Roland Hayes School
Community Notes ~ January 10, 2025
Our North Star
“When children and teachers feel engaged, safe, and supported we have room to grow and learn through collaboration and risk-taking with our peers.”
Previous "Community Notes" can be found here: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/domain/718
The "Community Notes" is sent every other week. Thanks for reading!
Dear Roland Hayes School Community
To begin, a very happy new year to you all!
Now is the time for an overdue THANK YOU to our room parents, led by our Room Parent Organizer Deepa Prusty (Grade 5). Thank you, thank you for the generous donations to our teachers and staff before the holidays. The direct support to classrooms is always needed and always put right back into materials and projects that your kids get to enjoy. Next time you are in a classroom, take a look around – there are little timers, tons of books, privacy tents, new math games, and more ... all thanks to your help.
And a huge thank you to all who contributed to our Sweet Treat staff celebration before the break! The celebration is always a huge hit and reminder to our staff of the support at home from our wonderful families.
There are so many ways to contribute to our collective efforts. Right now volunteers needed to support our upcoming Annual Appeal. Interested in learning more? PTO leaders Lisa and Theodora will be happy to talk more! contact@heathpto.org
The deadline to submit requests for independent school recommendations has now passed. Our team will no longer be able to complete applications for students considering enrolling in an independent school.
Gentle, but firm reminder: we cannot heat up student lunches from home. Please send home lunches that are pre-heated and in proper containers or that do not need heating. Or – better yet! – enjoy our school lunches which are free, require no prep time from you, and delicious! Thank you for understanding.
Science Fair
Science Fair Prep Workshop #1
Saturday 11th @ 9:30 - 11 am at the School library
Join our first workshop for the Hayes Science Fair (coming up on Saturday, March 1). Student peers and parent volunteers will be present to help explain the process and explore ideas to get your student’s project started.
Everyone who attends will get a free tri-fold poster - a must-have for the Fair presentation!
No need to register to attend or prep with anything - just come, and bring a friend or two!
Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair (MSEF) Workshop
Monday 13th @ 8 - 9 pm on Zoom
Passcode: 924516
Calling all middle schoolers! Did you know that many of your peers in and around Boston compete in a regional and State-wide Science Fair every year? And that you can use your project from Hayes’s Fair to participate? And that you can win awards??
Join us to hear organizers of the Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair (MSEF) describe their regional science fair event (on March 22nd in Weston), and how they can help you prepare for both Fairs!
Safe Routes to School Program
Brookline and Hayes are partners with the Safe Routes to Schools program. We have two upcoming events in February:
Want to submit a submission to the Yard sign contest? Go for it! Details here:
We are also in search for a Safe Routes to School liaison.. Think about it and let me know if this is of interest to you!
Kindergarten Registration for 2025-26 School Year
Brookline’s youngest learners are ready to enter school!
The online registration application for students entering kindergarten with PSB for the 2025-26 school year opens on January 8, 2025.
Visit www.brookline.k12.ma.us/kindergarten to get started!
Kindergarten is an important milestone for everyone involved, and our staff is here to support families in this transition. The Office of Registration and Enrollment (ORE) is committed to ensuring that all families have a smooth and successful transition into their first day of kindergarten in Brookline. All families will have multiple opportunities to engage with our staff throughout the registration process and are happy to work to support each family with any specific needs you may have.
(Please note that pre-Registration for all other grades will open on March 1, 2025)
Notes From Our PTO
For more PTO news and events, please visit our website:
Did you know we are also on Facebook?
Upcycling @ Hayes
Check out the PTO's brand-new (or maybe upcycled...) "Upcycling at Hayes" page! https://www.hayespto.org/upcycle
Before discarding like-new belongings, check with our list to see if someone at Hayes may need them. Follow the steps on the site to find a new home for your items!
Family Sunday Shootaround
Sunday 12th @ 11 am - 2 pm in the Hayes gym
Scoooore! Join us for our inaugural Family Sunday Shootaround! Space is limited so please sign up in advance to guarantee your family a spot on the court.
When: Sun. Jan 26th
Time: 11:00am-12:20pm
Where: Warrior Ice Arena (90 Guest St, Boston, MA 02135)
Details: Everyone is welcome! The PTO has paid for the rink rental so the skating will be free, but families will need to bring their own ice skates or rent them for $6/pair. There is garage or street parking that families will be responsible to pay for. PLEASE reach out to the PTO (contact@heathpto.org) if any of these costs would be prohibitive. We want everyone to be able to come!
*Garage Parking: 80-90 GUEST STREET GARAGE:
(Access behind building under large Warrior Ice Arena sign. Parallel to Guest Street.$15)
Upcoming Events & Field Trips
Tuesday, January 14th: GSA, 10:50-11:20am
Wednesday, January 15th: Model UN, 11:20am-12:05pm
Wednesday, January 15th: All-Town Chorus Concert at Brookline High School, Auditorium, 7:00-9:00pm
Thursday, January 16th: First Grade Celebration, 8:15-8:35am
Thursday, January 16th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
Monday, January 20th: School Closed: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Tuesday, January 21st: GSA, 10:50-11:20am
Wednesday, January 22nd: Model UN, 11:20am-12:05pm
Thursday, January 23rd: AAPI Group (Library), 10:50-11:20am
Thursday, January 23rd: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
Friday, January 24th: PEP, 8:05-8:30am
Tuesday, January 28th: GSA, 10:50-11:20am
Wednesday, January 29th: School Closed: Lunar New Year (Category 1 Holiday)
Thursday, January 30th: Young Scholars, Room 209, 2:30-3:30pm
Field Trips:
Friday, January 10th: Ski and Snowboard Club, 1:50-10:00pm
Friday, January 17th: Ski and Snowboard Club, 1:50-10:00pm
Friday, January 24th: Ski and Snowboard Club, 1:50-10:00pm
Friday, January 31st: Ski and Snowboard Club, 1:50-10:00pm
Community-Based Opportunities & Resources
Brookline Caregivers of LGBTQ+ Youth Affinity Group
Wed, January 15th 6:15-7:30pm
Brookline Village Public Library - 361 Washington Street
All families of LGBTQ+ youth and queer families are invited to join us in a welcoming community space. Students are welcome to participate in a separate affinity group, facilitated by Brookline educators and high school students. Light refreshments will be provided. For questions, contact leah_mcgowan@psbma.org.
SEPAC Summer Camp Fair
Brookline SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Committee) Summer Camp Fair
January 11 @ the Florida Ruffin Ridley School, 9am-11am
The fair will feature a variety of camp and program representatives who specialize in supporting children with special needs, providing families with valuable resources and opportunities to explore meaningful and fun summer options for their children.
In Closing
I have spoken to so many people here in our community with ties to Los Angeles. My brain wanders to my own family and friends there and click to track how close the fires are to their homes. We are thinking about brothers, friends, in-laws, parents, and children – people and places we hold dear. I also think about the thousands of children not in school in LA who are worried and stressed and at loose ends as their lives and routines are disrupted by waiting, loss, and sadness. The metaphorical road between our two cities feels direct and strong. No doubt you have seen the many places accepting donations to help those in need, like the American Red Cross. Give as you are willing and able.
In times like these let's reflect on the comfort of our own safety while also helping those in need.
Be well,
~ Asa
Our Land Acknowledgement
This parcel of land that our school sits upon is a special and sacred place.
Before this place was a Town, before our school was here, before this neighborhood was called “The Settlement” or “Chestnut Hill,” and before this land was a farm, this land was held by the Massachusett, the people Indigenous to this place. The Massachusett were the caretakers of this site, living full lives, raising families, and burying their dead right here. We recognize and honor this history, and seek to create thoughtful land stewards and citizens for generations to come.
As a public school, our primary objective is to ensure access, membership, and participation of all community members in our care; with this land acknowledgment we state our willingness to work towards that vision where all feel a true and abiding sense of belonging.
Roland Hayes School
The Public Schools Of Brookline | A METCO Partnership School
Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D. | Principal
Email: asa_sevelius@psbma.org
Pronouns: he/him
Mr. Kirtan Patel | Vice Principal
Email: kirtan_patel@psbma.org
Pronouns: he/him
Website: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/Page/17
Location: 100 Eliot Street, Chestnut Hill, MA, 02467
Phone: 617-879-4570