Woods Lake Elementary: A Magnet Center for the Arts
Hello Woods Lake Families,
Please read the following:
1.You are invited to attend the S.W.O.T. analysis meeting with Superintendent, Dr. Darrin Slade on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 4:30 pm located at 3333 S. Westnedge Ave in the gymnasium. During the meeting Dr. Slade will ask you to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in an effort to develop the district’s strategic plan. Your input is valued so please join us.
2. 4th and 5th Grade Dance Companies will perform at Greenwood on Thursday, May 16th.
3. Please register your child for Summer School no later than May 15th. You can register your child through the Parent Portal. If you need assistance please contact the Main Office.
4. Kindergarten Promotional Ceremony will be held on June 5th at 10:00 am at S. Westnedge
5. 5th Grade Promotional Ceremony will be held on June 6th at 10:00 am at Oakwood
6. Families we need your help to make sure that your child is in school each day and on time. Also, please talk to your children about following the ARTS which stands for: Achievement, Respect, Taking Responsibility, and Safety.
7. May 27th Memorial Day: all buildings closed
8. June 6th half day and students dismissed at 12:02 pm
9. June 7th half day and students dismissed at 12:02 pm. This is the last day of school for students.
10. If you have a child in grades 1 through 4 and they never received a Chromebook then please contact the Main Office to schedule a pick up.
11. If you are in need of food please contact Loaves and Fishes at 269-343-3663 or https://kzoolf.org. Please see the food distributions flyer at the bottom of the newsletter.
12. Kalamazoo Public Schools is hiring. Please access the Kalamazoo Public Schools website to apply for open positions.
Additional Information:
1. Communities In Schools After School Program is in session on Monday through Thursday.
2. Kids In Tune is in session on Monday through Thursday.
3. Gilmore Piano Lab in session weekly.
4. Academically Talented Program is every Tuesday.
5. Girls on the Run started on March 4th and goes through May 21st.
Morning Entry and Dismissal Procedures
Please read the following important information regarding morning entry and dismissal procedures:
Grades K-3 (S. Westnedge Procedures):
Main Entrance/Lobby: Secured by a call button inside the foyer
Call button is answered after 8:44 am and before 3:00 pm
Tardy students enter here to sign in
Adults must exit lobby when students are admitted into the building
Persons dropping students off may not enter building /walk students to class.
Bus Loop/Drop Off-Morning
Only buses will be allowed to drop off students from 8:40 am-9:05 am
Car rider students should wait in the drop off/pick up line located off Park St. until the buses exit.
Once the buses exit, you will be signaled to pull up to the morning entry door where students will exit your vehicle. Once your student exits, please proceed out the Park St. exit.
Bus Loop/Pick Up- Afternoon
Buses will be allowed in the bus loop from 3:40 pm-4:00 pm
Car rider students- adults must wait in vehicle in the drop off/pick up line located off Park St.
The pick up vehicles will be signaled to proceed to the afternoon pick up door/east gym exterior door where students will be dismissed family by family. Those in the vehicle must stay in the vehicle.
FOR SAFETY REASONS-We will not dismiss students from the gym for pick up unless the vehicle is in the Pick-up line. Please do not park and request your student be dismissed to your vehicle.
Students being dropped off in the morning may not enter the building prior to 8:44 am. If you need your students at school earlier, please have them ride the bus.
Drop off-earliest will be 8:44 am, however, the buses may still be here. Vehicles must wait in the drop off line until all buses have left.
Pick up- earliest will be 4:00 pm, when buses exit. Vehicles must wait in pick up line until all buses have left.
*Changes to your child’s dismissal plan MUST BE made by 3pm*
2023/24 Car Rider Procedure at Oakwood for Woods Lake Elementary-Grades 4-5
Side Parking Lot Entrance/ Secure with buzzer by door
Buzzer answered after 8:44 am and before 3:25 pm
Tardy students enter here
Adults must walk student(s) to the side entrance door, and ring buzzer
Secretary will ask you your students' names, why they are late, your name, and the relationship to the student. Next, they will buzz the student inside the building.
Persons dropping students off may not enter the building /walk students to class.
Bus Line and Drop off/Pick Up Line-Morning
Only buses will be able to drop off students from 8:40am-9:05 am.
Students being dropped off in a vehicle should wait in the pick up/drop off line on the left side of Logan Ave(facing towards Laird Ave) until the buses exit. See illustration below
Once the buses exit, someone will signal you to pull up to the side entrance and drop students one vehicle at a time. All others must remain in the vehicle.
Bus Line and Drop off/Pick Up-Afternoon
Only buses will be allowed in the bus loop from 3:35-4:00 pm
Students being picked up in a vehicle should wait in the pick up/drop off line on the left side of Logan Ave(facing towards Laird Ave) until the buses exit. See illustration below
Someone will be guiding the pick up line to let the first vehicle know when it’s time to pick up.
At 4:00 pm or when buses leave, the pick up vehicles may proceed to the side entrance door where students will be dismissed family by family. Those in the vehicle must stay in the vehicle.
FOR SAFETY REASONS-We will not dismiss students for pick up unless the vehicle is in the Drop off/Pick Up line. Please do not park and request your student be dismissed to your vehicle. You will be asked to place an identification card in your lower right hand corner of your windshield for efficient pick up flow (see other document attached for details).
Students being dropped off in the morning may not enter the building prior to 8:44 am. If you need your student at school earlier, please have them ride the bus. The earliest drop off time will be 8:44 am. However, the buses by still be here. Vehicles must wait in the drop off line until all buses have left.
The earliest pick up time will be 4:00 pm or when all buses exit. Vehicles must wait in the pick up line until all buses have left.
Please show grace with times due to buses having to transport all of our students to and from two different locations. We are still one school, but we are in two buildings.
There may be times when you have to wait in the car rider line longer than you would hope. We highly encourage families to opt for bus transportation due to our unique circumstances for this school year.
*Changes to your child’s dismissal plan MUST BE made by 3pm*
8:44 am-Morning Entry
8:50 am-Classroom Instruction Starts
12:02 pm- Half Day Dismissal
3:52 pm-Regular Day Dismissal
Thank you!
Strategic Planning SWOT Session with Dr. Slade
Thursday, May 16, 2024, 04:30 PM
3333 S. Westnedge (Cafeteria)
Parent Portal
PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online resource that gives parents/guardians access to their student’s:
- Grades and attendance
- Test results
- Report Cards
- Attendance history
- Email notifications that can include your child's grades and school announcements
- Teacher comments
- School bulletins
- Calendars
How do I access the PowerSchool Parent Portal?
Information for New Families
New families please make sure that the following information is completed:
Free Meals for all KPS Students: Education Benefit Form
Photo Release: Opt-Out form
Student Acceptable Use Form
Complete in the Parent Portal - Translatable
Student Information Update
Complete in the Parent Portal - Translatable
General Permission Slip form
Chromebook Procedures (Document Describes Procedures and Can Translate- No Signature)
Printable Version (English Only - Can send home with families to sign)
https://www.smore.com/awpcs - This provides step by step directions on how to fill out the student information update, transportation form and acceptable use agreement in the parent portal.
T-Take Responsibility
Students will be able to use their Artie tickets to purchase prizes!
Please talk to your child about following the ARTS. Please encourage your child to exhibit positive behavior and use kind words.
Spring Music Concert Information
Main Office
Linda Mitchell, Principal
Sierra Prather, Assistant Principal
Kari Burke, Lead Secretary
Meghan Lloyd, Assistant Secretary
Susana Morales-Reyes, Part-Time Secretary
Natalie Orbe, Home Support Specialist
Irving Smith, Achievement and Behavior Support Specialist
Email: mitchellld@kalamazoopublicschools.net
Website: www.kalamazoopublicschools.com/woodslake
Location: (Grades K-3) 3333 South Westnedge Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI, 49008 (Grades 4-5) 3410 Laird Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Phone: 269-337-0790
Woods Lake Temporary Move for the 2023-2024 School Year
The building must be vacated in order to do the extensive amount of work required.
It is not possible to have students remain in the building during construction due to replacing HVAC and fire suppressions system.
There is not one vacant building in KPS to accommodate all WL students
K-3 students are relocated to S. Westnedge.
4-5 students are relocated to Oakwood.
Students will return to 3215 Oakland Drive for the 2024-25 school year with an enlarged south parking lot and drop-off area, relocated playground, new windows, classroom casework, new lockers and air conditioning.
It is very important that we maintain the safety of all of our students. Therefore, we will be strictly adhering to the district’s already established practice of not accepting telephone calls or written notes for same-day or temporary bus assignment changes. Students will ride their assigned bus each day. If it becomes necessary for you to change your child’s bus assignment due to a change of address or a new childcare provider, please notify the school at least five days prior to the change. We will notify you once the change has been approved. If you do not want your child to ride the bus and you are picking up your child from school please notify the office no later than 3:00 pm. Thank you for helping us keep our children safe.
Dana Flynn | Site Coordinator
Woods Lake Elementary
Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo
269-337-0790 or 269-337-0795, flynndc@kalamazoopublicschools.net
* Please contact Dana Flynn if you are in need of resources.
Marilyn Williams | ASC at Woods Lake
Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo
269-337-0790 or 269-337-0795, wilsonnj@kalamazoopublicschools.net
Face Mask are Optional
Please remember if your child is sick please keep your child at home and contact the Main Office at 269-337-0790 (K-3) or 269-337-0795 (4-5) to report the absence. If you need to report a positive COVID-19 test please complete this form by accessing the following link: https://www.kalamazoopublicschools.com/Page/2422
KPS Attendance Procedures Overview
KPS Attendance Procedures Overview The attendance procedures are designed for all students. Good attendance will help students do well in school, college, and at work. It does not matter if absences are excused or unexcused, they all represent lost time in the classroom and lost opportunity to learn. Too many absent students can impact the whole classroom. School is students’ first and most important job. They are learning about more than math and reading. They are learning how to show up for school on time every day, so that when they graduate and get a job, they will know how to show up for work on time every day. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to graduate and find good jobs. Set an example for your child. Show your child that attendance matters to you and that you will not allow an absence unless someone is truly sick. All students aged six to sixteen are required to be in school according to state law. Parents/guardians are required by law to make sure their children attend school on a daily basis. Kalamazoo Public Schools (KPS) expects all students to attend school. A collaborative approach is used in educating young students, which includes the utilization of family support specialists, staff members and administrators to ensure that students attend school on a daily basis. You can view the entire attendance procedures document here on our website. Contact your child's school if you have any specific questions.
New Attendance Expectations and Support Starting on November 27, 2023 (the first day of trimester 2) When your student has the following number of unexcused absences in a trimester, you should expect to receive the following notifications and support. 3 days of unexcused absences in a trimester Letter or email to parent/guardian Robo text or phone call 5 days of unexcused absences in a trimester Letter or email to parent/guardian In person, virtual or phone conference 10 days of unexcused absences in a trimester Letter or email to parent/guardian School attendance committee creates and individualized plan of support 15 days of unexcused absences in a trimester Letter or email to parent/guardian Referral to central office. The central office attendance team will make further recommendations that may include: wrap around services referrals to community support organizations academic interventions summer school attendance possible recommendations for grade level retention
Parent(s)’/Guardian(s)’ Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) to notify the student’s school as early as possible on the day of an absence and explain the reasons for the absence. Written or email verification of a student’s absence by a parent/guardian is required (unless otherwise indicated by the appropriate administrator) and should be provided to the school the day after an absence. Student absences are considered unexcused if documentation supporting an excused absence is not provided. After 3 consecutive absences, a medical note from a physician may be required. It is the responsibility of the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) to make arrangements with the teacher to obtain missed assignments due to absences.
What is an excused absence? Student illness and/or appointment verified by the parent/guardian or medical professional Medically verified extended illness or hospitalization Attending a funeral Religious holiday Absence due to a subpoenaed court appearance Any time missed due to KPS school transportation issues
Chronic Absenteeism The state defines ‘chronic absenteeism’ as attending school less than or equal to 90% of the time. This includes all absences (excused, unexcused, suspensions, etc.). A student who misses more than half the day is considered absent for the day. Chronic absenteeism not only impacts the absent student, it disrupts learning for an entire classroom when teachers have to repeat lessons for students returning to class. When your student is out of school, for any reason, they are missing valuable instructional time. Every six weeks, families will receive letters from the school if their child has an attendance rate of less than or equal to 90%.