Fractions and Decimals
It's really not that scary!
Fraction Game
Illuminations Fraction Game - This applet allows students to individually practice working with relationships among fractions and ways of combining fractions.
Fraction Models
Illuminations Fraction Models - Explore different representations for fractions including improper fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and percentages. Additionally, there are length, area, region, and set models.
Equivalent Fractions
Illuminations Equivalent Fractions - This applet allows you to create equivalent fractions by dividing and shading squares or circles, and match each fraction to its location on the number line. Also available for the iPad.
Battleship Numberline
BrainPop Battleship Numberline - Collect stars and explode paper ships by estimating their position on a number line.
Fractions Side by Side
BBC Fractions Side by Side - Compare two fractions to see if one is larger or if they are the same. Try the different graphics to see them in different ways.
Find Grampy
Find Grampy Grampy is hiding at a fractional distance between the beginning and the end of the hedge. YOu are to guess which part he is hiding behind.
SMART Notebook Lessons
IXL Practice
- 4.1.B use place value to read, write, compare, and order decimals involving tenths and hundredths, including money, using concrete objects and pictorial models.
- Money: Compare money amounts
- Decimals: What decimal number is illustrated?
- Decimals: Understanding decimals expressed in words
- Decimals: Place values in decimal numbers
- Decimals: Equivalent decimals
- Decimals: Compare decimal numbers
- Decimals: Put decimal numbers in order
- Decimals: Number sequences involving decimals
- Decimals: Solve decimal problems using diagrams
4.2.A use concrete objects and pictorial models to generate equivalent fractions;
- Fractions and mixed numbers: Equivalent fractions
- Fractions and mixed numbers: Patterns of equivalent fractions
- Fractions and mixed numbers: Reduce fractions to lowest terms
- Fractions and mixed numbers: Fractions review
4.2.B model fraction quantities greater than one using concrete objects and pictorial models;
- Fractions and mixed numbers: Mixed number review
- Fractions and mixed numbers: Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers
4.2.C compare and order fractions using concrete objects and pictorial models;
4.2.D relate decimals to fractions that name tenths and hundredths using concrete objects and pictorial models.
- Decimals: What decimal number is illustrated?
- Decimals: Convert fractions and mixed numbers to decimals
- Decimals: Convert decimals to fractions and mixed numbers
4.3.B add and subtract decimals to the hundredths place using concrete objects and pictorial models.
- Money: Add and subtract money amounts
- Add and subtract decimals: Add decimal numbers
- Add and subtract decimals: Subtract decimal numbers
- Add and subtract decimals: Add and subtract decimals: word problems
- Add and subtract decimals: Choose decimals with a particular sum or difference
- Add and subtract decimals: Add 3 or more decimals
- Add and subtract decimals: Add 3 or more decimals: word problems
- Add and subtract decimals: Complete the addition or subtraction sentence
- Add and subtract decimals: Inequalities with addition and subtraction
4.10.A The student is expected to locate and name points on a number line using whole numbers, fractions such as halves and fourths, and decimals such as tenths.
Laura Moore
Instructional Technology Specialist
Email: lmoore4@neisd.net
Website: mooreti.edublogs.org
Location: San Antonio, TX
Twitter: @learnmoorestuff