Frisco ISD Council of PTAs News
February / March 2024
Dear PTA Members,
Our school district is special. With our focus on the student opportunity model, our students
have more opportunities to shine than an average school district.
In some districts with fewer schools and larger programs, there are a few select student
leadership roles for drum majors, team captains, student organizations, and valedictorians.
Frisco ISD operates more elementary, middle, and high schools to allow a greater percentage of
students to reap the benefits of participation.
With so many opportunities, our students are impacted by more people than we probably
realize. A student in FISD who was with us from kindergarten through graduation will have had
around 60 teachers and likely encountered still more teachers, coaches, and directors as they
delved into their extracurricular passions.
From the cafe staff welcoming students for breakfast to the librarian providing curricular
enrichment, the bus driver providing an encouraging word, the counselor supporting a crisis,
and the nurse monitoring the students' health, it’s clear that our students are well cared for at
every turn.
Then there’s the PTA. You bridge the gap between the needs of the campus with the parents
who want to help but don’t know how to get started. Thanks to you, more students across the
district have the clothes they need and participate in enrichment activities on their campus.
People are at the heart of Frisco ISD and without your continued commitment, a vital bridge to
our community is lost. Thank you for your continued dedication to the campus, district, and
public education.
Together, Frisco ISD is a better place because of all the people in our community who have a
heart for children.
Dr. Mike Waldrip
Frisco ISD
Superintendent of Schools
Hello Frisco ISD Families!
It’s hard to believe we are entering the homestretch of the 2023-2024 School Year! The year has certainly flown by and we are so excited about all the PTA Events and celebrations that will be happening throughout the District over these next couple months. It will certainly be a busy time, but we are excited to wrap up this school year on such a positive note!
A huge thank you to all our Local PTA’s and volunteers for their tireless dedication to our campuses and communities. If you haven't volunteered yet, there's still time! Whether it's helping out on Field Day, at End of Year parties, or during Teacher Appreciation Week, every bit counts.
As a Council, we have a busy Spring ahead of us and we are thrilled about it! We have several events coming up in April and May that provide us the opportunity to celebrate our Students and Volunteers, and we couldn’t be more excited about that.
Friday, April 12th - Frisco RoughRider PTA Night of Celebration
Join us at the Ballpark as we recognize and celebrate the Frisco Education Foundation (FEF) PTA Scholarship Recipients at RoughRider Stadium. It should be a fun-filled night as we honor these recipients as well as recognize and celebrate all of our Local PTA’s and Volunteers. Click here for tickets.
Thursday, April 18th - PTA Honorary Life Membership Award Ceremony
We will be hosting our annual PTA Honorary Life Membership Award Ceremony at Lebanon Trail High School. This event gives us the opportunity to honor and celebrate the recipients of the Honorary Life Membership Award winners from each of our Local Campuses. This Award is given to individuals from their Local PTA to honor them for their dedication to their community. Receiving an Honorary Life Membership Award is one of the highest forms of recognition in PTA and we are excited to celebrate them.
Thursday, May 9th - Class of 2024 Night at the BallPark
Frisco ISD’s High School Seniors will be the featured group at this RoughRider’s game! Seniors will have the opportunity to buy tickets in the Lazy River Area and spend time watching the game with their friends! Bring your Family and join us for this exclusive offer for Frisco ISD as we highlight the Class of 2024!
Thank you again for all your support and interest in our PTA Newsletter! Please let us know if you have any questions or would like more information on anything that we have included in our newsletter!
Cyndi Arakas, President
Frisco ISD Council of PTAs
Congratulations to your newly elected 2024-2025 Frisco ISD Council of PTAs incoming officers!
Cyndi Arakas - President
Dominica Sequeira - 1st Vice President
Clemencia Cole - 2nd Vice President Membership
Ryon Orendain - 3rd Vice President Ways & Means
Stephanie Bierman - Treasurer
Teresa Velvaluri - Secretary
From left to right: Cyndi Arakas, Dominica Squeira, Clemencia Cole, Teresa Velvaluri, Ryon Orendain
Stephanie Bierman not pictured
Thank you to Deb Atnip with Frisco Women's League for presenting Frisco Threads Student Clothes Closet with a $2,000 Grant from FWL's Charitable Giving Fund. Congratulations!
Frisco PTA Night with the RoughRiders is April 12th! We look forward to this fun family night out every year! Once again this year, we will be celebrating and recognizing those in attendance who are:
PTA Scholarship Recipients
Reflections Participants
Honorary Life Members
PTA Volunteers
Our Elementary Honor Choir will sing our National Anthem before the game, and families can stay after the game for the Friday Night Firework show!
We know that half the fun is sitting with your school families. When you share the link to purchase tickets, you can recommend a section in the ballpark (for example, "Click the link to purchase tickets we'll try to sit in the front of section 120.")
We will have a sensory room available for families who need a quiet space during the event.
Thank you RoughRiders who are generously donating $5 from each ticket purchased to Frisco Council of PTAs to support our mission to make each child's potential a reality!
Frisco Council of PTAs
Email: technology@friscopta.org
Website: www.friscopta.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FriscoPTA/
Twitter: @FriscoPTA