Trailridge Family Newsletter
#ShowUpShowOut ~ All Stars!
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January 31, 2025
Important Upcoming Dates
- Feb. 3-7: National School Counseling Week
- Feb. 3: BBB @ IH
- Feb. 5: BBB vs. WR @ TR
- Feb. 6: 2nd Semester Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00
- Feb. 7: No School. Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00-4:00
- Feb. 17: No School.
- Feb. 18: No School. Teacher Professional Learning.
- Feb. 19: BBB @ IW
- Feb. 20: BBB vs. IH @ TR
- Feb. 24: BBB #4 vs. #5 tournament playin game (depends on our ranking)
- Feb. 24: 8th Grade MS Orchestra Festival
- Feb. 25: Band 1 and Jazz Chili Concert @ SMNW
- Feb. 26: BBB tournament @ SMN
Note from Admin Team
Greetings Wildcats,
This week, we celebrated Kindness Week. Our students did a tremendous job planning and participating in the activities. It was great to see the spirit week in action!
As I’ve mentioned in previous newsletters, January is enrollment season. During this time, we work to get all students enrolled in their courses for the upcoming year. It’s also important to ensure your student’s contact information is updated in Skyward. We highly encourage you to review your phone numbers, emails, and emergency contacts to make sure they’re current. If you don’t have any emergency contacts listed, please take the time to add a few. These are crucial steps to help us reach someone in case of an emergency.
Lastly, our second-semester parent-teacher conferences will be next week. Conferences will be held in the same format as they were in the first semester. On February 6th from 5:00–8:00, we will hold conferences in both of our gyms, and they will be on a first-come, first-served basis. On February 7th, conferences will run from 8:00–11:30 and 12:30–4:00, and they will be by invitation only. Our PTA is providing dinner for our staff on the night of conferences. Please use this link if you wish to help contribute. Thank you in advance for your help in supporting our teachers!
We truly appreciate your continued support of your student and Trailridge!
Matt, Cara and Ericka
Trailridge Middle School Administration
Kindness Week was Awesome!
Shout out to Ms. O'Connor and our student service team for planning such an incredible Kindness week. There was a spirit week and incredible activities happening throughout the building celebrating our kindness towards each other. Check out the video below!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to our students of the month! Our social studies teachers selected the students below to be our students of the month. We are so proud of their hard work!
Lucus Nogelmeir
Luke Miller
Olivia Randolf
Nathan Tran
Kenny Tucker
Upcoming PTA Dodgeball Tournament
NEW! SMSD Personal Electronic Device Policy
Email that was sent out on 1/14/25:
Greetings Wildcat Families,
I am writing to inform you of an important update to our district policy regarding personal electronic devices, which was passed at last night’s Board meeting. Fortunately, the new policy is very similar to our current procedures, and the changes for our students will be minimal. However, I wanted to take this opportunity to ensure you are fully updated.
The new policy will require students to store their cell phones, earbuds, smart watches, or any other personal electronic devices in their lockers from 8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. They will only be permitted to use their devices while at their locker during passing periods. If a student is observed with a personal electronic device outside of these times, they will be asked to return it to their locker. This will count as their one redirect for the semester. Any further redirects will result in the device being turned in to the office for the remainder of the day. I have updated our Trailridge Personal Electronic Device document to reflect this change and outline the consequences for non-compliance. All five middle schools in the district will follow the same policy, procedures, and response plan.
I understand that this policy introduces slight changes to our expectations and how we respond. We spent today notifying students and practicing the new procedures. Any redirects today did not count toward their semester limit. However, starting tomorrow, all students will be expected to comply with the new board policy.
I recognize that discussions about personal electronic devices can be polarizing, and not everyone may agree with the new district policy. I want to emphasize that this policy was developed with the goal of creating an age-appropriate framework that minimizes disruptions and protects the learning environment. I believe our students will rise to the challenge and respond positively to these new expectations. Our hope is that this policy will help students stay focused and engaged during their time at school.
Thank you for discussing this change with your student as we make this shift. We appreciate your continued support.
Matt Engler
Principal, Trailridge Middle School
My HeartCheck assessment Opportunity
Your student's health and safety are our top priorities, and we’re excited to share a special opportunity available to your family. While our district does not formally endorse specific organizations, we believe this is an important resource for our community.
On Saturday, February 22nd, My HeartCheck will be at Shawnee Mission NW High School offering comprehensive heart assessments for young people aged 8 to 25. This nationally recognized program specializes in youth heart screenings, conducted by skilled medical professionals and supervised by pediatric cardiologists.
To date, My HeartCheck has screened over 17,000 kids, identifying serious heart conditions that might otherwise go undetected. Through special arrangements, HeartChecks are being offered for the special price of only $149 (a $1,500 value when performed in a hospital).
Please note: Appointments are required, and pre-registration is essential as availability is limited. Don’t miss this opportunity to ensure your child’s heart health.
We encourage you to take advantage of this life-saving opportunity.
Click Here to Learn More and SCHEDULE NOW
Don’t let cost be an issue. Financial assistance is available through valuable partnerships with the Strive for Life Foundation and Jordan Robert Mann Foundation. CLICK HERE to request assistance.
Student Highlight
Our student highlight will run throughout the year to showcase the amazing things our talented students are doing outside of the school day. Examples may include community service, sports accomplishments, awards, and more! If your student is involved in something that deserves recognition, please email Mr. Engler at matthewengler@smsd.org with a short description and a few pictures.
PTA Staff Appreciate Committee
Our amazing PTA is providing dinner for our teachers on the upcoming February conference night. If you are interested in donating an item for the dinner, please use this link to sign up. Thank you in advance for your help!
2025 SMSD R&D Forum
The Shawnee Mission School District Research and Development Forum is coming this April and there are three ways students, educators, and family members can get ready now. The R&D Forum is a districtwide celebration of student innovation and achievement- featuring a Student Showcase open house and The Next Great Idea pitch competition.
1) 📅Save the dates! The Student Showcase, featuring student projects from across the district, will be held April 22-24, 2025. The Next Great Idea Pitch Competition will be held the morning of April 26, with an awards ceremony in the afternoon.
2) 💡Brainstorm The Next Great Idea Students are encouraged to think of a new product or solution to a problem they can “pitch” to a panel of judges this spring. There is a chance to win prize money to make the idea a reality. Initial Applications are due March 7, 2025. Learn more at this Pitch Info Session at 6 p.m. on January 23 on WebEx! Here’s the link to join.
3) 🖼️ Select Showcase Projects Students, teachers, and families are encouraged to think of projects for students to enter in the Student Showcase. Every student in Shawnee Mission is invited to share experiments, inventions, and project displays at the R&D Forum. This event is a great chance for our whole community to see the innovation and creativity of our students. If you have a project that you are unsure of where it fits as an entry, please complete the interest form on the R&D website. The submission deadline is March 28. Click here for the Research and Development Forum website. We also thank the Regnier Family for their long-standing support of this Shawnee Mission event.
Trailridge Student Service Team
We had a great time celebrating Shawnee Mission School District's Kindness week! The participation in the spirit days was exceptional. We gave out tons of prizes and were able to celebrate our student's being kind!
As always, please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to assist.
- Elisabeth Johnsrud (8th Grade Counselor) elisabethjohnsrud@smsd.org
- Kristin Warner (7th Grade Counselor) kristinwarner@smsd.org
- Anna OConnor (School Social Worker) annaoconnor@smsd.org
Important resources:
- If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, call or text 988 immediately.
- If you are uncomfortable talking on the phone, you can chat the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988lifeline.org.
- You can also text NAMI to 741-741 to be connected to a free, trained crisis counselor on the Crisis Text Line.
Other links for Suicide Prevention:
Keeping Kids Safe Online
Sunflower House is offering a free virtual training to members of the community. Keeping kids safe online can be difficult and technology is always changing. If you would like support for this please see below.
Keeping Kids Safe Online
2/6/25 12-1:30 pm *via Zoom
Learn more about possible dangers of internet usage, practical safety tips & tools and the cyber crime reporting process. Presentation covers electronic safety concepts, including gaming systems, apps, AI, current and local trends and other wireless/internet communication. *Presentation designed/presented by Sunflower House, Overland Park Police Department and FBI Cyber Crime Task Force. This program is hr in length; no clock hours available.
Trailridge Athletics
Athletics Update
24-25 School Year Physicals
Student athlete physicals for the 2024-2025 school year must be completed after May 1st, 2024. Here is the updated KSHSSA Physical Packet that must be completed. Please note that the date on the bottom right-hand corner of the form is 3/2024. Every physical packet turned in must be using the updated packet. If you have any questions, please contact Ericka Corrado at erickacorrado@smsd.org.
Student Athlete Handbook
Attached is the Trailridge Student Athlete Handbook. This handbook reviews policies and procedures for being an athlete at Trailridge. Please review this handbook at your convenience.
Click Here to access the Trailridge Student Athlete Handbook.
Athletics Calendar
Be sure to visit our calendar page, and download the app to stay up to date on all Trailridge athletic activities: CLICK HERE
Students attending games as spectators to cheer on the Wildcats MUST be accompanied by their parent throughout the game and MUST sit with their parent during the game. This policy applies to home and away games.
Mon. Feb. 3 AWAY at Indian HIlls 5:00, 6:15, 7:30
Weds. Feb. 5 HOME vs Westridge 5:00, 6:15, 7:30
Contact Information
Athletic Director: Ericka Corrado, erickacorrado@smsd.org
Athletic Coordinator: Kelsey McCall kelseymccall@smsd.org
Football: Larry Benson, larrybenson@smsd.org
Volleyball: Reece Lovitt, reecelovitt@smsd.org
Cross Country: Michael Scott, michaelscott341@smsd.org
Wrestling: Justin Andrews, justinandrews387@gmail.com
Girls Basketball: Rachael Baumgartner, rachaelbaumgartner@smsd.org
Boys Basketball: Brandon Hoch, brandonhoch212@smsd.org
Boys and Girls Soccer: Ben Archacki, benjaminarchacki@smsd.org
Athletic Trainer: Josh Hardy, jhardy2@kumc.edu
Technology @ Trailridge
CANVAS Parent Portal
If you have not logged into your parent portal of Canvas yet, I would highly recommend doing so. Canvas is the learning management system that SMSD uses. It allows you to view assignements, assessments, grades, schedules and many more important items regarding your student's day at Trailridge.
Here is the link on how to access your Canvas parent portal. If you need additional assistance, feel free to contact the office.
Device Maintenance
- 1st Incident: $100 charge
- 2nd Incident: $150 charge
- 3+ Incident: ~$750 charge (full device replacement)
If a device is intentionally damaged the student may be responsible for a full device replacement cost of approximately $750.
Trailridge PTA
Trailridge PTA
Our PTA is very active in supporting students and staff at Trailridge through grants, assemblies, student activities and celebrations, and more and while our events and activities will undoubtedly look different this school year, our commitment to supporting our students, staff, and families is as strong as ever! Please consider joining and getting involved in your Trailridge PTA as we find new and creative ways to support our students, staff, and families in 2024/2025!
The Trailridge Spirit Wear Store is live!! Visit the PTA website for a link to the store and to check out all of our new designs! Items are shipped directly to you and you can order anytime.
Please use the link or the QR Code to access the PTA website:
Additional Trailridge Information
Attendance Line: 913 993-1012
If your child is going to miss a class for an appointment or any reason, please make sure you are calling the attendance hotline listed above and leave a message for the attendance clerk. This is important so that we can excuse the absence.
Early Pickup for Appointments:
If your student will need to be picked up early, please call the main office (913-993-1000) when you are on the way to pickup your student. We will immediately call them down so that they are ready when you arrive. Please avoid calling too far in advance.
The administration of Trailridge may begin to request documentation for all absences after the 10th absence in a school year. Absences without a doctor's note or administrative approval may be recorded as unexcused. A student with three consecutive unexcused absences, five unexcused absences in a semester, or seven unexcused absences in a year is considered TRUANT according to Kansas State statues. A truancy report may be filed with the Johnson County District Attorney's office.
Online Absence Reporting
New this year!
Below are the step-by-step procedures on how to do that.
Informes de ausencias en linea para familias (Espanol)
Aplicacion Movil Skyward - Informes de ausencias en linea (Espanol)
Important Trailridge Numbers
- FRONT OFFICE 913 993-1000
- SECRETARY: Angie Marsh 913-993-1002
- ATTENDANCE CLERK: Francy Johnson 913 993-1012 (Absences should be reported by 9:30 AM)
- SPANISH INTERPRETER: 913 993-1062 Ms. Veronica Simonetti
- DS BUSING: 913 384-1190
- BOOKKEEPER: Ms. Gina Bristow 913 993-1003
- NURSE: Ms. Darla Denny 913 993-1007
Early Release Bell Schedule
Daily Bell Schedule (M-F)
Assessment Bell Schedule
Cara Kearney, 7th Grade Associate Principal
Matt Engler, Principal
Ericka Corrado, 8th Grade Associate Principal
Trailridge Middle School
Email: trailridge@smsd.org
Website: trailridge.smsd.org
Location: 7500 Quivira Road, Shawnee Mission, KS 66216
Phone: (913) 993-1000
Facebook: facebook.com/trailridgemiddle
Twitter: @Wildcats512