March Library Newsletter

Michael Rex Author Visit -- Monday, March 3rd
Click on the link below for more information!
Read Across America Week: March 3rd -- March 7th
Read Across America Bingo
Our students will be able to play Read Across America Bingo from now until next Friday, March 7th!
For each bingo square/reading challenge they complete they can color the square in! Once they get a bingo just sign the back of their bingo card and they can turn it in to the library to claim their prize!
Students can try to win a blackout bingo (completing all bingo squares) by Friday, March 7th! They'll turn in their card to the library to be able to choose a book of their own to keep!
Students can read any kind of book! Our younger Falcons can be read to as well and are able to complete their bingo cards with assistance from an adult!
Students should have a copy of their bingo card by tomorrow but if you'd like to print your own copy please see the attached document.
Spring Book Fair: March 24th -- March 28th
Book Fair Hours:
7:15 am -- 2:30 pm
Book Fair Extended Night:
Thursday, March 27th
7:15 am -- 5:30 pm
** Students must be accompanied by an adult in the mornings from 7:15 - 7:40! **
Book Fair eWallet
If you would rather your student not bring cash to the Book Fair you can set them up with an eWallet! It's very similar to putting money on their lunch account!
Watch this short video to see how eWallet works!
If you'd like to set up an account for your student click on the McDermott Book Fair Homepage link above!
Falcon Tales Toddler Time -- April 9th
Parent Accounts -- Checking Out Books
Our McDermott Library is open to all readers!
Parents/Guardians you are more than welcome to create an account with our library to check out books! You might have younger Falcons or might want to read a book with your Falcons at home!
Swing by the library to create an account in the morning, 7:15-7:40, or you can send me an email to set up time that work's better for your schedule!
Fill out the Google form below if you aren't able to come into the library to set up your account and would like additional books sent home to read with your child!
Ideas for Read Alouds at Home!
The attachments below are from The Bookworm Newsletter! Each newsletter includes:
Early Literacy Skills Information
Book Recommendations
Activities to Try at Home
Poems, Songs, Fingerplays, Rhymes
Technology Links
Library Resources