Wildcat Weekly
News from Westfield Elementary: March 22, 2024
Westfield Principal Kristen Ulery
Westfield families:
Thank you to everyone who supported our disability awareness month activities. We had some great presentations by members of our school community who provided information about how different disabilities have impacted them, and our students were respectful and attentive listeners.
Next week is spring break, so Westfield will be closed for the week. We will see everyone back at school on Monday, April 1.
Have a great spring break!
Kristen Ulery
Westfield Principal
Calendar updates: students will be in school on April 29, last day will be May 31
The Board approved two changes to this year’s school calendar: April 29 will now be a full day of student attendance and the last day for students will be a half-day on Friday, May 31. April 29 was scheduled to be a School Improvement Day but it will now be a regular full day of attendance. (Any students who cannot attend due to previously scheduled events will have an excused absence.)
That change will move the last day of the 2023-24 school year to a half day for students (morning attendance) on Friday, May 31. Student dismissal on the half-day will be at 11:15 a.m. for Glen Crest Middle School and 11:50 a.m. for elementary schools.
The updated calendar can be viewed here: www.ccsd89.org/2324calendar
Read more: https://bit.ly/3TI5PV1
IAR testing begins April 3
The Illinois Assessment of Readiness test (IAR) is the state assessment of English language arts and math that is given every year to students in grades 3-8. Westfield students will take the IAR between April 3-19. Tests will be broken up over several days, and not all grades will take the assessments on the same days. Your child's teacher can share the specific dates their classroom will be testing and answer any questions about their testing procedures.
Some of these assessments start first thing in the morning, so you can help your child be successful by making sure they are well rested and arrive at school on time, having eaten breakfast so they can do their best thinking.
Substitute nurse
Nurse Stephanie will be on maternity leave for the remainder of the year, so I am pleased to let you know that Nurse Linda Eledan will be taking over at Westfield for the rest of the school year. She will be transitioning with the support of district nurses when we return from spring break, so we appreciate your patience as she gets to know our students and families.
As a reminder, please call the attendance line at 630-858-2770 (option 1) to report a student absent. Emails to Nurse Stephanie's email address will not be monitored during her leave, so please call the health office with any concerns for the nurse.
All schools will be closed for spring break March 25-29
All CCSD 89 schools will be closed from Monday, March 25, through Friday, March 29, for spring break. The district office will be open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during that week. All schools will resume on a regular schedule on Monday, April 1.
“SnapCodes” sent in U.S. mail will be used when registration opens April 3
Letters were sent to families via U.S. mail with the individualized “SnapCode” that is used when 2024-25 registration opens at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, April 3. If you lose the SnapCode, you will need to re-prove residency. More info: https://bit.ly/4bZUOoZ
New edition of the fourth grade newspaper
Check out the newest edition of the fourth grade newspaper. Click here to see the kids' great work!
Deadline to share feedback through 5Essentials survey is March 29
Through Friday, March 29, families can provide feedback through the annual 5Essentials survey that measures the learning climate and conditions at all Illinois public schools. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Take the survey at: https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/
More info: https://bit.ly/48dToV2
Deadline to order yearbooks is March 31
The deadline to order 2023-24 yearbooks is Sunday, March 31. School yearbooks are available to purchase through the MySchoolBucks store. After March 31, yearbooks will no longer be available for purchase.
Students, families invited to district’s District 89 Day of Service on April 6
CCSD 89 students and their families are invited to participate in the inaugural District 89 Day of Service on Saturday, April 6, at Glen Crest. Students and families will have the opportunity to build character while making crafts and care packages to benefit others. Families can sign up to participate from 9-10 a.m. or 10:30-11:30 a.m. This is a free event that students and their families participate in together.
Sign up: https://forms.gle/eFXszNg6BwxEeWKj8
Volunteers and donations are also needed. Learn more: https://bit.ly/48FrK3b
Parent Series: Understanding the anxiety, complexity of teen relationships (April 4)
At noon and 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, psychotherapist and author Lynn Lyons will discuss ways that patterns and cycles of worry can take hold of your life – and how you can reverse negative impacts to move forward with clarity and confidence. Video preview. Free online presentation from the GPS Parent Series: www.glenbardgps.org
Enjoy student music performances at Music Café on April 20
The talent and hard work of student musicians will be on display at the Music Café, which will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 20, at Glen Crest Middle School. The event is open to the community. In addition to performances from band, chorus, and orchestra students, guests will enjoy coffee and a light breakfast. The Music Café raises money for instruments, sheet music, scholarships, accompanists, transportation, instrument repairs, and more for music students in all five CCSD 89 schools. More info: https://bit.ly/4ckwYV6
Upcoming events
March 25-29: No school (spring break)
April 3: Registration opens for 2024-25 school year, 9 a.m.
April 3-19: IAR testing window (grades 3-5)
April 4: Parent Series: Understanding teen social anxiety, noon and 7 p.m.
April 6: CCSD 89 Day of Service, 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m.
April 10: Parent Series: How to grow with your child, noon and 7 p.m.
April 11: Parent Series: Haciendo conexión a través del juego, 7 p.m.
April 12: Preschool developmental screening
April 15: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
April 16: Parent Series: Raising kids who feel safe and seen, noon and 7 p.m.
April 18: Parent Series: Estrategias para ser el padre que usted Significa ser, 6 p.m.
April 20: CCSD 89 Music Café, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
April 24: ‘Talking 89’ with superintendent, 9:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m.
April 29: Full day of student attendance
Movie night thank you
Thank you to Jen Fritz-Reavis and Amber Liset for organizing another great movie night. Thank
you to the parent volunteers for helping make the event a success! Also, thank you to Pete’s
Fresh Market for donating water bottles and AMC Yorktown for donating popcorn.
Restaurant Night
Our next Restaurant night will be “Raising Canes” on April 16. Please stop in between 4-8pm.
15% of the proceeds go to Westfield’s PTC.
Spring Sprint 2024 is coming soon
Have you heard the news?!?! PTC and Student Council have joined together to host the SPRING SPRINT 2024 on Friday, May 17th from 4-5:30pm. This event will take place on the blacktop at Westfield and include a DJ, fun-run, food sales, and face-painting. The goal of this event is to celebrate the spring and raise money for much needed upgrades to our gymnasium and help fund PTC events and activities.
Information on how to register your student for this free event will be coming home May 1st.
This year’s Spring Sprint will have a rainbow theme and all racers should show off their team color!!
5th Grade - Red, 4th Grade - Blue, 3rd Grade - Yellow, 2nd Grade - Green, 1st Grade - Purple, K - Orange
Yearbook Photos
Please send any posed pictures of any school related events to YearbookWestfieldPTC@gmail.com.
Spirit wear store online
Show your Wildcat pride by visiting the Westfield Spirit Wear site. There are many new logos and clothing this year that allow you to get the look you want!
Upcoming PTC events
April 11- PTC Meeting at 7:00
April 16 - Raising Cane’s Restaurant Night 4-8pm
April 25 - Family Art Night
May 1 - Mother’s Day School Store
May 3 - Movie Night 6-8pm
May 8-10 - Book Fair
May 9 - Family Recess
May 17 - Spring Sprint Fundraiser
May 28 - Ice Cream Social
Stay connected with the Westfield PTC
Please feel free to connect with the PTC via:
- Our private group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/417506058937748/
- Our updated website: https://www.westfieldptc.org
- Our email: westfieldptc@gmail.com
Students, families can report crises and threats through Safe2Help
Students and families can confidentially call, email, or text the Safe2Help tip line to report bullying, threats, or classmates in crisis. Students or families can call (844) 4-SAFE-IL, which is (844) 472-3345; text SAFE2, which is 72332; email Help@Safe2HelpIL.com; or submit tips through the online form. Safe2Help submissions are monitored every hour of every day. More info: https://bit.ly/3BPxObO
Be sure to review requirements before bringing food for other students
If you’re bringing food to the school for a holiday party or other event, be sure you know which foods are approved. You can see the holiday party food list at www.ccsd89.org/holidayfood and the pre-approved food list at www.ccsd89.org/preapproved.
Need tech support for your CCSD 89 device? Use this site
Families that need support for iPad or Chromebook issues should use the district’s online help system. Enter your contact information and some details about the problem at: https://bit.ly/89techsupport
Stay connected with CCSD 89 and Westfield
Stay connected with the latest news by following Community Consolidated School District 89 on Facebook (facebook.com/CCSD89), Twitter (@CCSD89), and YouTube (www.youtube.com/@CCSD89). You can also follow Westfield on Twitter at @Westfield89
Most recent fliers:
See all the CCSD 89 community fliers at www.ccsd89.org/backpack
STEAM Camp at Butterfield Park District (April 2-23)
Parent Support Class (April 10 – May 29)
Author Mary Beth Keane at GECRC lit fundraiser (April 18)
History Center: Comic, radio heroes of the 30s (April 19)
Kiwanis onion and hanging basket fundraisers (due April 29)
Dance and gymnastics at Butterfield Park District (spring)
Martial arts at Butterfield Park District (winter, spring)
Dodgeball Nights at Butterfield Park District (through May)
Butterfield Park District spring soccer league (April – May)
College of DuPage Youth Academy (June-August)
Junior lifeguard and junior swim instructor lessons (June-August)
Westfield Elementary School
Attendance phone: (630) 858-2770
Online backpackEmail: info@ccsd89.org
Website: www.ccsd89.org/westfield
Location: Westfield Elementary School, Mayfield Lane, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 858-2770
Facebook: facebook.com/CCSD89
Twitter: @westfield89
Families can call school’s main number to report an absence
When you call our school, you’ll hear a new message this year. All CCSD 89 schools received new phone systems over the summer. Parents who need to report their student’s absence can call the school’s general number, then press 1. To reach the nurse, press 2. The main office can be reached by pressing 3.