Tremont Family Update
July 2023

What's Coming Up
November 5-No School
Dine and Donate at CHOP5 (info below)
November 14-Scholastic Book Fair Family Shop Night 5:00-7:00pm
November 22-Picture Retake Day
November 27, 28 and 29-No School
Have you ever heard of Pumpkin Bones? Well, he is the catalyst for our upcoming food drive. See, Pumpkin Bones steals pumpkins from pumpkin patches, and he took all the pumpkins from our music rooms! We can get them back, but we have to bring in food donations in exchange for the pumpkins.
We'll be collecting for Heart to Heart, a local, community-focused food pantry that does year-round collections as well as packages for Thanksgiving meals. Here is a list of items they are requesting this year:
For Thanksgiving Packages Canned Green Beans Stuffing Mix (Box or bag) Cream of mushroom soup Broth (Chicken or Turkey) Fried Onions Canned Sweet Potatoes Canned Cranberry Sauce Egg Noodles Gravy (Chicken or Turkey) Year-round needs Peanut Butter and Jelly Canned Soup Hygiene Products Baby Wipes & Diapers Toiletries (soap, lotion, etc.) Pet food
We'll keep collecting through November, even after the pumpkins are returned. Thank you in advance for your contributions.
Mr. Benedetti and Mrs. Folger
Service Learning at Tremont-POP TABS!
Dear Families, We are excited to announce a friendly competition between Tremont and Barrington during the month of November! We will be collecting pop tabs as a school to see how many pounds we can gather in total. This project will directly benefit the central Ohio Ronald McDonald House, helping families in need. Please remember to send in only the pop tabs, not the cans. We will be collecting pop tabs from November 4 to December 6. Kindly send all pop tabs to your classroom teacher. Thank you for your support in this initiative! Together, we can make a difference.
Service Learning Committee
Coming Up in November on Good Morning Tremont
Good Morning Tremont (GMT) is Tremont Elementary School’s daily video announcement show featuring timely information for students and staff, as well as celebrations of classroom learning, community, and school events. GMT is hosted as “unlisted” on YouTube, viewable only though the link emailed to Tremont staff and families each school day. Throughout the school year, students have the opportunity to create content for GMT individually and as a class, in addition to being recognized as a part of school events.
During the month of November, be sure to watch for recognition of Día de los Muertos, Election Day, Native American Heritage Month, Veteran’s Day, World Kindness Day, Thanksgiving, & more! In addition, we are excited to feature takeovers from Mrs. Wright’s, Mrs. Dahman’s, and Mrs. Steidel’s classes!
Birthday Food Treats and Other Food Treats
Our top priority is creating a safe and welcoming learning environment for all of our students at Tremont. For many of our students with food allergies, something as simple as a birthday treat or a food item can have severe or even life-threatening health implications.
Please understand that this does not mean we are eliminating the recognition of students' birthdays. We will continue to honor and celebrate these milestones in our students' lives. If families wish, they may bring in non-food treats for the class. If you have other ideas for non-food celebrations, please feel free to discuss these with your child's teacher. If a food item is brought into the office or in a child's backpack to hand out to the class, we will need to send it home with the child or with the adult bringing it into the office. Please know we are not trying to be unfriendly or unkind. We simply want to keep all of our students safe.
We will continue to allow for food during seasonal celebrations and classroom parties. Teachers and room parents will work together to coordinate the menus for these events, ensuring all students can enjoy these special snacks and refreshments safely.
Children CANNOT bring food items of any kind to pass out at Tremont for any reason.
Book Fair is Coming
We are excited to invite you to our November Scholastic Book Fair! Hosted by our media center, this event is an opportunity for students of all ages to build their home libraries and further their love of reading. As always, all purchases benefit our library media center. This year's book fair will take place from November 11th-15th in our media center.
Your child's classroom teacher will inform you of their browsing and shopping times.
Family Shop Night will be Thursday, November 14th from 5:00-7:00 pm in the media center
More information to come in the following weeks!
Tremont PTO
New! Soccer Intramurals!
Sign ups are open!
Don’t wait to sign up as there are a limited number of spots!
Sign-ups are online ONLY at
We will be organizing soccer intramural soccer with separate teams for boys and girls to promote fair play and ensure a positive experience for all participants.
WHEN: Wednesdays and Thursdays
(Tuesdays as needed)
COST: $20
More info: Games will either be at 3:00 or 3:25. Students must be picked up by 3:45 pm.
We are limiting the number of students in the gym so students may only attend on their scheduled game days.
All participants will be given a contract to sign and return before their first game. Games will begin the week of November 11th.
If you have any questions please contact Ms. Kroger at or Mr. Schott at
PTO Open Zoom Meeting-November 5th
For any parents interested in getting more involved with the PTO, or have any general topics of discussion to bring to the committee, please feel free to join our open meeting next month on Tuesday, November 5th from 6-6:30pm. The meeting will be held via Zoom next month due to it being Election Day and the school will be closed.
Please use the information below to join the meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 7116 1966
Passcode: 924676
If you can't join the meeting but have questions about what the PTO does, or you have time to get more involved and want to chat about available committee or event roles, please feel free to reach out to Co-Presidents, Megan Savage & Corey Stiver--( and would love to have you join us!
Tremont Scholastic Book Fair-November 11-15th-Volunteers Needed!
Looking for great books for your kids to read? The Tremont Book Fair starts on Monday, November 11th and concludes on Friday, November 15th. The Book Fair will offer a large selection of diverse books and gifts. It's a great opportunity to discuss, select and read books with your kids! All purchases support our wonderful media center; teachers will be communicating about your child's scheduled browsing time in weekly emails, as well as how to add money to their account. All classrooms will browse the media center earlier in the week and will return later in the week to make a purchase if they choose. Family shop night will be on Thursday, November 14th, from 5:00-7:00pm.
In order for the fair to run smoothly, we need volunteers. Please consider signing up to help kids browse and purchase books. Please see the SignUp Genius link below!
Tremont Book Fair
Dine & Donate-CHOP5-November 5th
All day on November 5th! Please show this flyer and CHOP5 will donate 25% to the Tremont PTO! If ordering online, please show or mention the flyer when picking up, you can also add "Tremont PTO" to the order comments.
Cafeteria Volunteers Needed!
To sign up for a shift (as few or as many as you want!), please use the SignUp Genius link below. Remember to check in at the front office when you arrive and grab a volunteer lanyard. Thank you in advance for your dedication and support!
Sign Up:
Walking Club Volunteers Needed!
For every lap, students receive a check mark on their Walking Club cards. For every 8 laps, students earn a bracelet charm and for the completion of their cards (20 laps), students receive a token 5 mile charm. Volunteers are necessary to make this club possible so click HERE and sign up today!
From the District
Strategic plan update town hall meeting
Learn more about the strategic planning process by joining district leadership for a town hall meeting on Tuesday, November 19 from 6 until 7:30 p.m. at Upper Arlington High School. Attendees will hear a review of the research and work done to date and then break into smaller groups to learn about the steps planned to implement each strategy during the next five years.
Your voice matters! Phase two of facilities master planning
It’s time to join your friends and neighbors and get involved in phase two of facilities master planning! Upper Arlington Schools officially kicked off this community-driven process, focused on the aging middle schools and Burbank Early Childhood School, with the first round of community engagement sessions this week. All Upper Arlington stakeholders will be essential to this process, exploring both the physical and educational needs of each building and helping to identify possible solutions.
Join a building team! Serve as an expert and committed stakeholder for your school(s) of choice by signing up to volunteer for one or more building teams — Hastings, Jones or Burbank. Each team will have three meetings between December 2024 and April 2025. To sign up and learn more, visit the Building Teams page on our website.
Progress Reports
For families with students who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), progress reports are available to view in PowerSchool.
Please follow the outlined steps to access your student’s progress report:
Once you are logged into PowerSchool, please click on the green box labeled “PR”
The icon should be at the top of the screen, but if you do not see it, please check on the left-hand side under graduation requirements.
If the green PR box is still not available, please reach out to your student's case manager.
IMPORTANT: If the progress report refers to an attachment, you must change the dropdown in the top right-hand corner next to your student's name from the progress report form to the attachment form.
Thanksgiving break food support
Once again, the district is partnering with Tri-Village Packers (TVP) to provide grocery support during the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday weekend. This food distribution can offset some of the increased food expenses associated with an extended break from school. Groceries are distributed at no cost to families who sign up for the program. Volunteers work to honor dietary needs/restrictions, and delivery is available for those who experience transportation barriers.
If you would benefit from this assistance, please sign up by completing this Google Form by November 8.
November 1, 2024
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