August 20, 2024 Newsletter
August 20, 2024

August 20, 2024
A Message From Principal Lash
We are Back!
Briarwood Families,
You could feel the excitement that the first day of school and the beginning of the school year brings! Not even a little rain could keep us down. I hope we can keep that day 1 feeling all school year long! One of my goals this year is to be ridiculously positive as we work together to help each student reach their full potential. The students have been doing a fantastic job following the B.A.R.K. (Be Safe, Act Responsibly, Respect Self and Others, Kindness to All) expectations! I am proud of our Bulldog students. We are looking forward to welcoming parents to Back to School Night this week. The key to our success starts with the relationships we build with our students and families. I encourage you to check out some of the beginning of the school year highlights on my twitter account, https://twitter.com/Bulldogs512. B.A.R.K. On Bulldog Nation! Please review the school calendar and important school news below.
Important Upcoming Dates
August 21st and 22nd - Back To School Night Grades 1-6
August 22nd - MVP Training at Briarwood
September 2nd and 3rd - NO SCHOOL
October 11th and 14th - NO SCHOOL
October 18th - NO SCHOOL
Back to School Night(s) • August 21st and 22nd • First through Sixth Grade
At this event, classroom teachers will will introduce themselves, review important class procedures, review priority standards, and hold a question and answer session. You will be receiving more information about this event from your students teacher. Back to School night is organized for adults only.
Wednesday, August 21st
- 5:00pm 1st Grade
- 5:45pm 2nd Grade
- 6:30pm 3rd Grade
Thursday, August 22nd
- 5:00pm 4th Grade
- 5:45pm 5th Grade
- 6:30pm 6th Grade
MVP Volunteer Trainings • Cell Phones and Electronic Devices • Safety First / Traffic Update • Facility Dog
The My Volunteer Pal (MVP) program is the volunteer program for all Shawnee Mission Schools. The program connects adult volunteers with students ages Pre-K to age 18. All activities take place on school grounds during school hours with the exception of field trips. Only those who will be alone or in a small group without teacher supervision need to go through the training.
Volunteer Pals are utilized for a variety of in-school activities including:
- Classroom or school volunteering
- Sharing career interests or special talents with students
- Tutoring
- Chaperones for Shawnee Mission School District approved field trips
- Attend an MVP training session (see dates below) at either the District office (Center for Academic Achievement) or at any SMSD school. Training sessions will last about an hour.
- Complete the online background screening process. Volunteers will be given the link for background screening at the conclusion of the training.
- No need to attend if you have gone through the training in the past 3 years.
To learn more about the MVP program and see when upcoming trainings are scheduled, click on the link below.
Briarwood is hosting an MVP Training on August 22, 2024 at 7:00PM in the cafeteria.
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
- SMSD is committed to providing highly effective and consistent learning spaces across the district. During instructional time, the personal use of cell phones and other electronic devices that are not district-issued is prohibited unless explicitly directed by school staff. Cell phones and other personal electronic devices are to be turned off and put away during the day in order to respect the educational environment of the classroom. Medical exemptions may be applied. Initial violations will fall under the Discipline Matrix as a Level 1 offense. Subsequent violations will result in progressive disciplinary action.
- If your child has a smart watch that can send and receive text messages, please have them turn that feature off when they arrive at school and turn back on when they are dismissed at 3:10. If you need to contact your child or send them a message, please call the office. Teachers and administrators will partner with families to develop a plan for students who continually struggle to stay in compliance with the electronic device procedures.
Safety First/Traffic Update
- Thank you for helping to make arrival and dismissal run smoothly. To make for a safe and relaxing drop-off and pick-up of students, please be patient and use extreme caution when you are near the school and in the school parking lot. This would include driving slowly, staying off your cell phone, paying attention to your surrounding, and paying attention to the crossing guard. Our number one priority is the safety of our students, staff, parents, and patrons.
- Students, parents, and family members should cross at the designated cross walks. We have two designated cross walks and there is a staff member that helps cross walkers at the entrance to the car drop-off and pick up lane. Students or patrons should NEVER cross in the middle of the street even if a student has a parent or guardian with them. Please take the extra time to go to a cross walk so you can cross safely and set a good example.
- Please be good neighbors while stopped on 86th and other sides streets. Pay attention to traffic signs such as no parking or do not turn signs. Do not block the driveways to homes. Our neighbors need to be able to enter/exit the driveways to their homes. The cooperation of all drivers is appreciated.
- If your child walks or rides their bike please review safety expectations such as staying on the sidewalk and crossing at the designated cross walks. Bike riders will walk their bike once on school property to the bike rack. Bike riders should wear a helmet and buckle the strap. Bike riders should be in 3rd grade or older unless they have a parent with them to and from school.
- While many children and adults love dogs, some find them intimidating and they can be unpredictable when around large numbers of people. For the safety of our students, staff, and parents, dogs are not allowed on school property during the school day. This would include arrival and dismissal. Please share this information with relatives and friends who may be dropping off or picking up students.
Safety Drills
- This week, we will begin practicing our safety drills. Below is a list of the drills we practice.
- Fire Drills
- Tornado Drills
- Emergency Procedure Drills (Code Red, Lockdown, Evacuation)
- Our first Code Drill is scheduled for Thursday, August 22. To learn more about our emergency procedure drills you can view the presentation that was shared at the Board of Education Meeting on August 8, 2022.
- Emergency Procedure Drills
- Below is a link to resources from the National Association of School Psychologists that has tips about talking to kids about violence for families and educators.
Facility Dog
- In March of 2023, we welcomed Dove, our facility dog, to TEAM Briarwood! Dove is a Labrador Retriever. Liz Peters, 4th grade teacher, qualified to bring a Facility Dog to school and is the primary handler. The dog is trained to provide comfort and support to students, as well as assist with the overall positive climate of the school. Research has shown that facility dogs can provide social, emotional, and academic benefits to students in so many ways. It comes to us from KSDS Assistance Dogs Inc. (http://www.ksds.org/about-us/general-information/) a highly reputable organization that has placed more than 600 dog teams across the country. Dove will be used for the benefit of all students in the building as we are making plans for her to visit classrooms, library, and work with individual students. Please email me directly with any health or medical concerns for your child at chrislash@smsd.org.The Facility Dog will have boundaries set and will be on a leash with a staff member when walking around the school.
Elementary Student Handbook
Please click the link below to review the student handbook.
Attention Job Seekers!
Why work at Briarwood?
· New Salary Schedule
· Excellent Benefits
· Supportive Work Environment
Upcoming Briarwood Events
Wednesday, August 21st
Back to School Night Grades 1-3
1st Grade - 5:00 PM
2nd Grade - 5:45 PM
3rd Grade - 6:30 PM
Parents/Guardians Only
Thursday, August 22nd
Back to School Night Grades 4-6
4th Grade - 5:00 PM
5th Grade - 5:45 PM
6th Grade - 6:30 PM
Parents/Guardians Only
Thursday, August 22nd
SMSD MVP Volunteer Training
7:00 PM
Briarwood Cafeteria
Parents/Guardians Only
Tuesday, August 27th
General PTA Meeting via Zoom
7:00 PM
Link and More Information Below
Wednesday, August 28th
Briarwood Dining Donation Partner Night
5:00 to 8:00 PM
Culver's of Kansas City
More Information Below
Thursday, August 29th
Room Parent Meeting
Briarwood Elementary Cafeteria Room
6:00 PM
Thursday, August 29th
Briarwood PTA All Chair Meeting
Briarwood Elementary Cafeteria Room
6:30 PM
Wednesday, September 11th
Briarwood Back To School Skate Party
6:00 to 8:00 PM
Skate City Overland Park
More Information Below
Friday, September 20th
Briarwood Family Movie Night
6:30 to 10:00 PM
Briarwood Elementary Playground
More Information Below
Saturday, September 21st
Kindergarten Parent Party
7:00 PM
Round Hill Clubhouse
More Information To Be Posted In Class of 2037 Facebook Group
Saturday, September 28th
Briarwood Bulldog Jog
7:30 AM
Briarwood Elementary Parking Lot
More Information Below
Briarwood PTA General Membership Meeting - Tuesday August 27th
Please join us on Tuesday, August 27th at 7:00 p.m. for our first General PTA Membership Meeting of the school year. This meeting will be held via Zoom. Information and link below.
During this meeting, learn about upcoming PTA events, fundraisers, how to get involved – and vote on the 2024-2025 budget. If you have any questions or would like to review the proposed 2024-2025 PTA budget please contact Ashley Hunt via email at ashleyhunt910@gmail.com
Dial in: +1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 387 241 5181
Stay In The Know! Connect With The PTA Today!
When you join the Briarwood PTA, you're not committing your time to volunteer or attend meetings. You’re providing a one-time donation for PTA-organized activities and programs for our students, and you’re gaining access to the school directory (hello, playdates!) while allowing us to communicate directly with you about upcoming events and initiatives. If volunteering is your thing, we’d absolutely love to have you!
Ready to knock out some first-of-the-year steps?
Complete or update your school directory information
Connect with the PTA
Purchase your Yearbook(s)
Questions? Contact Karen Moore: karen.jeanne.moore@gmail.com
Briarwood Elementary School Foundation
Your donations to The Briarwood Foundation enhance our school’s ability to create rich educational experiences for all students. The money raised goes to grants requested by our principal, teachers, and staff to fund programs and supplies not provided by federal, state, school district or PTA budgets.
By supporting our foundation, you’re not just contributing to a single event; you’re joining us in creating a lasting legacy.
Click on the sponsorship form below to take the first step towards this exciting partnership. For any questions or further information, feel free to reach out to Valerie Moeder at valeriemoeder@gmail.com. She is ready to assist you with any inquiries and provide you with any further details you might need.
Briarwood School Spirit Store CLOSES 08/27 Purchase Your Items Today!
Order Your Student(s) 2024-2025 Yearbook Today!
Paying By Cash or Check?
Please drop your payment off to the main office at Briarwood
All checks should be made payable to Briarwood PTA
A note with student(s) name/grade must be included with payment
Please consider purchasing a donation yearbook to ensure EVERY student receives one!
Upcoming Event Information
Parent Party Hosts Needed!!!
We are seeking volunteers to help co-host parent-hosted parties this fall. Most grades have volunteer teams comprised of 8-10 families, working together to ensure the success of these events. This is a fun adult-only evening for the parents and guardians in each grade to get to know each other and to raise funds for the PTA. While there is no cost to attend, donations are suggested and encouraged. Your participation is essential in creating memorable experiences for our students and fostering a sense of community among parents. Please consider joining a host team and contributing to the success of this fall's events!
Welcome To Our Kindergarten Families!
Have Questions? Meet Your Kindergarten Liaisons!
Meet your Briarwood Elementary PTA Kindergarten Liaisons Jenny Lentz and Erin Reddell! Jenny and Erin are your go-to contacts for all your questions about school events like the Bulldog Jog, parent parties, progressive dinners, and more. They are dedicated to helping you navigate and enjoy all that Briarwood Elementary has to offer. Reach out to them today at their email addresses or phone numbers for any inquiries and support which can be found below.
Jenny Lentz - (816)-509-4414 - jbbielak@gmail.com
Erin Reddell - (913)-706-0949 - ekboyle@gmail.com
Kindergarten Color Week Schedule
Friday, August 16th --------- Red
Monday, August 19th ----- Orange
Tuesday, August 20th ----- Yellow
Wednesday, August 21st - Green
Thursday, August 22nd ---- Blue
Friday, August 23rd ---------- Purple
*This activity is not intended to require any new clothing. If your child doesn't have any appropriate clothing for a certain day, please do not buy anything new! The Kindergarten team will have different colored stickers for them each day!
SMSD Elementary Breakfast and Lunch Menu - August 2024
To learn more about the school breakfast and lunch process, we encourage you to visit the SMSD Food Services website via https://www.smsd.org/about/departments/food-service/menus/menus. There, you'll find detailed information on meal options and procedures for adding funds to student accounts as well as applying for any meal benefits. Students can choose from multiple entrée choices, including both hot and cold options, and select their own side dishes from a choices bar. SMSD food services emphasizes the importance of students taking only what they will eat to help minimize food waste and keep costs down. Please note that their menu is subject to change without notice due to supply chain issues. While they strive to provide the best service and quality meals, they apologize in advance for any inconvenience those changes may cause.
Briarwood Lunch Schedule
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Great Reads
Many kids might be feeling anxious about going back to school after a long summer break. Others may feel nervous about starting school for the first time. Parents/guardians can help ease the transition back to school by being able to recognize the symptoms of stress and anxiety and implementing some creative strategies.
Around The World Recipes
Volunteers Needed - SMAC Clothing Exchange
The Shawnee Mission Area Council PTA Clothing exchange offers gently used clothing and shoes from infant to adult sizes. The exchange is a free service open to those who live within the SMSD boundaries. Donations are made possible by SMSD residents.
The Clothing Exchange is 100% volunteer staffed. Please consider volunteering today and reach out to Ashley Hunt at ashleyhunt910@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering.
Shawnee Mission Area Council PTA (SMAC) Clothing Exchange is located at the Shawnee Mission School District Early Childhood Education Center at 6701 W. 83rd Street Overland Park, Kansas 66204. Entrance in the back - Door # 7
Website: https://www.smac-pta.org/
CharacterStrong Curriculum - PurposeFull People
Briarwood and SMSD are excited to introduce PurposeFull People in classrooms this year. This program equips students with skills for success in school and life.
Briarwood is committed to creating a safe, inclusive learning environment with strong connections between students, teachers, and peers. PurposeFull People fosters these connections and supports students in overcoming challenges both in and out of school. It’s more than just lessons—it's a partnership with families to help students feel they belong and develop essential skills.
PurposeFull People focuses on three main goals: Be Kind, Be Strong, and Be Well.
- Be Kind: Social skills like listening, friendship, solving conflicts, and leadership.
- These skills are taught alongside Empathy, Respect, & Cooperation
- Be Strong: Skills that help students focus, stay organized, and set goals.
- These skills are taught alongside Responsibility, Courage, & Perseverance
- Be Well: Skills that help students handle their emotions and deal with stress.
- These skills are taught alongside Gratitude, Honesty, & Creativity
The path forward is full of growth! We cannot wait to partner with you in this work…
- To teach students how to build strong friendships
- To work together to solve problems, big and small
- To grow skills for life
- To become PurposeFull People
Any questions please contact Briarwood's Social Worker Cassie Horn via email at casiehorn@smsd.org
Briarwood Before and After School Volunteer Crossing Guard Sign Up
Please help Briarwood students get to school safely! The intersection at 86th and Juniper does not have a SMSD-staffed crossing guard; the school relies on volunteers. All volunteers are welcome, but if your student uses this intersection, please consider signing up once per month.
- 7:50 - 8:10 am (school starts at 8:10 a.m. for all grades)
- 3:05 - 3:20 (dismissal at 3:10 p.m. for all grades)
- 12:25 - 12:40 p.m. on half days (half-day dismissal is at 12:30 for all grades; half days are indicated on the sign-up calendar)
- Cars are not permitted to turn LEFT off 86th Street onto Juniper (you may have to remind drivers)
- Students must walk themselves and/or their bikes/scooters across the crosswalk
- Manage pedestrian and vehicle traffic for safe street crossing
- Remind students to follow street crossing rules
- Help control car and pedestrian traffic conditions
Thank you!
Briarwood Garden Club
Volunteers needed for our upcoming work days! Bring your gloves and gardening tools and join the Garden Club team from 12:00 to 2:00 PM on September 15th or from 1:00 to 3:00 PM on November 3rd.
Can't make it to one of our work days. We have thirty minute work sessions after morning drop off to help with quick landscaping items. These are from 8:15 to 8:45 AM and will be held on August 21st and 28th this month.
Thank you in advance for your help and we hope to see you there!
Any questions please contact Katie Stramel via email at katherine.stramel@gmail.com
Briarwood After School Chess Club
Smore Translation
Instructions For Newsletter Translation
- On the right side in the newsletter when viewing on a computer device or at the top of the newsletter on a mobile device, a bar will appear with the Translation feature.
- Click on the Translation bar then click on the Select Language button.
- Choose your language of choice from the drop-down menu of languages and click close. The newsletter will now be translated.
En el lado derecho de la pagina, aparecerá una barra con la función de traducción. Haga clic en la barra de traducción y luego haga clic en el botón Seleccionar idioma. Elija español en el menú desplegable de idiomas y haga clic en cerrar. El boletín ahora se traducirá.
Ashley Hunt • ashleyhunt910@gmail.com
Rachel Wymore • rla08@hotmail.com
Craig Dawson • craigdawson@icloud.com
VP Administration:
Jamie Carr • jamieweatherly82@gmail.com
VP Communications:
Allison Stedman • allisonjstedman@gmail.com
VP Community Events:
Nick Reddell • nickreddell@gmail.com
VP Student Services:
Jamie Smith • jamie3smith@gmail.com
VP Funding:
Heather Rowe • hgreenlaw_01@yahoo.com
VP Finance:
Javier Centonzio • jac@centonziolaw.com
Michelle Wiens • mwiens678@gmail.com
Brooke Miller • brooke@flatironequity.com
Briarwood Foundation:
Valerie Moeder • ValerieLMoeder@gmail.com
Diversity & Inclusion Chair:
Telma Wiesman • telmaweisman@gmail.com
Briarwood Elementary Social Media
Website: https://www.briarwoodpta.org/
Twitter: @BriarwoodElem
Instagram: @BriarwoodBulldogs
Facebook: facebook.com/BriarwoodBulldogs
2026 Briarwood Auction
Instagram: @briarwoodauction
Grade-level Facebook Groups (Private Groups For Grade Level Parents):
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2031 (6th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2032 (5th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2033 (4th grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2034 (3rd Grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2035 (2nd Grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2036 (1st Grade)
Briarwood Elementary Class of 2037 (Kindergarten)