Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

November 21, 2024
Watch Today's BVTV Brodcast!
Click here for Link.
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Kristen Edington – sub Holly Brum
David Unter (4-6) – sub Harkirat Bains
Doug Grush – sub Dwane Smith
Taja Ferrarini – no sub
Vicki Jenks (IA) – no sub
Lorraine Shurley (IA) – no sub
Student Body
- Boys Varsity Soccer players: pick up jerseys after 4th period in C1.
- Want to win a free Winter Ball ticket for you and your date? Submit your proposal or tag student government's Instagram @bvstudgov for a chance to win. Last day to submit your proposal is Wednesday, Dec. 4th.
- Planning to bring a non-BV guest to Winter Ball, stop by the office and pick up a Guest Pass Application. Completed applications DUE by Tuesday, December 3, NO EXCEPTIONS!
- Get your Winter Ball Dance Tickets online at GoFan.co. Tickets $10 w/SB card & $15 without. Last day to buy tickets is Thursday, December 5. Pay attention to Deadlines - school is out all next week for Thanksgiving Break!
- Interested in joining the Track & Field Team? We will have a sign-up meeting for the 2025 season on Wednesday, December 4, at Lunch in the Big Gym. Stop by, sign up, pick up some important information and head back to lunch with your friends. The season begins February 10 with pre-season conditioning starting on January 21!
- Are you interested in a paid summer internship with Kaiser Permanente? The KP Launch Summer Internship application is now open. Students must be 16 by June 1st to be eligible. Applications are due January 6th. This is a highly competitive internship so put your best self forward! You can get more information by seeing your counselor or visit the website: https://kplaunch.kaiserpermanente.org/apply-now/
- Continue to support NO VAPE NOVEMBER! Look for the hall posters, scan the QR code, and get the resources to either help yourself or a friend Quit Vaping.
Upcoming Meetings
- TODAY: BV Blood Drive (16 & over/staff) Small Gym
- November 25 - 29: Thanksgiving Break No School
- Monday, Dec. 02: Equal Opportunity Schools Survey (Adjusted Bell Schedule)
- Monday, Dec. 02: BV Annual Canned Food Drive BEGINS
- Winter Ball Spirit Week Dress up Themes
- Monday, Dec. 02: Ugly Sweater
- Tuesday, Dec. 03: Family Photo (match with friends)
- Wednesday, Dec. 04: Snow Gear
- Thursday, Dec. 05: Favorite Holiday
- Friday, Dec. 06: SNOW (WHITE 9/12 grades) vs. ICE (BLUE 10/11grades)
- Tuesday, Dec. 03: Non-BV Student Guest Pass Dance Applications due by 3:30pm
- Thursday, Dec. 05: Winter Ball Dance Ticket Sales CLOSE at Midnight
- Friday, Dec. 06: Winter Rally (Adjusted Bell Schedule)
- Friday, Dec. 06: Java & Jingle Band Concert 7pm Cafeteria
- Saturday, Dec. 07: Winter Ball "An Evening in the Alps" 8 - 10pm BV Large Gym
- Friday, Dec. 13: BV Annual Canned Food Drive ENDS
- Saturday, Dec. 14: Choir "Dessert Concert" 7 - 9pm Cafeteria
- Monday, Dec. 16: Spring Musical Auditions 3:30-5:30pm Cafeteria
- Tuesday, Dec. 17: Spring Musical Auditions 3:30-5:30pm Cafeteria
- Tuesday, Dec. 17: Cocoa & Cram 3:30-5:30pm Atrium
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics! Free home admission with your ASB card!
- Home Games Schedule below:
On going Reminders...
- All students must have an Early Dismissal Pass prior to leaving campus early. We cannot clear absences after the fact if you leave without a pass.
- Attention Students Riding Bikes, Scooters, or Skateboards to school: Park & Lock Up your items INSIDE the Bike Rack Area. Please Do NOT leave them along the Fence!
- Pre-order Yearbook for $70: purchase online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or purchase in the Finance Office with cash/check.
- If you have Lost an item stop by the office front desk to check the Lost and Found! All unclaimed items will be cleared out and donated!
- The College and Career Center is a great resource to get helpful information on college applications and deadlines, scholarships, employment opportunities, and much more.
Jessica Cokinos
Jessica is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters