Lincoln Bulletin
August 25, 2020
Lincoln School
Location: 211 South 6th Ave, St. Charles
Phone: 331-228-2501
Twitter: @Lincolnd303
2020-21 Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, 8/26/20
ALL STUDENTS (K-5) - full day of school, 8:00am-1:40pm
Thursday, 8/27/20, from 2:00-2:30 p.m.
Sack lunch pick-ups for remote students only (2 days worth)
Friday, 9/4/20 - Institute Day - No School
Monday, 9/7/20 - Labor Day - No School
Virtual Curriculum Night has been shifted to either Tuesday, September 8, or Thursday, September 10. Links and details will be shared with you before these dates.
Lincoln Bulletin-Reminder--
Welcome- Our third through fifth-grade students will begin in-person learning tomorrow.
Please continue to self certify every day, we are really starting the year off on the right foot--also remember we open our doors at 7:50 please have your son or daughter here, students should be in their seats ready to learn at 8:00, make sure they are arriving on time.
Please use this link and add to a calendar reminder daily-Please use this Self Certification web site and login using your HAC Parent username and password.