Fox Tales
It's a GREAT day to be a FOX!
April 2024
School Year 2023-2024
Location: 6363 South Waco Street, Aurora, CO, USA
Phone: 720-886-8700
Twitter: @FHE_Foxes
Fox Families and Community,
Welcome to Spring!
The year continues to fly by and seeing your kids grow and flourish is such a blessing. This month we have our CMAS state assessments for grades 3, 4 and 5, the Math-a-thon fundraiser, and Fox Trotters.
We would love your support in our last fundraiser for the year. The money raised will help fund our Teacher Assistants for next school year. We understand that times are challenging for many families, and any support you can provide is sincerely appreciated.
Fox Trotters is an amazing event hosted by our PTO where our FHE choir sings the National Anthem and the fifth grade students play a basketball game against the staff. It is a great event for the entire community hosted in the Grandview High School gym.
Please take a look at the Fox Hollow Happenings for upcoming important dates. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns.
Melissa Smith
New Front Door Security:
Fox Families,
Over the last several weeks our new security check in kiosk has been activated and the second set of front doors will remain locked throughout the school day. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the new process.
Visitors and Volunteers:
- Scan ID at the kiosk
- Ring the buzzer above the kiosk for access through the next doors.
- Pick up your printed name badge at Ms. Donna's window.
- When you leave you will scan your ID again to sign out.
Student Pick-Up or Drop-Off:
- Ring the buzzer above the kiosk for front office assistance.
- Go to Ms. Donna's desk to sign-in or sign-out your student
Ashley Gray
Fox Hollow Happenings
April 2: PTO restaurant night at Dion's Pizza.
April 3:Para Educator day! We have amazing paras "teacher assistants,"Let's show them some love!
April 8: Solar Eclipse: see the info from your classroom teacher
April 8: Near Space Balloon Launch @11:45
April 15: PTO and SAC (school accountability meeting) 5:30 pm @FHE Library
April 18: Educator of the Year celebration: Congrats Mrs. McKenna!
April 18: PREK Field Day
April 18: Choir Concert
April 19: Fox Trotters @ Grandview High School
April 15 - May 3 Math-a-thon
April 23: Grandview Feeder Art ShowApril 24: Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
April 24: Admin Assistant Day.Be sure to tell Ms. Donna and Ms. Angel how wonderful they are!
April 25: INCOMING Kindergarten welcome night @ 5:30pm
April 22-26: After School Professionals Appreciation Week (Our Discovery Club is amazing!)
May 1: Principal and Asst. Principal day
May 1: Sign Language Interpreters Day
May 2: Fox Hollow Student Showcase 6:00-7:30 pm (see below!)
May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8: School Nurse Appreciation Day
•Student Council
The dream assembly was a hit because of all the donations. It was also a hit because of all the sponsors like Grandview High School, Liberty Middle School, Falcon Creek Middle School, Rolling Hills Elementary, and last but not least Fox Hollow Elementary! We raised enough money to give Finn his dream, which was to go to Michigan and meet the football team, sit down and enjoy a game! Finn was jumping for joy when he found out that he was going to Michigan. Thank you for all of your support and help to get Finn his dream! Dream on 3! Thank you for reading The Fox Tales.
The Fox Hollow Robotics team went to a competition at Overland High School. At Overland High School it was very big and intimidating. Some of the schools that were in the robotics competition were Liberty Middle School, Falcon Creek Middle School, and Rolling Hills Elementary, along with so much more! The team names were “The Ferocious Beep Bop Beep Boop’s, The Robotic Vexes, The robotic foxes, The Robo Wolves, and lots more. Fox Hollow’s teams did very well at good sportsmanship towards the other teams and judges. A special thanks to the Robotics children for representing the FHE. A special shout out to Henry Janney for giving all this information to us.
Fox Hollow is hosting a Fox Hollow Student Showcase Night on May 2nd at 6pm. A portion of this night will be stations set up for families to share a food dish with the Fox Hollow community. This is to allow our community to celebrate different family traditions and/or cultures. This would include supplying a bite size taste of a food you would like to share for about 500 people. We would love your contribution! Please sign up if you would like to participate and have a station at this event! Thank you all for making Fox Hollow so special!
•CCSD Food and Nutrition:
We provide breakfast in the cafeteria for students starting at 7:40 a.m. daily.
The Titan Family Portal is a secure, online system that allows parents to:
- Make an online payment to their children's cafeteria meal accounts
- Remotely monitor their children's accounts
- Set up automatic recurring payments
- Submit an online application for free and/or reduced meals
More information can be found at CCSD Food and Nutrition Services.
Hi Fox Hollow Community,
Just a reminder that our Music Nights have been moved to May 2, 2024 and will take place in the Fox Hollow Gym as part of a larger event! More information will be coming soon through school communications.
Please check out our website to see what your students are learning in specials:
Stay Awesome,
Mrs. Grachek Levy
Dear Fox Families,
As we are wrapping up the year in art, students will be bringing home a portfolio of art to enjoy! A collection of all they have created over the year, please keep your eyes peeled for these beautiful creations!
Material Needs:
· Paper Towel Rolls
· Toilet Paper Rolls
There will be a drop off box for these items, outside the art room. Thank you for your help!!!
Important Dates:
· April 23, 2024
o Grandview Feeder Art Show
o Student work will be selected and you will be notified by invitation. Invitations will be sent out the first week in April.
o Anyone is welcome to come celebrate!
· May 2, 2024
o WHOLE school Art Show and Community Event!
o A mural for students to participate in!
o Photo Booth!
o And much more!
Thank you Kindly,
Mrs. Z
Well, as I said in my last newsletter, if the weather didn’t cooperate, I would move soccer. Mother Nature DEFINITELY won that one! Our last rotation was NOT soccer! As a matter of fact, I’m not sure we’ll even be able to do it on our next rotation either! Gotta love Colorado weather!!! I have told the students that they would get soccer – even if we have to do it in the gym, but we will do it!!! The rotation we just finished allowed students to work on a variety of skills in different games each day. We had an overall emphasis of teamwork and sportsmanship. We also worked on throwing at stationery targets and defending. Talk to your kids about all the different games they got to play!
Kindergarten Students had a rotation of scooters. They figured out how to move on them, did some obstacle courses, and played a tag game.
Intramurals FINISHED!
Thank you to all those who participated in Intramurals!
5th Grade, I hope you enjoyed your last Elementary Intramurals!
4th Grade, I hope you will sign up again next year!
Spring Runner’s Club
NO SIGN UP REQUIRED! Spring Runner’s Club starts April 1st. It will be on Mondays and Tuesdays from 2:50 – 3:20. We will meet in the grassy area by the basketball court. Students can run, jog, walk a quarter mile track. For each mile earned, students will get a foot medallion. Students will need an adult to be with them in order to attend.
Spring Runner’s Club Dates are listed below. Feel free to join us.
Monday, April 1, 2024
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Monday, April 8, 2024
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Monday, April 15, 2024
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Monday, April 22, 2024
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Monday, April 29, 2024
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Thank you!
Sabrina McKenna
If you haven’t already marked your calendar for April 8, please do! Not only will our entire school be participating in learning about the solar eclipse that is happening and viewing it together, our fifth graders will be launching a giant helium weather balloon to near space! The payload will include several cameras that will catch the eclipse as well as several student-planned experiments. We can’t wait! Our launch will happen at 11:45 am, and we welcome the community to join us outside to cheer on the hard work that has gone into the launch.
Please visit the STEM website to learn all about what is happening in STEM Specials. As usual, we’ve been busy!
Jen Sevy
Student Health and Wellness Reminders from CCSD Health Services Department
*More information can be found at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) School and Child Care Settings website CDPHE.
The best way to remain healthy and prevent illness from spreading is through good handwashing habits (washing hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water after using the bathroom, blowing nose, sneezing/coughing, and before/after eating), getting vaccinated for preventable diseases, and staying home when sick!
Stay home when sick!
• If your student is not feeling well enough to take part in their usual activities due to illness symptoms, they should stay home.
• If your student needs to be picked up from school, have a plan in place to pick them up as soon as possible.
• Defined as a body temperature over 100.4° F.
• Students may return to school after being 24 hours fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin/Advil (ibuprofen). Vomiting/Diarrhea
• Students may return to school 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea unless it is caused by an illness that requires them to stay home longer.
• If your student has a medical condition that causes them to have spit-up, reflux, or loose stools regularly, please work with your school nurse to develop a plan.
• Remind students to cough into their elbow; this helps keep the hands clean and decreases the spread of illness.
• If the cough is severe or uncontrolled, keep your student home
• If a cough lasts longer than two weeks, we encourage checking in with your healthcare provider.
• Signs of lice: o Itching of the scalp, presence of live lice, eggs attached to the hair shaft, or small pinpoint scabs at the base of the hairline. o If live lice are present, students may remain in school until the end of the school day; however, they cannot return until after receiving an approved pediculicide (lice) treatment per CDPHE guidelines.
• Reminder: lice is a nuisance and not a public health concern. This means it is not a reportable infectious disease, as it does not spread disease. It is not due to poor hygiene habits. We do not send notification letters home to the school community when lice cases are present, unless directed by the public health department. We do not perform routine classroom-wide lice checks.
• Many childhood/school-aged illnesses can be prevented by receiving routine vaccines. Talk with your student’s healthcare provider or school nurse for more information.
Wishing all students, parents/guardians, and staff a healthy school year!
Cherry Creek School District Health Services Department.
Angie Schiermeyer
Fox Hollow Elementary School Nurse
phone: 720-886-8710 (Clinic)
Volunteer Memo
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As you may know the Cherry Creek School District implemented a new Volunteer/Partner Process in January of 2022 in direct adherence to Colorado Legislation regarding Volunteers in our Schools.
The form CCSD Volunteer Registration QR Code must be completed by each person who would like to volunteer in our schools only once per school year. The form should only take a few minutes to complete. The information will then be linked to the Raptor System used at all schools across the District. Upon approval of the form, it will approve volunteer activities in all CCSD buildings.
You will be expected to scan your identification in the Raptor system and wear the badge that it will print for you each time you enter the building.
Volunteers are guests who support students, complete tasks, and are under the immediate supervision and direction of District licensed personnel.
Volunteers are expected to fill out the CCSD Volunteer Registration Form (linked above)
Visitors are guests who are solely entering the building to conduct business such as participating in a meeting, eating lunch with their student, or attending a school sponsored activity.
Visitors are NOT expected to fill out the CCSD Volunteer Registration Form (linked above)
The safety and security of our students and staff remains our top priority. Every person entering our buildings must have a District ID or a badge printed from the Raptor System.
Thank you for your continued support.
•Before and After School Care:
Our Before and After School Care program ("Discovery Club") runs before school between 6:30-8:00AM and after school between 2:45–6:00PM (1:45–6:00PM on Wednesdays). Please call 720-886-8761 for more information.
•EVERY Wednesday... Dismiss at 1:45!
•Bus Information:
For help with translations:
Please contact Fox Hollow office for support with this resource in your language.
እነዝህን መረጃዎችን በተመለከተ በቋንቋዎ ዕገዛን ለማግኘት ከፈለጉ እባክዎን ተሊሌን በዝህ እሜይል ያግኙዋት
يرجى االتصال بـ )جميعة صباحي أو جاودة العلمي( على ) org.cherrycreekschools@jsebbahi أو org.cherrycreekschools@jdajanialami للحصول على الدعم مع هذا المورد باللغة العربية.
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귀하의 언어로 이 자원에 대한 지원을 원하시면 (리아 리) 에게 ( 로 문의하십시오.
कृपया जेम्स रसाइथिीिाइथ मा तपाइथको भाषामा यो संसाधनको सहयोगको िागी सम्पकथ गननहथ ोिा।
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Fadlan la xiriir Omar Nur cinwaanka emaylka si aad u hesho macluumaad ku qoran luqadaada.
Si necesita ayuda con este recurso en su idioma, póngase en contacto con Ilse Chavez Maldonado en, Rosa Han en, Helena Gognat en o Monica Pantoja en
Vui lòng liên hệ với Thuý Ngọc tại để được hỗ trợ về tài nguyên này bằng tiếng Việt.
Principal at Fox Hollow Elementary School