GACTE-Call to Action!
July 3rd, 2024

Important Updates-Summer Conference and More!
Summer Conference Registration is OPEN!
Registration is OPEN!
Go to https://www.gacte.org/ to register!
Membership must be current through 7/31/25 to register at the member rate.
Work with your Local CTAE Director to make sure you are following local guidelines and directions.
If you have questions about your membership, please send an email to membership@gacte.org.
Click on the Conference Website at https://www.gacte.org/ for the Conference Schedule. This is a live website and is updated as information is added.
Hotel information and links will be sent in your registration confirmation.
Looking forward to another great conference in Athens!
NEW-Monthly Membership Payment Option
Check out this option on our website........
Don't forget to sign up for Georgia ACTE Day at the Capitol!
Date: February 10, 2025
Cost: $15 (includes CFA Breakfast)
Register here: https://gacteprogram.wufoo.com/forms/k335zq41ng8ogu/ by January 31, 2025.
Agenda for February 10, 2025
- 8:00 am--Gather at the Capitol--Room location to be announced by February 1
- Chik Fil A Breakfast with Rep. Matthew Gambill
- Organize and plan for Legislative Office Visits
- 9:00 am-12:00 pm-Depending on the schedule, Floor Visits, Committee Meetings, Visits to Legislative Offices (the official schedule for the Georgia Legislature is published the Fridays).
- 12:00 pm-1:00 pm-Lunch on your own
- 1:00pm-3:00 pm-Committee Meetings, Legislative Office Visits
*We are also requesting a photo with the Governor and recognition in both the House and Senate if there is a Floor Session. An updated schedule will be provided to all participants by February 7, 2025.
Register here: https://gacteprogram.wufoo.com/forms/k335zq41ng8ogu/
Come join us at ACTE's National Policy Seminar
Please consider attending ACTE's National Policy Seminar so that you can help us share the great things that are happening in Georgia CTAE with our Senators and Representatives in D.C. Reach out to Jody if you need more information.
Registration Information here: https://s1.goeshow.com/acte/nps/2025/
We need YOU on the GACTE Board of Directors!
Save the Date----Georgia is hosting ACTE Region II Conference!
2024-2025 Georgia ACTE Board of Directors
Your GACTE Board of Directors thanks you for your membership and participation. Please check out our website at https://gacte.org to learn more! Please encourage your colleagues to consider membership----there is a new monthly payment option! Find out more on our website. Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
Jody Reeves
Executive Director
Justin Arthur
Events Director
Kim Orrick
Membership Coordinator
Jody Reeves, Executive Director
Please don't hesitate to text, email or call if you have questions. Thank you for supporting CTAE Programs in Georgia!
Email: jody.reeves@gacte.org
Website: gacte.org
Phone: 770-367-6055
Facebook: facebook.com/@gacteinc
Twitter: @GACTE