Monthly Recap
Over 400 Revere High School and CityLab Innovation High School Students Graduate
The Class of 2024 celebrate their graduation.
Four hundred thirty Revere High School and CityLab Innovation High School seniors walked the stage at Harry Della Russo Stadium and received their diplomas as part of the school department’s graduation exercises on Wednesday, June 5.
“There are so many incredible accomplishments among the members of the Class of 2024, and I am extremely proud of all our graduating seniors,” said Revere Public School Superintendent Dr. Dianne Kelly. “Our graduates entered high school at the height of COVID but overcame so many challenges the pandemic presented. Despite beginning high school with so much uncertainty, every one of these students rose above adversity to become successful students, mentors, and leaders and forged friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime.”
Revere High School (RHS) valedictorian Melih Yilmaz, salutatorian Bianca Fiore, and class president Allen Hou joined Mayor Patrick Keefe, Revere Public School Superintendent Kelly, and high school principals Christopher Bowen (RHS) and Stacey Mulligan (CityLab) in welcoming the graduates.
“I am beyond proud of the success our seniors have achieved,” said Principal Bowen. “This class has set records for high numbers of advanced courses taken at the university level and amazing community engagement through service and internships. Additionally, they have worked hard to improve the culture and community at Revere High School by creating new student leadership opportunities. The Class of 2024 has absolutely left its mark on Revere Schools!”
Revere Public Schools seniors have received over $140,000 in local scholarships, and many will receive other scholarships and financial aid from the colleges they plan to attend.
“I am overwhelmed with joy and pride when we look at the achievements of the Class of 2024,” said Principal Mulligan. “They have persevered through many challenges and should feel delighted when they look back at the work they have put in over the last few years. This year alone, CityLab seniors combined earned over 215 college credits. That is an outstanding accomplishment!”
City Council Approves Bond Authorization for New High School
A rendering of the new high school.
Last month, Superintendent Dr. Dianne Kelly said she was beyond ecstatic to share that, by a vote of 9-2, the Revere City Council approved the bond authorization for just over $493 million for construction of a new Revere High School at the site of the old Wonderland dog track, calling the vote "truly a historic moment for the city."
"We started this process just over eight years ago with our first application to the MSBA for funding support," said Dr. Kelly. "There have been several stops and starts, particularly around the cost and the city's ability to afford the project." We anticipate about $238 million in funding from the MSBA, which leaves the city with a burden of just over $254 million. We should all be thankful to the city’s elected officials and leaders for taking on this enormous financial commitment and also for committing so strongly to the future of Revere’s youth."
Dr. Kelly added that this was not an easy decision given the implications for city finances and the impact such a cost will have on budget constraints across all areas of city services in order to avoid putting the financial burden on community members.
"We should also be thankful to the RHS Student Senate, who raised their voices when the project was at risk, the School Committee, the School Building Committee for the many hours they put into meetings and material preparations, and the staff at the MSBA who stood by and supported us through project challenges."
Dr. Kelly said RPS and the city are about four, maybe five, years away from project completion.
"The final building parameters will become clearer as we move into the design development phase. The next year or so will be about finalizing the design plan, permitting the land, and preparing for construction, which we anticipate will begin in the in the spring orsummer of 2025," she said. "Please note that we will be calling on folks to help guide the design process. I hope you will consider participating."
Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Estaphany Rodriguez, the Family and Community Coordinator for Revere Public Schools, and Reiko Marcos, a CityLab High School teacher.
This week, Estaphany Rodriguez, the Family and Community Coordinator for Revere Public Schools, hosted a special segment on RevereTV’s Family Liaison Cooking Series.
In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, Rodriguez and Reiko Marcos, a CityLab High School teacher, showcased the art of preparing a traditional Japanese dish, onigiri.
During the segment, Marcos, who was born and raised outside Osaka, guides viewers through the steps of making these tasty Japanese rice balls. Onigiri is usually a lunch item or something one eats when outside, like during a picnic.
Marcos explained that Onigiri is like a sandwich in Japan and was born about 2000 years ago, when rice farming was introduced to her native country. The dish became instantly popular, and samurais would bring onigiri when they went into battle. About 400 years ago, when the Japanese started traveling longer distances, onigiri was often used as a ‘travel food.”
RHS students honored at the third annual Bilingual Awards Ceremony
Lesly Calderon Lopez receives her award from Language Development Coach Anne Chalupka.
At last month's Revere High School Bilingual Awards Ceremony, Senior Safaa Laroussi said her ability to speak multiple languages has made it possible for her to get involved in a variety of community activities, like working with youth at her neighborhood mosque.
“Being able to speak Arabic and Darija well has been quite helpful in these situations,” said Laroussi, who studied Darija and Modern Standard Arabic. “Whether it is organizing community cultural events, having casual conversations with friends, or talking about religious principles, I can build thoughtful connections. I have been able to learn more about my culture in Morocco and throughout North Africa and the Middle East because of my language proficiency.”
Laroussi added that being multilingual means being privy to different worlds.
“Language grants you the keys to entire cultures and the perspectives and stories within them,” she said.
Laroussi was just one of over 90 Revere High School seniors recently recognized for their strong multilingual skills at the third annual Bilingual Awards Ceremony on May 8. The award ceremony honored recipients of four awards, including the Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy.
District-Wide Spring Showcase
Beachmont Culture Night
Garfield Elementary School Culture Night
5th Grade Family Liaison Coffee Hour
Coast Collaborative Graduation
Family Liaison Cooking Show, Brazil
Rumney Marsh Academy Culture Night
6th & 7th Grade Field Day
Monday, Jun 10, 2024, 09:00 AM
Garfield Middle School, Garfield Avenue, Revere, MA, USA
Monday, Jun 10, 2024, 09:00 AM
Paul Revere Elementary School, Revere Street, Revere, MA, USA
Field Day Grade 6 & 7
Monday, Jun 10, 2024, 09:00 AM
Rumney Marsh Academy, American Legion Highway, Revere, MA, USA
Spring Concert for Grades K, 3, and 4
Monday, Jun 10, 2024, 09:00 AM
Abraham Lincoln School, Tuckerman Street, Revere, MA, USA
Field Day
Tuesday, Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 AM
A.C Whelan Elementary School, Newhall Street, Revere, MA, USA
Field Day Grade 8
Tuesday, Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 AM
Spring Concert for Grades 1 and 2
Tuesday, Jun 11, 2024, 09:00 AM
Abraham Lincoln School, Tuckerman Street, Revere, MA, USA
Moving on Ceremony
Tuesday, Jun 11, 2024, 10:15 AM
Garfield Elementary School, Garfield Avenue, Revere, MA, USA
Grade 5 Moving On Ceremony
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2024, 09:00 AM
Paul Revere Elementary School, Revere Street, Revere, MA, USA
Parent Coffee
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2024, 08:30 AM
Garfield Elementary School, Garfield Avenue, Revere, MA, USA
Moving-On Ceremony
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2024, 09:00 AM
Garfield Middle School, Garfield Avenue, Revere, MA, USA
Junior Field Day
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2024, 10:00 AM
Revere High School, School Street, Revere, MA, USA
Moving on Ceremony
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2024, 10:30 AM
Susan B Anthony Middle School, Newhall Street, Revere, MA, USA
Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony
Thursday, Jun 13, 2024, 09:00 AM
Abraham Lincoln School, Tuckerman Street, Revere, MA, USA
5th Grade Moving on Ceremony
Thursday, Jun 13, 2024, 10:30 AM
A.C Whelan Elementary School, Newhall Street, Revere, MA, USA
8th Grade Moving On Ceremony
Thursday, Jun 13, 2024, 12:30 PM
Rumney Marsh Academy, American Legion Highway, Revere, MA, USA
Grade 5 Moving On Ceremony
Friday, Jun 14, 2024, 08:45 AM
Staff Sergeant James J Hill School, Park Avenue, Revere, MA, USA
Last Day Of School
Saturday, Jun 8, 2024, 07:30 AM
Revere School District, MA, USA
Shown from left to right: Back row: Ambra DeCicco-Clyne, Anabella Sandy-Roche, Captain Camila Echeverri, Captain Yara Belguendouz and Coach Racquel MacDonald-Ciambelli; front row: Bella Stamatopoulos and Captains Giselle Salvador, Angelina Montoya and Rocio Gonzalez. Missing: Captain Ashley Chandler.
RHS Girls’ Indoor Track Celebrates Championship Season
Joao Victor Cunha Will Attend Div. 1 University of Rhode Island
CityLab High School One of Six Schools Awarded a New Clean Energy Innovation Pathway by the State
School Committee Discusses Middle School Honors Plans
Revere Schools Receive State Grants To Help With Federal Student Aid Applications
HRC Members to Attend Circle Training in June
Next Step in High School Project To Be Decided May 20
Revere’s Oulaya Louaddi Is Building Community for Nursing Students
Eaves Reaches New Heights: Revere High Graduate Receives Her Master’s Degree From U-Tampa
Revere Elementary Students Rock the House
RHS Robotics Complete Another Impressive Season
Revere Students Perform Across the City
In Major Milestone for New Revere High School, City Council Approves Bond Authorization
A.C. Whelan Students Celebrated for Writing Achievement
City Council Approves Bond Authorization for New High School