Sumter STEAM Charter Updates (4/26)
Welcome to our 3rd E-Newsletter!
SCPCSD Approves Sumter's First, Tuition-Free Public Charter School
April's Board Meeting goes Digital
SSC Recommendation Report Receives Highest Possible Mark from SCPCSD
Now Hiring for SSC's Founding Director
Formal Notification of Approval from SCPCSD
Interesting in Enrolling your Child at SSC?
SSC's Press Release Regarding SCPCSD Approval
A Scholar's Pathway to Success at SSC
The two images above illustrate a scholar's journey as s/he progresses throughout their tenure as a scholar at Sumter STEAM Charter. Our grade levels are grouped into academies to provide for a more personalized learning environment. The focus area and expected student competencies for each grade level are outlined. Scholars leaving the primary academy in grade three will be reading on grade level and on track to score in the 85th percentile on end-of-the-year benchmark assessments as they exit the elementary academy. Such off-the-chart achievement will help equip our scholars with the foundation to handle the rigor of 4-7 high school credit-bearing classes in the junior academy.
As scholars progress to the senior academy, many will finish state-required high school coursework (remember, we are a charter school that follows state graduation requirements) so that the focus during the second half of their junior year and full senior year will be devoted to dual enrollment programming and work-based learning experiences. Many will graduate with their associate's degree while others will graduate with multiple work-based/industry certifications. Under this model, we are committed to graduating scholars with a clear purpose!
100 Day Post-Authorization Action Plan
Now that we are approved, we are excited to roll up our sleeves and get to work on turning our vision into a reality! Here are the six goals we will be working in the upcoming months.
- Facilitate a nation-wide search to hire the Founding Executive Director.
- Begin the state facility approval process for the Primary Academy campus including renovation plans.
- Apply for and successfully secure charter school start-up grant funding.
- Increase the level of community awareness for Sumter STEAM Charter.
- Build stronger relationships with key external stakeholders.
- Build the capacity of the founding board and management team.
Our Approach to Social Emotional Learning
Our Approach to Social-Emotional Learning
Social-emotional learning (SEL) is a core design principle of our proposed educational model. In fact, it is so important to us that scholars will start and end each day at SSC with SEL instruction through our CHAMPS period. In this daily time, scholars will "Challenge their Hearts and Minds to Promote Success." Scholars will actively engage in lessons to acquire and further develop important SEL competencies such as self-awareness and self-regulation.
Our Approach to Everyday Teaching & Learning
Everyday Teaching & Learning at Sumter STEAM Charter
At Sumter STEAM Charter, we believe that students must be at the center of the teaching and learning process. You can expect to see the following five things across all classrooms at Sumter STEAM Charter:
- Active Learning
- Teacher as the Facilitator
- Project-Based Learning
- STEAM Discipline Integration
- Inquiry-Based Learning Environment
Our Approach to Professional Learning
At SSC, one of our core pillars is top quality teaching. In fact, all of primary academy classrooms will be staffed with two teachers - a lead teacher and a teaching fellow. We realize that teachers bring unique skills and needs to the job and a natural desire to continually improve & Achieve the best results for their scholars. That's why SSC will have job-embedded professional learning through two daily prep periods, weekly early release, one PD release day a month, and structured coaching cycles for all teachers.
Our Approach to Personalized Learning
Our Approach to Project-Based Learning
Our Approach to Meeting Workforce Needs in Sumter
Our Approach to Behavior Management
Our Approach to Curriculum
SSC draws many of its core design elements and educational plans from other high-performing charter schools including Drew Charter (Atlanta), High Tech High (San Diego), Legacy Charter (Greenville), and Meeting Street Academy Charleston/Greenville).
· PreK - Creative Curriculum
· Math (K-8) - Eureka
· ELA/Writing (K-8) - Wit & Wisdom
· Science (K-8) - FOSS
· Social Studies (K-8) - Core Knowledge
· STEM (K-12) - Project Lead the Way
· Social-Emotional Learning - Responsive Classroom & Building Belonging
· PATHWAYS (9-12) - High School Diploma-Required Coursework, Dual Enrollment, and Work-Based Learning Experiences
Our Approach to Family Engagement
Want to host an awareness session for SSC?
Stay connected with SSC as we turn our vision into reality!
Email: sumtersteamcharterschool@gmail.com
Website: www.sumtersteamcharter.org
Location: 100 North Main Street
Facebook: facebook.com/sumtersteamcharterschool
Twitter: @Charter4Sumter