May #3
A Note From Miss Caitlyn
Dear Lincoln, Logan & McPherson County 4-H Families,
June is almost upon us, I can't believe it! June is a big month in 4-H with multiple deadlines on June 14th. As summer gets started, it is easy to leave paperwork until the last minute. I encourage you to think ahead and plan to get things turned in sooner than later. This will help ensure that things run smoothly at fair. Take advantage of our summer workshops! In each of these workshops youth will come away with a project ready to enter at fair leaving parents and youth with less stress at home. I look forward to seeing all of you soon. As always, let's make the best better together! :)
Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns,
Miss Caitlyn
4-H Enrollment!!!
If you need help or would like to enroll in office with us please contact us to schedule an appointment at 308-532-2683
4-H Council Members
4-H council is seeking 3 adult and 6 youth members (14 yrs or older) to be listed on our ballot for elections during fair in July. Please consider this opportunity to voice your opinion about the direction of our program. If this is something you would like to be considered for please call the office Monday-Friday 9 am -5 pm or you can email Caitlyn at caitlyn.jacobson@unl.edu.
4-H Volunteers
Hello Volunteers,
If you have submitted an online enrollment for 4-H Volunteer but have not received an approved enrollment email then there is still things that need completed before you are able to help with any 4-H related event, program, workshop, etc. We have sent reminders to emails with what you all need to complete but we thought we would try this next since we are getting down to the wire on deadline for approval. Some need to complete the screening process through DHHS still and also the Volunteer Orientation videos. If you are wondering if you still need to complete something or need help getting to one of these please contact the office so we can help you get this completed!
DHHS Screening Link:
Volunteer Orientation Link:
Horse Advancement Levels
Summer Workshops
Robotics Workshop
Critter Swap
4-H Jr. Leaders
2024 Fair Book
Platte Valley 4 Paws Dog Show
Market Broiler Project
Lottery Pig Meeting #2
Sheep & Goat Weigh-Ins
Summer Volunteers
2024 Fair schedule
Music Contest
2024 Fair Schedule
2024 Fair Schedule
Nebraska State Events
4-H Project Podcast
May Birthday's
5/31: Horse ID's/Levels Due if going to State Horse Show
6/1: ShoWorks Fair Entries OPEN All Counties (fairwire)
6/1: Lincoln County Sheep & Goat Weigh in @ 9-11 am
6/5: Clover Kid Cupcake Decorating Workshop (Deadline: 5/29)
6/10 & 6/17: Beginning Sewing Workshop (Deadline: 6/3)
6/11 & 6/18: Beginning Cake Decorating Workshop (Deadline: 6/4)
6/12: Barn Quilt Workshop (Deadline: 6/5)
6/14: Deadline for Affidavits/ID Sheets, YQCA, 4-H Enrollment, Horse Levels,
State Fair Livestock Nominations, DNA Envelopes
6/14: Shopping in Style Workshop (Deadline: 6/7)
6/14: Fabric Scrap Bowl Workshop (Deadline: 6/7)
6/18-19: Clover Kid Day Camp (Deadline: 6/11)
6/25: Muffin Mania Workshop (Deadline: 6/18)
6/26: Project Made from Wood Workshop (Deadline: 6/19
6/26: Logan Co. Project Day (Deadline: 6/19)
6/27: Macrame Wall Hanging Workshop (Deadline: 6/20)
6/29: Platte Valley 4 Paws Dog Show
7/1: ShoWorks Fair Entries CLOSE Lincoln County (fairwire)
7/2: Popping Time Workshop (Deadline: 6/25)
7/15: ShoWorks Fair Entries CLOSE Logan/McPherson County (fairwire)
7/20-7/28: Lincoln County Fair
7/29-8/5: Logan County Fair
8/8-8/10: McPherson County Fair
8/23-9/2: Nebraska State Fair
This is required for all Livestock projects, rabbit and poultry exhibitors. You must complete this and turn your certificate into the extension office by June 14th, 2024!
If going to state horse show this is due to Extension office on May 31st before 5 pm.
If not going to state then this is due to Extension office on June 14th before 5 pm.
You can visit either of the links provided to learn more or get signed up for these workshops!
4-H Jr. Leaders
Summer Volunteers Needed
We are looking for some volunteers for our 2024 Lincoln County Fair season. If you or someone else you know is interested please go to the link provided and fill it out. Volunteering your time looks great on job applications and college scholarships! We look forward to working with you this year and fair is fast approaching!
Volunteer Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScK8G1eofND6pry9azJ-xbo_MpjvkxS2UZTPvhF4ZqVU93rEw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Livestock Judging Circuit - April 13th- June 22nd (Multiple Locations)
Small Animal Progress Show - June 1st
4-H 2024 Summer Camp - June 1st- July 24th (Multiple Locations)
4-H Horse Camp - June 6th- 8th
Cream of the Crop Dairy Show - June 15th
Dawes Co. Progress Show - June 15th
Keith Beef Progress Show - June 15th
Sheridan County Progress Show - June 23rd
Silver Spurs 4-H Horse Show - June 29th
Platte Valley 4 Paws Dog Show - June 29th
4-H Invitational Horse Show - July 7th
Agronomy Youth Field Day - July 9th
Each month we are looking for a 4-H youth that would be interested in making a podcast with Eagle Radio about a 4-H project. If you are interested contact (308) 532-2683 or email caitlyn.jacobson@unl.edu.
Check out our latest Podcast on our website at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/lincolnmcpherson/4-h-project-podcasts/
If we missed your child and you would like them on our flyer let us know!
Office Hours: 9 am.- 5 pm. (M-F)
Email: caitlyn.jacobson@unl.edu
Website: https://llm.unl.edu
Phone: 308-532-2683
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LLM4h