Message from Middle North
August 13, 2024
6th Grade Orientation
Friday, Aug 16, 2024, 10:30 AM
Hawthorn Middle School North, 201 West Hawthorn Parkway, Vernon Hills, IL, USA
6th Grade Orientation
Dear 6th Grade Families,
We are so excited to welcome you and your student to the 24 - 25 school year! 6th grade orientation & supply drop off is scheduled for Friday, August 16th from 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. This day is intended to empower our 6th graders to take responsibility and ownership of their school experience. You are invited to drop them off at 10:30 and they will enter through the front door of the school. When the event concludes at 11:45 they will come out through the front door to meet their rides. While this time is geared towards our 6th graders, and their independence, our school always welcomes families should you desire to attend. For this event, we utilize our student leaders, known by the acronym TRY (Teens Reaching Youth) to help welcome our 6th graders. Students will rotate through two experiences: they will have time in advisory and also go on a school tour. The morning ends with administration in the cafeteria. They will be dismissed from the cafeteria promptly at 11:45.
Your student should bring their supplies and head directly to their advisory classroom once they arrive. Please ensure they know their advisory teacher and the room number, which can be found in PowerSchool. There will be staff and TRY students to help them find their way. In their advisory class, they will receive a paper schedule and have time to practice opening locks before they go to their assigned lockers and put away their belongings. They will play a getting to know you game and participate in a Q & A session. The TRY students will take the students on a tour of the building to help the students see the location of their classes.
If you have any difficulty locating your advisory in PowerSchool, please contact the office. If you have any questions about orientation, please let us know! Looking forward to seeing you Friday!
Katie Waggoner & Kim Porzel