Aquarian News
Weekly Update #7
Upcoming Events
9/25- 10:00-10:50 Student Council Speeches
9/25- APC Work Session 6:00 in the Library
9/26- Voting for Student Council
9/27- Jog Athon starting at 10:00
9/29- Nic's Race
10/4- ASA Ends
10/7- 5:30 PTO Meeting in the Library
10/14- Indigenous Peoples' Day (No School for Students)
10/18- End of First Quarter -Grading Day (No School for Students)
10/19- Trunk or Treat 5:00-7:00 at West High School
10/21 5:45 APC Meeting in the Library
Meeting ID: 945 3161 5121
Passcode: 871491
10/22- Explorations
10/23- Conferences (No School for Students)
10/24- Professional Development (No School for Students)
10/25-Conferences (No School for Students)
10/28- ASA for Second Quarter Begins
10/31- Halloween
11/1- Picture Retakes and Class Pictures
11/4- 5:30 PTO
11/5- Remote Learning Day
11/11- Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
11/14- Bingo Potluck
11/18- 5:45 APC Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 3161 5121
Passcode: 871491
11/28-11/29- Thanksgiving Holiday (No School)
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is becoming increasingly full. Stop by this week and see if you recognize anything.
Please remember to label all of your student's belongings. It'll help us make sure lost items are returned to the proper owners.
Activity Fee
Have your paid your $125 activity fee yet? Please take care of this as soon as possible. This fee helps pay for field trips and explorations.
If your student will be absent, please make sure to notify the front office in addition to the classroom teacher.
Bowling Event
Attention families Aquarian Charter School is excited to announce our 10th annual Jog A-thon!!! What is a Jog A-Thon you ask? Well this event is our schools first major FUNdraiser that is sponsored by our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). The monies raised during this event help support our school in so many ways for the entire year. On September 27th, students will run the loop on school grounds. Second through sixth graders will run for 45 minutes and kindergartners and first graders will run for 30 minutes. Students will collect pledges from friends, family, neighbors and whoever is willing to donate! The more pledges brought in, the more prizes the kids can win!
We are looking for SPONSORS for this event. If you own a small business, know someone who owns a small business, or work for a company that would like to sponsor our event please let us know!! Or better yet! Print a copy of THIS LETTER and get it to prospective sponsors.
The money we raise through this event helps support Aquarian staff and students. In the past we have been able to provide funding to restart the Robotics Club and Student Council. It also helps provide training for our teaching staff and numerous school wide events including Trunk or Treat, Bowling Night, Winter Festival, Movie Night and Skating. The money raised also sends our 5th graders to space camp and provides support for our end of the year all school field day! These events help to build the Aquarian community throughout the school year.
If you or your business would like to be a sponsor, please contact Sarah Boice at aquarianpto@gmail.com
UAA Volleyball Game
The Aurora Integrated Oncology Foundation has sponsored the UAA Women’s Volleyball team for a Pink Night, to highlight breast cancer awareness and as a fundraiser to benefit the Alaska chapter of the American Cancer Society. The game is Saturday, September 28th, at 7pm at the Alaska Airlines Center. Redeem the code PINK for free tickets, courtesy of AIOF.
Go to https://aac-uaa.evenue.net/events/VB. Then hit three bars at the top/select promotions/input PINK in the box, and then it will specifically take you to a link for the free tickets. If you just go to purchase tickets and search directly for this game, it does not give you anywhere to input the PINK code.
All are Welcome!
Potato Harvesting
Sock Drive
The House of Compassion and Student Council will be hosting a Sock-tober Sock Drive during the entire month of October! All socks collected will be donated to support Beacon Hill. Beacon Hill hands out approximately 500 pairs of socks every month! Please place NEW socks, ranging from Infant to Adult sizes, in your house donation box in Gym Hall starting October 1st. The house with the most donated socks will win a pizza lunch!
Ms. Jessica's Class Performing a Readers' Theater
Trunk or Treat
Dear Aquarian Parents,
It’s almost that time again….Aquarian’s Annual Trunk or Treat event! This year’s event will take place on October 19th from 5:00-7:00 in the West High Parking lot! To make this event spooktacular we need a little help from you. First, we need families to host a trunk with treats. If your family would like to participate, please sign up at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdkTlPR4kquuQgVeK7Gx7I7K-ct9lGY4WAE86ZxjxcTQCqPZg/viewform .
Second, our teachers need bags of candy for their classroom trunks. Please bring candy to teachers by Thursday, October 10th. And finally, we are looking to borrow four generators to help run a hot chocolate stand, music, and some festive inflatable items. If you have a generator you are willing to donate, please contact Jody Best at (907) 351-8981.
Tickets are on sale now at https://aquarianpto.membershiptoolkit.com/packet/147402327, or you can purchase them after school any Friday leading up to the event. PTO will have a table on the blacktop.
Pirate Day
5th and 6th Battle of the Books
The leaves are falling and it’s time again for 5/6 Battle of the Books!
Battle of the Books is a statewide Alaska reading program to encourage and motivate students’ towards literacy. There are 12 books on the list that cover a variety of genres.
If your child is interested in participating in BoB this year, please sign up at the link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgHrwgBBiMOiahc9s8WMEntSaHAWs2_xUp87YhiW2J5l-ZjQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Our first meeting will be during lunch on Monday, September 23rd, in the library. Because we have a limited amount of time, please send a lunch that doesn’t need to be heated. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Sharon at holland_sharon@asdk12.org.
Aquarian 2024-2025 Student Council
Student Council News
Speeches will take place this Wednesday! We are excited to elect the 2024-25 Student Council officers. All ten candidates have been working hard to polish and perform their speeches.
Time Line:
September 23 and 24: Speech practice in Ms. Danielle’s room during lunch
September 25: Candidates will deliver speeches in the Gym from 10:00-10:50
September 26: Voting will take place before school (8:00-8:30) and at Recess(11:40-12:10)
September 27: Votes are tallied, and elected officers are announced at the end of the day.
Your AQ Student Council Teacher Representatives,
Ms. Sarah P. and Ms. Danielle
Science Fair
Dear Aquarian Families,
The 2024/25 Science Fair Packet is now posted on Aquarian’s website. The science fair will take place on February 6th and 7th this year.
Entry forms are due to teachers on December 6th and projects are due on February 6th (or when your teacher requires). It’s never too early to start planning projects. Please download the packet and encourage your children to start brainstorming! A hard copy of the science packet is in the office if you wish to make a copy there.
Individual Science Fair Projects are required for students in the third through sixth grades. Kindergarten through second grade classrooms will be completing in-class group projects with their teachers, but are welcome to complete individual projects as well.
We will be looking for 30-40 volunteer judges on February 6th from approximately 8:00-11:30 am. Parents, family members, and friends are welcome. For more information, or if you’re interested in committing, sign up at bit.ly/AQSciFairJudge.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Your science fair committee,
Lisa Botero botero_lisa@asdk12.org
Sarah Fineman fineman_sarah@asdk12.org
Monica Severson severson_monica@asdk12.org
Connie Tracy tracy_connie@asdk12.org
Are you interested in serving on the PTO Board?
Dear Aquarian Community,
Are you interested in getting more involved at our school? Meeting new parents and families? Supporting our teachers and staff? Then join the PTO Board!
Planning is already underway for the 2024-2025 school year, and we are accepting nominations through October 7th at 5 pm for open positions on the PTO Board. There are currently four open seats.
Nominees will be presented to the full Board at our October 7th meeting, and we will propose a vote on new officers at that same evening.
Do you know someone who would be a great fit? Do you think YOU would be a great fit? Self-nominations are encouraged. New faces are welcome!
Please submit nominations and send any questions to aquarianpto@gmail.com.
Thank you!
First Quarter Music
SO much MUSIC and creativity has been happening in the Magical Music Room this quarter! We will finish up the quarter with a variety of activities celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month!
Kindergarten and 1st Grade- have been working on keeping a steady beat through movement, playing non-pitched instruments, and singing songs. Additionally, games are played to reinforce singing and moving to the beat or tempo. They have also been learning about different voices such as speaking, whispering, shouting, singing, and high and low sounds through songs. If that isn’t enough, Boomwhackers have been so much fun! We have learned a few songs using Sol and Mi and also some old favorites, such as “The Itsy Bitsy Spider!” Finally, we spent some time singing some fun pirate tunes and dancing to some great pirate songs! As you can see, there is so much going on in the Magical Music Room!
Grades 2-3- have also been working on keeping a steady beat through movement, playing non-pitched instruments, and singing. Many games have been played to reinforce beat, rhythm, and notation skills. We have sung many songs, played a variety of percussion instruments to accompany read-alouds, and have played some amazing rhythm patterns. Additionally, the Boomwhackers have been a lot of fun to play to some fun tunes. Pirate day was a hit! We learned about Sea Shanties and sang some good swashbuckling songs.
Grades 4-6- are learning about notation and how to read music notes. Along with that, we are learning and reinforcing different rhythms through games and playing non-pitched percussion instruments. We have also learned many songs, such as canons (rounds), patriotic songs, our beautiful state flag song while using American Sign Language (6th grade.) We also take time to listen to interesting songs and learn about the composers during S.Q.U.I.L.T (Super Quiet Uninterrupted Listening Time). The Magical Music Room is buzzing with music, movement, and creativity!