
Email: bright@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/542378_3
Location: 200 West Comanche Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-371-1220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrightBeginningsEarlyChildhoodCenterDodgeCity
Choose KINDNESS and CALM (see flyer below)
Monday Oct 7 - Wear something with emojis or makes you happy
Tuesday Oct 8 - Wear something Blue
Wednesday Oct 9 - Wear sunglasses or heart shaped glasses
Thursday Oct 10 - Busy Pattern Day
10/10 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30pm-6:30pm
10/11 - No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00am - 11:40am
10/17 - No School - Staff Work Day
10/18 - No School - Staff Work Day
10/24 - Policy Council Meeting 11:30am-12:30pm
10/26 - Victory Electric Parent Event
10/29 - McTeacher Night 5:00-8:00pm
Monday Oct 28 - Red Day
Tuesday Oct 29 - Team Day
Wednesday Oct 30 - Hawaiian Day
Thursday Oct. 31 - Book Character Day
Friday Nov 1 - Pajama Day
Anti-Bullying Week Theme: Choose Kindness and Calm October 7-13
Dear Bright Beginnings Families:
We are so fortunate to have your child in our program learning! Preschoolers learn so much throughout the year. You will be amazed at all the knowledge they will gain throughout the school year. In order to prepare your child for Kindergarten our program focuses on the following five key areas of development:
- Physical well-being and motor development
- Social and emotional development
- Approaches to learning
- Language development
- Cognition and general knowledge
Watch upcoming newsletters for more detailed information about how you can support your child in these areas of learning.
Spending time outside is important for your child’s development! As the weather gets cooler, please remember, we go outside every day the weather is above 32 degrees. Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothes for the weather daily.
Your child’s attendance is important for their academic and social emotional growth. Setting consistent, on-time attendance helps children to set healthy habits for future school years. Please bring your child to school every day on time unless they are ill. Reminder – Students are considered late 10 minutes after the start of the session and classroom doors lock at that time.
We have a lot of fun planned for the month of October!
Bianca Alvarez
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center
USD 443
Every Encounter Is Important
Preschool Education
When playing with toys, finding new and inventive ways to use items is an important piece of learning.
Throughout the year children will continue to develop in their cognitive skills. Some of the ways we do this is by demonstrating positive approaches to learning. These include attending and engaging, persisting, solving problems, showing curiosity and motivation, and showing flexibility and inventiveness in thinking.
Engaging in conversation
Miss Sarah’s class is attending and engaging in a conversation about piñatas. They shared so much knowledge about this fun party item.
Problem Solving
Children enjoying playing with puzzle games. Puzzle games help children learn how to persist and solve problems.
Reading is Important!
Children love to read books and learn about new topics. These children asked many questions about the pictures in their books. This questioning displays their natural sense of curiosity.
Come check out a book to take home and read with your child.
Room C115 on THURSDAYS:
7:50 am
11:50 am
New take-home learning activities every WEDNESDAY for you to take and make at home with your child.
Story Time
Please bring your child and join us for a fun activity right after child's dismissal time.
OCTOBER 3, 10, 24, 31
TIME: 11:15am and 3:05pm
Parent/Child Activity Calendar for the month of October
- By-Laws - Learn about what Policy Council Members do.
- Monthly Fiscal Report
- Information Memorandums
- Job Description of Daycare Family Advocate
- Award Letters for EHS and CCP
We voted on our Officers for this school year:
- Chairperson: Dora Gamboa-Monreal
- Vice Chairperson: Tatiana Hilmes
- Secretary: Emilia Torres
Our next Policy Council Meeting is on October 24 from 11:30-12:30pm in the Policy Council Room at Bright Beginnings.
If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, please contact your teacher, advocate, or Brenda Carmona for more information. Please click here to read more about Policy Council. We are so excited to share our program information with parents and have our parents guide our program decisions.
Last years Policy Council community members
Policy Council Management Team
last years policy council parent members
Our Next Parent Event
Victory Electric Pumpkin Painting
Please stop by our booth and do some fun activities with your child. All the Family Advocates and Early Head Start Home Visitors will be there as well. Our Literacy Bus will be parked so come see inside the bus with Mrs. Sandy Halling. We hope to see you there!
Saturday, Oct 26, 2024, 09:00 AM
Victory Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., North 14th Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Thank you for sharing your children with us and being a part of our Bright Beginnings School Family!
Your School and Class families are growing and learning!
Weekly Friend's Time is off to a fantastic start! October we will focus on the Power of Attention and the Skill of Assertiveness. Your have the opportunity to learn what your child is learning by clicking on the links below, on the Social Emotional Google Site, and following on Facebook/Talking Points.
You are invited to join in for Parent/Guardian Friends Time with your child two times a month. As well as Parent Connection Groups/Mini Sessions on topics. AND a monthly evening Parent Connection Session. All of these will include the monthly focus your child is learning in the classroom. Videos will be offered as an extension or connection. These are posted in the Google Site as well.
Be looking for ways to join in any or all of these opportunities as well as on Facebook, Talking Points, and when we see each other in the hallways. We are in this together!
Thank you for being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family! You got this family!
Wishing you Well this School Year!
~Miss Melyssa
Parent Friends Time and Evening Group
October is the Power of Attention and the Skill of Assertiveness
Read Aloud by Miss Melyssa
Sophie's Big Voice
I Love You Connection
Power of Attention and Skill of Composure
Some notes from our Nurse:
Please make sure that your child is up to date with:
- Physical Exam
- Update Immunizations
- Lead Blood
- Hemoglobin
- Dental Exam
It is important to have these Health Requirements because our program has deadlines to meet to have these health items due for this school year. If your child is still missing health requirements see below the information of doctors offices.
Kendra Tieben BSN, RN
Health/Nutrition Facilitator~School Nurse
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center
BB 620-371-1227 T/Wam/R
EHS 620-371-1260 M/Wpm/F
Children from Ms. Maisbel’s class are seen playing outside riding bikes and practicing gross motor skills.
In September, we added more families to our program. We still have some openings if you qualify for Kansas Early Head Start. The teachers and children have had fun lately creating different pieces of art. This school year the infant and toddler rooms received new curriculum and have been exploring the first unit which is You and Me!
Our toddlers have been learning about Nursery Rhymes. Soon they will be learning about different types of clothing and food.
Our infants have been exploring different art mediums. Children created an art piece where they stamped their feet into paint and then walked across the paper.
Kimber Barry
Early Head Start Specialist
Ms. Maisbel’s Room
Ms. Maisbel is instructing during art time while the children add color to their sun pictures.
Ms. Samantha's Room
Ms. Samantha’s room all lined up ready for a fire drill. They were using their fine motor skills to create art using alphabet stickers. During their color unit they created rainbow fish with watercolor paint.
Ms. Alma
Ms. Alma is seen reading to her children at the carpet. Each child has something in their hands to keep their hands busy. They are enjoying stories together!
Ms. Esmeralda's Room
Ms. Esmeralda’s class is collaborating on one large sheet together. They used fall theme colors to create a masterpiece for our hallway. There are also some photos of children adding eyes and hair to plate faces.
Ms. Bianka's Room
Ms. Bianka’s room is seen coloring pictures together at the table.
Ms. America’s room
Ms. America’s room is ready for fall. They created pumpkins with their handprint and hung them up in the hallway.
Our socialization will be held at Victory Electric for the month of October. There you will find our Early Head Start staff with the Literacy Bus. We are inviting our families to come attend the event and visit our booth to do a fun hands-on activities with their child where they can work their fine motor skills.
Saturday, October 26 from 9:00-11:00am at Victory Electric
We are thankful to our Custodians
Custodian Day!
Sutherland's garden donation as part of the Kwianis Club
On September 13 the Store Manager Scott Long from Sutherlands came with some of his staff to donate the 3 flower beds, soil, and mums. We can't thank them enough!