HTHS Newsletter
TCS Dress Code and New Procedure for Tardies
Please Review!
Please carefully note schedule, dress code and new tardy procedure below prior to the start of school.
First Day of School
- Wednesday, August 7, last name K-Z
- Thursday, August 8, last name A-J (full school day, no early dismissal)
- Friday, August 9 all students attend
Doors open for students to enter the building each day at 7:25 am. Students will be expected to proceed to the PE Gym, the lunchroom or the band room (if they are in the band) until 8:00 am.
Note that on August 7 and 8 students will be directed to the auditorium at 8:00 am for an 8:10 am orientation meeting.
New Discipline Procedures for Tardies to Classes, Unexcused Check-ins and Check-outs
Student attendance to all classes every day is critical for learning.
Unexcused check-in's and check-out's during the school day will be tracked along with tardies to all classes. When added together the following consequences will be assigned:
- Total of 3 - tardies to any class, unexcused check-ins or check-outs - 5 days morning detention
- Total of 6 - tardies to any class, unexcused check-ins or check-outs - 1 day ISD
- Total of 9 - tardies to any class, unexcused check-ins or check-outs - 2 days ISD
- Total of 12 - tardies to any class, unexcused check-ins or check-outs - Class II Offense and 3 days ISD
Totals will reset to zero quarterly.
Students who need to check out during the school day will have these options:
- Parents or other adults on the students' contact list can come to the school to check out a student.
- The student can bring a signed parent note to the attendance clerk upon arrival to school. The attendance clerk will process the check out request and provide a check out slip to the student at the time of check out.
- We can also accept an email to our attendance clerk prior to 12 pm. The email must include a parent phone number. Mrs. Joganic will follow up with a parent phone call for verification purposes. jill.joganic@trussvillecityschools.com
- Doctor's note within 3 days
- Funeral for immediate family - preapproved
- College visit - preapproved by principal
- Military Enlistment - preapproved
- Other Administrative Approved Absence
For student safety reasons, the attendance clerk will not accept phone call or text message requests for check out.
TCS Dress Code
Parents, please review the TCS Student Dress Code with your student and ensure compliance on the first day. We will also be reviewing the dress code with students and providing reminders. Thank you in advance for partnering with us to ensure your student is dressed appropriately for the school environment each and every day.
All clothing must cover undergarments and midriff at all times and should cover the body in an appropriate manner. Midriff is defined as the region of the front of the body between the chest and the waist.
Clothing which has open sides, back, or reveals midriff area is prohibited. Midriff is defined as the region of the front of the body between the chest and the waist.
Tank tops must have a 2 finger width on all straps to be worn without coverage.
Halter and spaghetti straps are not allowed unless worn underneath clothing that complies with dress code.
All yoga pants, biker shorts, tights, leggings, or jeggings must cover the student’s undergarments and may not reveal midriff.
Shorts, skirts, dresses and skorts should be measured using the student’s closed fist when hands are down at their sides.
There should be no holes or rips revealing skin above the area of the closed fist on pants shorts, dresses, or skirts.
Baseball caps, hats, sweatshirt hoods, toboggans and sunglasses are not to be worn at any time in the school building.
- Clothing and/or personal items bearing reference to alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, drugs, drug-related slogans, sexual activity, violence, or any other wording, drawing, or picture that in any way is questionable or can be reasonably interpreted as inappropriate are prohibited.
Clothing or personal items, or visible references which identify a student as associated with a gang, or any subversive, unlawful, or unauthorized organizations are prohibited.
Rubber or hard soled shoes must be worn.
Pajamas, pajama pants, pajama onesies, snuggies, house shoes or bedroom slippers, and blankets are not allowed.
Air pods or headphones may not be worn during the school day unless for academic purposes.
Principals may establish different rules for dress for special occasions during the school day or extracurricular events.