PM -3:00 PM All-Purpose Room
Wednesday, 5/22
-4th Grade Field Trip
-Miss Raisner's Class Buddy Bowling
-1st Grade Field Trip
Friday, 5/24
-Field Day - Rain Date only
Monday, 5/27
-No School for Students - Memorial Day
HSA Executive Board Members
President: Kristin Emmons; kristin.m.emmons@gmail.com
VP Fundraising: Diane Meyer; szish.diane@yahoo.com
VP Communications: Mandy Merrill; amhansen@gmail.com
Secretary: Vanessa Plumley; vrf24@hotmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Sarah Osiol; sarah.osiol118@gmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Kristen Viscardi; keviscardi@gmail.com
Stay in Touch with Vernfield Home & School!
Vernfield Elementary School
Website: vernfield.soudertonsd.org
Location: 960 Long Mill Road, Telford, PA, United States
Phone: 215-721-0606
Twitter: @SASD_Vernfield
Instagram: @SoudertonSD with hashtag #VernfieldElementary