West Ridge Elementary Newsletter
January 14th, 2025
School Hours Monday-Thursday 8:55-3:40
Dear Families,
Hello West Ridge Families!!!
Happy New Year!!!!
Please remember there is no school on Monday, January 20th in honor of Martin Luther King. There is also no school Friday, January 24th....so next week is a 3 day school week for students.
We just wanted to send a reminder to please give flowers, balloons, stuffed animals or large Valentine or Birthday items to your child at home. We are unable to deliver items to classrooms and the items are not allowed on the bus.
Midyear reminder...Students can bring water bottles with a lid to school. We ask that all sodas, energy drinks, and coffees stay at home. Thank you for your help with this.
- If you drop your student(s) off in the morning, please pull all the way foward so the entrance is not blocked. Thank you for your help with this.
- As the wet weather is upon us, please consider sending extra socks or clothing for your students in their backpacks. We do not always have extras here at school.
- This is the time of year our lost and found fills up quickly. Please label your students coats, lunch boxes, backpacks, water bottles, sweatshirts, gloves and hats. When items are labeled, we are able to get them returned to their owner.
- Once a month we will have a fire drill. This gives students and staff a chance to practice evacuating the building in case of an emergency.
- Four times a year we will have a practice lockdown. Again, this gives us a chance to practice in case of an emergency.
- Students are informed when we will be having a drill.
Thank you,
Ms. Hoffeld
Parent Advisory Meeting
Our next Parent Advisory Meeting is Wednesday, January 22nd from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. We will meet in the library.
ALL PARENTS are invited to this meeting.
- Childcare and pizza will be provided for children during this event
- We will be drawing 3 families to receive 5 prepaid wrist bands per family for our Family Triple Play Night. Please Click Here to let us know if you will be attending and how many children will be needing childcare. Filling out this form will also get you enter into the drawing...you must be present to win.
Dena Naccarato (Superintendent of Post Falls School District) will be here to discuss the upcoming levy in May. Please bring any questions that you have for Mrs. Naccarato about the upcoming levy.
Triple Play Family Night
Join us for Triple Family Night!!!
When: Thursday, January 23rd
Time: 6:00-9:00
Where: West Ridge Elementary
Who: All West Ridge Families and Friends...invite your friends and family to join in on the fun!!
The form below will be sent home with students by January 14th...if you would like to purchase your tickets in advance.
Thursday, January 23rd, 6 to 9PM
Join your West Ridge Family & Invite Others for a Night of Fun!
$22 per person allows access to all open attractions, including the Raptor Reef water park, bowling (even the shoes are included in this price!), rock wall, miniature golf, laser tag, ropes course, the 4D dark ride and many more! All outside features are included in the price…weather permitting.
Our school receives a portion of the ticket proceeds. If we have over 150 people attending, then we receive 50% of the ticket sales!
Students must be accompanied by an adult!
*Tickets can be purchased in advance and is encouraged. Please return this form to school with cash payment. (Checks are no longer accepted) All credit/debit card transactions will be completed at Triple Play the night of the event
See you there!
Child's Name _______________________ Teacher _________________
Number of Tickets _________ Payment Attached $___________($22 each)
Updates From Counselor Martines
Counselor Martines will be starting the Second Step: Child Protection Unit
Please click on the buttons below for more information
See Below and Make Sure You are Signed Up for School Closure Notifications
Upcoming Events:
Calendar Items for November
Thursday, January 16th: MLK Celebration (5th grade to PFHS)
Monday, January 20th: No School Martin Luther King Day
Wednesday, January 22nd: Parent Advisory Meeting 4:00-5:00
Thursday, January 23rd: Triple Play Family Night 6-9
Friday, January 24th: No School
Monday, January 27th: Report Cards Go Home
Tuesday, February 4th: Extreme Science Assembly Kick-Off 9:30-10:15 (classes will start in March)