Notes from Warren
May 10, 2024
Make sure you are clicking on the underlined links for more information!
Principal's Message
May is always an exciting time when warmer weather arrives. We have been looking forward to a change in temperatures as well as seeing more of the SUN! The SUN has definitely arrived and the classrooms are feeling hot, hot, hot, so we encourage you to send your kiddo in layers and pack a water bottle. Students can adjust and remove layers as the day heats up and we will encourage them to refill those water bottles often.
During the month of May we celebrate our staff, caregivers, and school nurses. Their dedication is unquestionable and they all deserve to be “celebrated” daily. Please make sure to take the time out to send them an appreciation note, this will definitely bring a smile to their faces!
Warren has quite a few fun things planned for the remainder of the year. This list does not include all of our activities and field trips, so please watch for more communication from your child(s) teacher(s).
Thursday, May 16th, we host Kindergarten Connect. See the flier and details below.
Tuesday, June 11th, is our annual Field Day! We will also be acknowledging our Volunteers this day.
Wednesday, June 12th, from 4-5:30pm, is a Family Literacy Carnival. See the flier below.
Thursday, June 13th, School-wide Zoo Field Trip.
Friday, June 14th, we celebrate our last day of school with a Kindergarten Graduation at 10am and WPA hosts a 3rd Grade Celebration. This day is also a half-day of school and we dismiss at 11:40am.
As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. If we work together, we can achieve many wonderful things.
Kind Regards,
Student BIO Form for 24-25 School Year 1st-3rd
Please complete the Student BIO Form by Friday, 5/31 for the 24-25 School Year.
Volunteering, Chaperoning, and Serving Our School
We are in need of your help with the creation of our Warren Legacy Project! We are looking for parents/caregivers that are craftspeople or in construction that could help us create a Music Wall for our Playground. Please see the picture for a visual. Once the structure is created, we will gather donated items that can be semi-permanently attached for the instruments. On the back of the Music Wall, each of our Warren students and staff will be able to leave their hand/or thumbprint and signature. Students will leave a little piece of themselves at Warren for many years to come. We will dedicate this Legacy Piece at the last assembly on 6/10/24. Email me at jstearns@scappoose.k12.or.us if you would like to contribute to this project.
The end of the year always presents many opportunities for parents and caregivers to volunteer in the classroom, serve as chaperones on field trips, and/or work at school events like the Jog-a-thon and Field Day. You know the old adage …. WE WANT YOU, but we need you to first complete an SSD Volunteer Application and Background Check. Here is a QR Code to take you to the Google form:
The Zoo Field Trip is coming up on 6/13/24, from 9am-2pm. Each class is hoping to secure 4-5 chaperones. These chaperones will need to be on the approved SSD Volunteer List. We will accept volunteers on a first-come-first-serve basis, so be sure to have yourself approved prior to submitting your interest to your classroom teacher.
Chaperones will be assigned a small group of students to support throughout the day. We ask that chaperones arrange for childcare for any other children/siblings, so the chaperone can provide students their full attention. Staff, students, and chaperones will be transported on First Student buses.
A big THANK YOU to the WPA for providing tickets for our students and chaperones!
We look forward to seeing you at many upcoming school functions!
Our Jogathon was an event to remember. We had all types of weather throughout the day and our runners showed their adaptability skills. We had a downpour of volunteers (he, he) that attended to the needs of the event. We were so thankful for their dedication despite the rainy conditions. Each student should have come home on Monday with a card that communicated the number of laps they ran. This should help you determine the donations to be collected. Students should be collecting their donations and commitments per lap at this time. All fundraiser money should be returned to school by May 15th. Fundraising incentives were previously communicated to students and we will get dates on the calendar to celebrate the student’s efforts.
Counseling Corner
I cannot believe how quickly the school year is flying by! The summer months present a unique set of seasonal challenges. For example, now is the time for families with OHP to apply for an in-home air conditioner. I can help with that! Do you need support with food, or even relief with increased energy costs over the Summer. No matter the need, I am here to help.
Contact me at (503) 438-2148 (or) robm@ccmh1.com
Rob McQueen-Jensen, Program Systems Navigator, Scappoose School District/CCMH
Community Resource provided by Columbia Health Services.
This is an ongoing, drop-in style virtual support group.
Mondays at 12:00pm-1pm.
This meeting is for parents in Columbia County and the Jewell area that may be experiencing challenges in parenting and would like to talk to someone about it. It will be led by a Community Health Worker from Columbia Health Services.
Our support group will include a new topic each week with a brief presentation or video, activities for self reflection, small group and large group discussions, and handouts available.
We will send a zoom link to the email you provide by 9 am the day of the event as a reminder - the link will be the same each time. You can unsubscribe to the emails by hitting reply and asking to be removed from the list.
24-25 Kindergarten
We are so excited to welcome our newest students to the Scappoose School District family. Online kindergarten registration opened on April 12, 2024. Please click the link below for more information on how to register your student for school.
Kinder Connect
You won’t want to miss this event that will prepare both the student and the family for the school-age experience in Kindergarten. Participating families will leave with a bag of resources to help prepare their student for Kindergarten and the first Warren Elementary swag.
Be sure to add it to your calendars and tell any friends and family that have an incoming kindergartner.
This event is catered to the incoming kindergartener, so we encourage parents/caregivers to plan in advance for child care for any siblings. While we understand that child care can be challenging to arrange, we know you will be thankful if you and your incoming kinder have this special evening all to yourself.
For the planners out there, we are also including our Kindergarten School Supply List for 2024-25. The list is broken down by supplies that will be classroom supplies, therefore they shouldn’t be labeled with your student’s name, and personal supplies that are to be labeled with your student’s name. Do your best with this list, but know that we function as a school community and we will make up where families are not able to provide supplies.
Attendance Matters
Keep a watchful eye on our Warren Eagle as he tracks our progress toward our goal; our 164 students will attend 7,872 combined days of school this year!. If we meet it, we earn a very cool incentive. Check out our Soaring Attendance Tracker at the front of the school building!
Currently: 4168 Combined Days
Family Literacy Carnival
Warren has an exciting end-of-the-year event planned for all of our families. We will be hosting an Eric Carle Literacy Carnival on June 12th.Clear your calendars and come enjoy literacy-based carnival games. The Scappoose Public Library and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library will be there too. Kids will go home with free books and prizes.
Dates to Remember
May 16 - Kinder Connect - See Flyer Above
May 20 - Red Yarn Puppet Show - Warren Gym - 1:00 pm - All School
May 20 - 24 - 3rd Grade Swim Lessons
May 22 - 1st grade Music Rehearsal - SHS
May 22 - 1st Grade Music Program - 6:30 pm - SHS Auditorium
May 30 - 1st Grade Hoyt Arboretum
May 31 - SHS Senior Grad Walk
About Us
School Hours: Drop off 7:55 - 8:10 am Pick up 2:45 pm
Early Release Wednesday 1:45 pm
Email: ajones@scappoose.k12.or.us and eswoyer@scappoose.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.scappoosek12.org/Domain/10
Location: 34555 Berg Road, Warren, OR, USA
Phone: 971-200-8001