Greenbriar Middle School
January 2025 Newsletter
Principal's Letter
Happy New Year, Greenbriar Community!
Our staff and students have returned with enthusiasm for the second semester, ready to pursue our objectives and continue the initiatives we have begun.
As we embark on this new year, it is essential to reflect on our past experiences and make the necessary adjustments to progress effectively in our lives. Maintaining motivation is crucial in setting realistic resolutions that will aid our endeavors and promote ongoing improvement. By prioritizing what truly matters, we can achieve greater consistency and productivity.
Your teachers are diligently preparing students for the upcoming State Testing in April, and I encourage you, as parents, to support both the staff and your children. Ensure that your child is getting adequate rest and is committed to their homework. Our students have shown consistent growth in test scores, which is a direct result of exceptional teaching and their desire to excel. This progress is only possible with your continued support. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns, and I wish you a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Jill E. Schissler
Greenbriar Middle School
School Climate Survey
The Secondary School Climate Survey will be given to our students in January. This anonymous survey will help us understand our school climate from our students’ perspectives. The survey for middle and high school students includes 30 questions and should take about 15 minutes to complete. If any families have any questions, please contact the building principal. School staff use the results to inform our efforts at improving our school climate. We administered the same survey last year and look forward to analyzing the results and noting areas of improvement and areas for growth.
8th Grade Registration
The 8th Grade Parent Night at Valley Forge and Normandy for High School Registration will be on Monday, January 27th at 6:30. This presentation will give important information about registering and getting your child ready for high school. Families will have the opportunity after the presentation to meet the department heads to discuss course offerings: including Honors and AP courses. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Remember if you want to request a different HS than your home school the School of Choice application is due by January 31st. (School Choice Link)
January. 27th: Parent/Guardian Meeting at VF and Normandy at 6:30
January 29th-31st: Student Presentations at Greenbriar
February 3rd-10th: Home Access Open for Students to Enter Course Selections
(Teachers will tell students Recommended for Honors and
Students will need to change in HAC from the Pre-Loaded course)
After February 11th: Counselors will meet individually with students during their core
classes to check course selections and answer any questions.
Directions to enter course requests, Registration Sheet, and Course Guide are located here:
CONGRATULATIONS to the 7th and 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball teams on their seasons. Both teams battled throughout the season and continually improved. Thank you for representing Greenbriar!
The Boys’ Basketball season is under way. The boys have been practicing hard and preparing for the upcoming season. They will open the season on January 14th at Medina Buckeye. Save the date because the boys will host the Hillside Tigers on January 16th at 6:00 PM. Good Luck this season guys!!
The Wrestling team has been working hard this season. On Saturday, January 11th the team participated in the Parma Middle School Classic against Hillside and Shiloh. They have home matches on January 22nd and January 27th. The team currently has a 5-1 record.
Track is scheduled to begin in the end of February/beginning of March. To participate, all potential athletes will need a valid physical on the OHSAA form and all forms completed and signed by a parent and athlete on Final Forms (http://parma-oh.finalforms.com). If you are planning on participating in track, PLEASE register on FINAL FORMS as soon as possible. All communication regarding track will be done through Final Forms. Any questions, please email Mr. Porach at porachj@parmacityschools.org.
Art Department News
Coastal Wilds 5th Grade Event
Fifth graders "Go Wild" over wild animals. The Coastal Wilds Mobile Zoo Crew came to Greenbriar on December 19 with some animal ambassadors. Students met a guinea pig, chinchilla, spotted owl, tortoise and bearded dragon.
Michael Puciul from Coastal Wilds and Lucy the owl!
House 5X
House 5Y
House 5Z
STEM 5 Student of the Month Liliana Rojas is on a Mission!
Liliana Rojas is on a mission in and out of the classroom. She makes it her mission to model respect, responsibility, and readiness throughout her academic life. Her peers benefit from her exemplary character. Liliana also makes it her mission to spread kindness, patience, and generosity to everyone she meets. In fact, she and her family aspire to take part in mission work in Latin America someday! Liliana's altruism (What does that mean? Look it up! I'll bet you'll find Liliana's picture in the dictionary under the definition:) makes her the perfect candidate for the December Student of the Month. The STEM 5 family is graced with knowing and learning with her.
Liliana pictured with her Mom and little brother!
Liliana with her teachers, Coach Good, Coach Wagner and Coach Kucera.
Energy Flows at STEM 5 Capstone!
Ecosystems are big and small, from our universe to a middle school classroom. Every ecosystem is dynamic, even fragile, continuously affected by the interaction among its living and nonliving parts. We studied the important parts of an ecosystem, the cause-effect relationships among these parts, and why we should understand and protect our planet's greatest resources. To this end, STEM 5 learners created 3D food webs and interactive games to teach the public how energy flows among living parts. They also shared how they maintain a worm bin, a process called vermicomposting. They add food waste from the school's cafeteria and shredded paper so the worms can decompose them and create natural fertilizer.
House 6X
Sixth-grade Team X chose Finleigh Johnson as our student of the month. Finleigh works tirelessly in class and always has all her homework completed! She is a model student who is always up for helping her classmates or teachers during the day. Finleigh has a positive attitude and is kind to everyone around her. We all love having her in class each day!
Finleigh pictured here with her proud parents!
Finleigh and her teachers, (left to right), Miss Medalis, Miss Hoysak, Mrs. Porco, and Mrs. Keister.
House 6Y
House 6Z
Aubrey pictured with her proud parents!
House 7X
Math - Junior Miljus
L/A - Briella Miller
SS - Zander Sabo
Science - Amayah Morales
Overall - Jozlyn Crockett
Jozlyn with her teachers and fellow classmates, (left to right), Mr. Pihlbald, Mr. McKee, Zander Sabo, Mr. Beuther, Amayah Morales, Brielle Miller, Mr. Majkrzak, and Mr. Olsavsky.
House 7Y
Ami pictured with his teachers, (left to right), Mrs. Radd, Mr. McKee, Mrs. Bruno-Wickes, Mr. Beuther, and Mr. Blaha.
House 7Z
House 8X
8X students are starting off the year with gusto. Hands are up, we are asking questions, and contributing to powerful discussions. We are thrilled to see our 8th graders continue to be active learners in all their classes.
We are finishing up our novel Night in English and students proclaim it to be an outstanding book that makes them think about themselves and history.
In science, they are learning about the history of earth, along with fascinating rocks and fossils.
The forming of our government including the Articles of Confederation and compromises would be the topic of study in social studies.
In math, linear function word problems are being studied and enjoyed by all.
The following students are demonstrating what it takes to be successful here at Greenbriar:
Left to right:
Adrian Vega-Science
Brandon Elliott-Social Studies
Brooklyn Brown-English
Baisan Alrefae-English
Liam Walrath- Math
Bentley Lange-Math
Brandon Elliott is a super star in all his classes
Pictured above are House 8X Successful Students, (left to right), Adrian, Brandon, Brooklyn, Baisan, Liam, and Bentley.
Super Star Brandon with his well-deserved MVP sign!
House 8Y
House 8Z
Congratulations to Valeriia Dnes, our House 8Z Student of the Month for December! Our entire team of teachers wholeheartedly recommended Val for this honor, due to her dedication and work ethic. Val is one of the hardest-working students in our house. She is assertive and applies herself well, with a great focus on skill attainment and comprehension. She works consistently and completely on assignments and tests. Val contributes valuable insights to class discussions. We can also count on Val as a role model for others regarding class and school conduct. Awesome job, Val! Keep working hard!
Val pictured above with her fellow classmates, Eva Abreu, Gavin Kwitkowski, and Jon Bull.
Greenbriar New Student Information
SCHOOL START/END TIMES: 8:00-2:50 (Door open at 7:30 AM)
You can translate into other languages by clicking on the “translate” button in the upper left corner
All students receive free breakfast and lunch
TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT- BUSSING: Website for the Transportation Department. If you live 2.0 miles or more away you qualify for bussing. If you do not qualify, you can always fill out the “Space Available” form to see if there is room on a bus that may come close to your home. (Can take up to 10 days for new students). If you qualify for busing you will be able to view this information in Home Access.
HOME LIAISON : Works with students on attendance and also can provide resources to families in Need. (Food, Clothes, School Supplies, etc.)
- Greenbriar Home Liaison: Erica English 440-885-8792 englishe@parmacityschools.org
English as Second Language Teachers:
Patrick Byrne: byrnep@parmacityschools.org and Deb Vanek: vanekd@parmacityschools.org
ATTENDANCE LINE: To report an absence please call: (440) 885-2370
Email Doctor Excuses to: gbattendance@parmacityschools.org
GOOGLE CLASSROOM: Students will use google to check their email and join classrooms for each of their classes where work will be posted. CHECK EMAIL DAILY!
HOME ACCESS (CLICK) : View Grades, Report Cards, Test Scores, Attendance and Email Teachers
STUDENTS: It is the same Username (you don't need to put the @parmacityschools.org)
and Password you use for your Chromebook.
Parents/Guardians: You will receive in the mail a username and login for HOME ACCESS. You can
Also email this address and ask them for your username and password:
Email: porachj@parmacityschools.org
Phone: 440-885-2371
ATHLETIC WEBSITE LINK https://greenbriar.parmacityschools.org/activities/athletics : Click on Athletics on the Tab at the top for more information.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________STUDENTS: JOIN THE SCHOOL COUNSELOR'S GOOGLE CLASSROOM
WITH CLASS CODE: ccvirgx or if full join rj2m5zr (both are the same)