Olive Elementary School
News from Mrs. Bush
What a Wonderful Start!
We are so happy to have all the students back and in the swing of things! Thank you for helping to make the beginning of the school year a smooth transition. We appreciate our families and the support you provide as team members in your child's education!
❤️Mrs. Bush
September Volunteer Opportunities
We need lots of help for our Grandparents Days NEXT WEEK!!! If you can help any of the 3 days, we would LOVE to have you!!!
September Lunch Menu
Reminders and Important Information
- Please be sure that all transportation changes for the day are made by 1 pm. It is very difficult to ensure changes occur after that time.
- Please do not drop your students off anywhere on the school grounds before school personnel is on duty. The official start time for all staff is 7 am. Please wait with your student until this time. This is for the safety of your children.
- Remember to get your background checks in for the year. Background checks must be turned in at LEAST 7 school days in advance to ensure you can participate in whatever activity you were hoping to join us for. Click here to fill yours out today!
Olive Fall Fundraiser
Materials for the Fall Fundraiser were sent home last Friday. If you are able to participate, we appreciate your support! Orders and money are due on Friday, Sept. 13. The projected delivery date for the popcorn is Oct. 8. Thank you for your current and previous support in our fundraisers to help support our students. With support from our PTO and this fundraiser, we are hoping to purchase new pod furniture for all students to use when working in the pod areas!!!
Thank you for all the chalk donations for Chalk the Walks!!!
News from Olive PTO
We still have several openings that need to be filled in order to run the book fair.
Our Back to School Spirit Wear Sale closed on August 23rd. The orders should be in within the next 1-2 weeks. We will be opening up the sale again October 14-25 for anyone who would like to purchase items as gifts for the holidays.
Bus Expectations
As a school, we have been working hard to learn the important bus behavior expectations. We've emphasized the importance of meeting these expectations for the safety of ALL students on the bus. The teachers and I have stressed that if students are not following the bus rules, it is a distraction to the driver. In turn, this is a major safety concern for ALL on the bus. I've included the expectations from the Elementary Handbook below and would love your support of going over these at home with your children as well. We care deeply about the safety of all of our children and want everyone to do their part in getting to and from school safely.
Bus Conduct
Students who are riding to and from school on transportation provided by the school are required to follow some basic safety rules. This applies to school-owned buses as well as any contracted transportation that may be provided.
The driver is responsible for student safety and may assign seating or direct the student in any reasonable manner to maintain that safety.
The following behaviors are expected of all students
Previous to loading (on the road and at School)
Each student shall:
( ) be on time at the designated loading zone (10 minutes prior to scheduled stop);
( ) stay off the road at all times while walking to and waiting for the bus;
( ) line up single file off the roadway to enter;
( ) wait until the bus is completely stopped before moving forward to enter;
( ) if crossing roadway wait until driver signals to cross;
( ) go immediately to a seat and be seated.
It is the parents' responsibility to inform the bus driver when their child will not be boarding the bus. Due to time constraints, the bus will not wait. Parents should not follow the bus in their car in order to get the student onto the bus.
During the Trip
Each student shall:
( ) remain seated while the bus is in motion;
( ) keep head, hands, arms, and legs inside the bus at all times;
( ) not litter in the bus or throw anything from the bus;
( ) keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisle;
( ) be courteous to the driver and to other bus riders;
( ) not eat or play games, cards, etc.
( ) not tamper with the bus or any of its equipment.
( ) refrain from using electronic devices
Leaving the Bus
Each student shall:
( ) remain seated until the bus has stopped;
( ) cross the road, when necessary, at least ten (10) feet in front of the bus, but only after the driver signals that it is safe;
( ) be alert to a possible danger signal from the driver.
The driver will not discharge students at places other than their regular stop at home or at school unless s/he has proper authorization from school officials.
Progressive Discipline for Transportation Referrals
Students who cause disruptions on school sponsored transportation are subject to a referral write up by the driver or supervision adult present. These write ups will be sent by the Director of Transportation to NPUSC administration. Based on the content on the referral, students will be subject to the following progressive steps (All steps are subject to change due to the details of the situation and discretion of administrative decision):
1st offense: Verbal warning to student with driver parent call, bus conduct report filed for admin follow up conversation with student
2nd offense: Bus conduct report, administrator parent call with in-school consequence
3rd offense: Bus conduct, administrator parent call (1 day off bus)
4th offense: Bus conduct report, administrator parent call (3 days off bus)
5th offense: Bus conduct report, administrator parent call (possible removal from bus for 5 days or more and notified that next infraction bus privilege may be denied for the rest of semester and/or year)
* NPUSC reserves the right to enact any discipline for unique or more concerning situations outside of these guidelines
Important Dates
9/9-9/11 Grandparents Days
9/9-9/13 Scholastic Book Fair
9/13 Fall Fundraiser Ends- Money and orders due
9/16 Picture Day
9/18 2:15 pm PTO Mtg
9/25 Flex Day- NO STUDENTS
9/26 School Wide Fun- Staley the Bear "Bear Down on Bullies"
10/4 School Wide Fun- PTO Walk a Thon