Wisconsin School Board Week - October 2-8
Please take a moment to recognize the work of our school board during the Wisconsin School Board Week and to thank each of our school board members.
Ross Leix - President
Jessica Munson - Vice-President
Kris Spurley – Clerk
Mary Schauff – Treasurer
Tim Lundell
Katrina Rickard
Travis Wetter
School Boards play a crucial role in ensuring the highest quality of education for students through creating a vision of excellence, establishing high academic standards, applying a system of accountability and engaging with the community. We applaud the service of our school board members with Panther Pride!
Iowa-Grant Family and Community Town Supper (FACTS)
Iowa-Grant Family and Community Town Supper (FACTS)
One Hundred Voices in Community Conversation
October 19, 2022
5:00 - 7:30 PM
IGEMS Cafetorium
5:00 - 5:55 PM Meal (serving line closes at 5:40)
5:55 - 6:00 PM Transition (children move to activities; adults regroup for
presentation & discussion.)
6:00 - 7:15 PM Table discussions on post-Covid student needs
7:15 - 7:30 PM Reports from table conversations
Who: First 100 people to RSVP. Invited participants include Iowa-Grant families and community members. If demand substantially exceeds capacity, we will look to schedule more events.
What: A community information and discussion forum regarding a large grant the school district received in connection with getting back to normal after Covid. Participants are invited for a free meal and an evening of civic engagement. After eating together, children will have activities, while adults hear a short presentation about the grant funds. Then we will engage in small group discussion with neighbors and community members. Volunteer table reporters will summarize the discussion and share with the whole group before the evening’s end.
Why: We are consulting with stakeholders as we make plans to allocate funds the Iowa-Grant School District is eligible to receive as part of the Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief III (ESSER III) grant.
We hope to see you there! Scan the QR code to RSVP or go to https://forms.gle/gUbfyn4bHNYSKSJ28.
RSVP will open October 3, 2022.
Flu Vaccination Information & Forms - Forms Are Due Back to the IGHS & IGEMS Offices by 10/5/22
Parent/Teacher Conferences Update
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Because of the many after-school opportunities available to our students and because many of our staff are involved in leading these activities, we are challenged in trying to schedule one-to-one, in-person, parent- teacher conferences over the time frames indicated on our school calendar.
Therefore, your son or daughter’s teacher may be contacting you to schedule a conference outside of the normal school parent-teacher conference times. If you happen to be at the volleyball game on parent-teacher conference night and want to drop in without a scheduled conference, it is important to know that your child’s teacher might not be available because they are otherwise coaching or leading another after-school activity.
10/1 9:00 AM Volleyball: Varsity Tournament vs Multiple Schools @ Belmont HS
10/1 2:00 PM Football: Varsity vs Highland (Away)
10/3 5:00 PM Football: JV vs Highland (Home)
10/3 Volleyball: Freshmen Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ Riverdale HS
10/3 Volleyball: JV Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ Riverdale Elem/Middle School
10/4 5:45 PM Volleyball: Freshmen vs Boscobel (Home)
10/4 5:45 PM Volleyball: JV Match vs Boscobel (Home)
10/4 7:15 PM Volleyball: Varsity vs Boscobel (Home)
10/6 5:45 PM Volleyball: Freshmen vs Fennimore (Away)
10/6 5:45 PM JV vs Fennimore (Away)
10/6 7:15 PM Varsity vs Fennimore (Away)
10/7 1:15 PM Homecoming Parade
10/7 7:00 PM Football: Varsity vs Ithaca (Home)
10/8 9:00 AM Cross Country Varsity Invitational vs Multiple Schools @ Baertschi Farm
10/8 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM Homecoming Dance - IGHS Cafeteria
10/8 8:30PM Homecoming - Grand March
10/10 5:00 PM Football: JV vs Ithaca (Away)
10/10 5:00 PM Volleyball: Freshmen Invitational vs Multiple Schools (Home)
10/10 6:30 PM Board Meeting
10/10 7:30 PM Annual Budget Hearing
10/10 8:00 PM Annual Meeting
10/11 5:45 PM Volleyball: Freshmen vs Cuba City (Away)
10/11 5:45 PM Volleyball: JV vs Cuba City (Away)
10/11 7:15 PM Volleyball: Varsity vs Cuba City (Away)
10/13 4:00 PM Cross Country: Varsity Conference Meet vs Multiple Schools @ Fennimore High School
10/12 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Flu Vaccination Clinic
10/13 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM In-Person Parent/Teacher Conference
10/13 5:45 PM Volleyball: Freshman vs Darlington (Home)
10/13 5:45 PM Volleyball: JV vs Darlington (Home)
10/13 7:15 PM Volleyball: Varsity vs Darlington (Home)
10/14 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/14 7:00 PM Varsity vs Brookwood (Away)
10/15 9:00 AM Volleyball: Freshmen & JV Tournament vs Multiple Schools @ River Valley High School
10/17 5:00 PM Football: JV vs Brookwood (Home)
10/17 6:00 PM Music Parents' Meeting
10/18 7:00 PM Volleyball: Varsity Regional vs TBD, TBD (Away)
10/20 7:00 PM Volleyball: Varsity Regional vs TBD, TBD (Away)
10/21 7:00 PM Football: Varsity Playoffs Level 1 vs TBD, TBD (Away)
10/22 11:00 AM Cross Country: Varsity Sectionals vs TBD, TBD (Away)
10/22 7:00 PM Volleyball: Varsity Regional vs TBD, TBD (Away)
10/24 6:30 PM Board Meeting
10/25 7:00 PM MS/HS Choir Concert
10/27 7:00 PM Volleyball: Varsity Sectionals vs TBD, TBD (Away)
10/28 Football: Varsity Playoffs Level 2 vs TBD, TBD (Away)
10/29 Cross Country: Varsity State Tournament vs TBD, TBD (Away)
10/29 7:00 PM Volleyball: Varsity Sectionals vs TBD, TBD (Away)
Academic & Career Planning (ACP) Information
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Since the beginning of the school year, your son/daughter has been working on Academic and Career Planning materials through a program called Xello. ACP is a required program that all students participate in with work time each week during Encore. ACP is a Pass/Fail course that introduces students to vocabulary building, goal building, postsecondary plans, career exploration, educational planning, and financial literacy. ACP assignment will help students be more prepared and successful after graduation. ACP assignments are assigned through Xello and must be completed each week. Please take the time to talk with your son/daughter about Academic and Career Planning and check on their progress in completing these requirements. ACP will be included on a student's transcript and semester report card, so ensuring your son/daughter has completed the assignments is essential in receiving a Pass. You can look more into ACP by visiting the District Webpage and selecting the Menu icon. You will find ACP listed under My District. There you can choose Academic and Career Planning. If you have any questions, you can contact Mr. Gotto, Ms. Benish, or Mrs. Gardiner.
Thank you,
Mr. Gotto
Congratulation IG Cross Country Team!
Iowa-Grant Volleyball Hall of Fame Inductees 2022
The Iowa-Grant Volleyball Hall of Fame Committee is pleased to announce our Class of 2022 Inductees! We were unable to have our Hall of Fame the last two years because of COVID! So, we are happy to welcome these four women, Panther Alumni, to our Hall of Fame! Congratulations to Hilary (Haas) Lilla, graduate of 1992; April (Nechvatal) Hancock, graduate of 2001; Jaclyn (Zimmerman) Bevan, graduate of 2001 and Emmalee Albers, graduate of 2008. All of these ladies are very deserving of this honor as they achieved being All-Conference volleyball selections, Conference Champs, and/or Regional Champs while playing as a Panther!! They will be inducted at the October 13th varsity volleyball match when the Panthers play the Redbirds!! Congratulations to Hilary, April, Jaclyn, and Emmalee!
Volleyball Parents Night
On September 27th IG Volleyball players celebrated their parents/guardians for Parents Night.. The volleyballers improved their public speaking skills, by stating why they appreciated their parents/guardians. IG volleyball didn't win, but it was nice to see such great support and appreciation for each other.
Thanks for all you do parents!! Thanks for supporting our IG Panthers!!
Iowa-Grant Pep Band did a Fantastic Job on Parents Night!!
Central Wisconsin Cheer Camp
The Iowa-Grant High School Cheerleading Squad Co-Hosted a tumbling and stunting camp with Mustang Rec Cheer.
This organization is called Central Wisconsin Cheer Camp.
CWCC is coached and founded by Susan Poeschl of Wisconsin Rapids. She has been running camps for cheerleaders in Wisconsin for over 38 years. The staff is made up of professional cheerleaders that teach your team new cheers, dances, stunts, tumbling, jumps and so much more!
Our girls learned various new stunts, kicks and a little more tumbling.
We want to thank IGEMS for letting us use the gym, the wrestling department for using the mats as well as all the staff who helped with making sure we had the cafeteria set up for lunch!
IG Helping Hands Wish List
Mac & Cheese boxes or cups
Granola Bars
Peanut Butter
Individual Oatmeal Packets
Fruit Cups
2022 Iowa-Grant Homecoming Information
IG Football Parents Night & Seniors Night Information
Musical Rehearsals In Full Swing
From the Desk of Mrs. Gallagher
It is hard to believe we have finished our first month of school. There have been many great things that have happened this month. We have started our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports for students. We have started to settle into routines and schedules again. The middle school cross country and volleyball teams have participated in volleyball games, and cross country meets. Our art club met with 22 students creating artwork on the first night. I am so grateful to the staff, students, and parents for their commitment to all of the great things in and outside of the classroom.
The buses have had some struggles, and we made some changes including having a seating chart and an all-school assembly to remind students of what is expected on the buses. We are hoping this swift action will help things to improve quickly. We continue to work with our new company to address issues with the buses. We appreciate your support in working together to improve the ride to and from school.
October will bring homecoming. IGEMS dress-up days will be Monday, October 3, Country Western Day, Tuesday, October 4th Wild Prints Day, Wednesday, October 5th USA day, Thursday, October 6th Hat Day, and Friday, October 7th is IG Spirit Day. Parent-teacher conferences will be held the week of October 10th-14th. October 3rd is Thank a Custodian Day. Thank you to Mike Oium, Gary Allen, Todd Prohaska, Dave Christianson, and Troy Henkel for all of the work they do to keep IGEMS going strong. October 10th - 14th is School Lunch Week. Thank you to Barb Hugill, Becky Allen, Lisa Henkel, and Laurie Wienkes for everything they do to keep us fed at IGEMS.
Simple Math Games to Play with Your Child - Jodi Bast
We all know the importance of shared reading experiences at home and the benefits our children receive from reading and talking about books with their adults, but what about math? Children benefit from shared math experiences at home too. Here are some quick, simple ways to engage your child and support math skills at the same time, which can be played with items you most likely already have at home. These are appropriate for most first grade students and could be used with younger students looking for a bit of a challenge. Have fun!
Keep Counting: as you roll or throw a ball back and forth, keep count of how high you can count before someone misses. Extension: try counting by 10s or 5s.
Shape Spotting: Play “I Spy” with shapes. For example, “I spy a square.” (window). Other ideas: rectangle (door) triangle (roof) circle (wheel) and octagon (stop sign).
Measure It: Measure things with items from around the house. Use paper clips or crayons lined up end-to-end to measure a piece of paper, a shoe, or other items in your home.
Fun With Fractions: In the tub or sink, let your child experiment with measuring cups. Get them thinking with questions like, “How many ½ cups make 1 cup?”
Pattern Play: Drum a pattern using a plastic container and a spoon. Try “loud, loud, soft, loud,” or “slow, slow, fast, fast.” Take turns drumming and repeating the patterns back to each other.
Math RIddles: Play “less than/greater than.” Pick a number between 1 and 100 and as your child guesses what the number is, tell them if their guess is greater or less than that number until they figure it out.
Hide & Seek with Position Words: Take turns hiding an item and giving clues using position words. For example, “I hid the ball ABOVE the ground, BEHIND a rock, NEXT TO a tree.” Can your child find it? Extension: use the words, LEFT OF and RIGHT OF for locating the object.
Toss the Dice: Using 2 dice, each player takes turns rolling both dice at once. Add the numbers together. Whoever has the highest number gets 1 point. Play until someone gets 5 points. Extension: subtract the smaller number from the larger number and try to get the lowest number for a point.
Number Hunt: Go on an even/odd number hunt. Look around your house for numbers, or do this as you are traveling in your car. As they spot and say a number, ask your child if it is even or an odd number.
These fun and simple ways to build math skills were provided by our partners at Ready4K.com.
I hope you enjoy playing some of them at home with your child!
Seals on Wheels
Did you know? Iowa-Grant has a FREE oral health program and this program is returning for another year! Seals-On-Wheels Oral Health Program will continue to provide children with dental screenings, cleanings, sealants, and fluoride treatments. It is free for all students in any grade. All clinicians follow protocols and guidelines put in place for mobile programs. If you would like your child to be involved in the dental program, please fill out the health
history form. Please RETURN TO SCHOOL BY October 7th. Or apply online at
https://sealasmile.wisconsin.gov/Consent The permission form is valid for one
Middle School Community Service Groups:
Students in 5th through 8th grade are being given the opportunity to meet during their recess times on Fridays to serve their school and community. They will be doing weeding around the school, making animal toys for the local humane societies, making homemade jump ropes to include in Operation Christmas Child boxes, and making fleece blankets to donate to the hospitals or homeless shelters. In order to complete the projects planned we are in need of donations of fleece (2-2 1/2 yards), ribbons, bells, and used t-shirts (no pictures or words work best) to cut up for the jump ropes. Thank you for supporting our middle school service groups!
Panther Packs
Early Childhood Screening Day
First Grade Christmas Store
The IGEMS first graders will once again be sponsoring a CHRISTMAS STORE. This store allows all elementary students to buy two gifts for only 50 cents each. If you have any gently used items that you would like to donate to our store, we would gladly accept your donations. We will need gift donations to be no bigger than 8X4 inches. Donations can be dropped off in the IGEMS office. The Christmas Store will be open the week of December 5th.
We will be placing our gifts into homemade gift bags made by our students.
We will not need volunteers to gift wrap, but we appreciate all of you that have been so helpful in the past.
Thank you for your generosity!
Britany Lynch, Molly Leibfried & Brenda Wasley
Email: mshimshak@igs.k12.wi.us
Website: https://www.igs.k12.wi.us/
Location: 498 County Road IG, Livingston, WI, USA
Phone: 608-943-6311
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IowaGrantPanthers/