Daniel Webster Community Newsletter
November 14, 2024
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Coming up!
11/15 - Community Circle at 7:50 am
11/15 - AAPAC Meeting 8:30 am in the library or join virtually here.
11/18-22 - Parent Teacher Conferences (12:50 pm Dismissal EVERYDAY)
11/17-22 - Scholastic Book Fair
11/19 - PTA Meeting 7:00pm
11/20 - Retake day for School Pictures
12/2 - Lost and Found Donation Day
12/3 - Bullying and Conflict Resolution Workshop 5:30pm
12/7 - DW Garden Days 10am-12pm
Subscribe to DW Community Calendar Here
Note from the Principal
Dear Daniel Webster Community,
We know the past few weeks have been challenging in many ways. As a community, it’s natural for us to experience moments that test our strength, unity, and understanding of each other. During these times, it’s more important than ever that we lean on our values: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Resilient, and Be Compassionate and Kind.
At Daniel Webster, we stand firmly against hate, racism, homophobia, and sexism. Our school is a place where everyone should feel safe, valued, and included. We are a stronger community because of our differences, and we are committed to embracing the diversity in our backgrounds and identities. Together, these differences make us a vibrant community.
We encourage each of you to uphold these values and take an active role in building peace and respect among us. We want to work together to ensure our community remains a safe and welcoming place for everyone.
I also want to thank all those who came out to support our Ruby Bridges walk this morning as it was a clear reminder of who we are and what we stand for. Thank you for your continued commitment to making Daniel Webster a positive place for all!
Warm regards,
Anita Parameswaran
Principal | Daniel Webster Elementary School
San Francisco Unified School District
Note from Ms. Alfieri - Instructional Coach + Testing Coordinator
Hi DW Community,
I wanted to share a few update around state testing and report cards this year! Please read the following information and reach out to me if you have any questions.
Star Testing Information - You will receive a Star student report through ParentVue to learn how your child did on the Star tests right before Parent Teacher Conference Week: November 18-22 . Our Fall Testing Window closes on November 1st. Star Assessments help teachers better understand your child’s strengths and opportunities for improvement; it is, however, only one measure of progress towards learning goals in Reading and Math. Please visit the SFUSD District Assessments website for families https://www.sfusd.edu/district-assessments for detailed information on the STAR Reading and Math Tests. You can also email me with specific questions (alfierim@sfusd.edu)
Standards Based Report Card- Report Cards will be shared with families during the Conference Week. To learn more about the Report Cards please visit the sfusd website where you will be able see samples of report cards and learn about the recent updates.
Notes from our Wellness Team
Parent Education Nights
Thank you to all who filled out the survey! Based on the results so far, our Family Education Nights scheduled for this semester are:
Bullying and Conflict Resolution- Tuesday December 3rd, 5:30-6:45
2025 Dates and Topics coming soon!
Upcoming Events
Lunch-time volunteers
If you having trouble signing up email sch497@sfusd.edu
11/15 Community Circle
Join us for our monthly community circle tomorrow at 7:50 on the yard!
11/15 Next AAPAC Meeting
AAPAC Mission: The mission of the African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC) is to listen, educate, and advocate for families of Black and African American students for a high quality educational experience. The AAPAC works to develop resources that allow families to more actively support the academic instruction (and responses to behavior) that their children receive as well as engage with educators and administrators in the San Francisco Unified School District in order to maximize outcomes for our children.
11/18-22 Parent Teacher Conferences
Please look for emails from your child's teacher to schedule parent teacher conferences.
Important note: The whole week our school hours are from 7:50am-12:50pm. Please make arrangements for you children to be picked up early EVERY DAY this week.
11/17-22 Scholastic Book Fair
When: Book fair sales will begin Sunday 11/17 and will end Friday 11/22.
Where: DW Library
Why: The book fair promotes reading and fun among students and raise funds to support 5th grade Mosaic Trip and other Mosaic programing at our school.
We need parent volunteers to help run the book fair!
11/19 Next PTA Meeting
The PTA will be holding the next meeting on Tuesday 11/19! This meeting will be virtual at 7:00 pm.
11/20 - Fall Picture retake
Save the date for school picture retakes. Please communicate with your classroom teacher if your child needs to retake or missed their school photo.
You can order photos online at mylifetouch.com and ID: EVTRBVHDP We will send a paper order form home beginning of next week!
12/2 Lost and Found Donation Day
Be sure to pick up lost and found items before the end of the month. We collect so much each month we will be donating left over items at the beginning of each month.
12/7 DW Monthly Garden Work Days
Join the Garden Club for monthly gardening, yard clean-up, and beautification on the first Saturday of every month! If you have any questions reach out to green-team@dwpta.org.
School News
Support Families in Valencia affected by the floods
Thank you to all the staff and parents who made our Thanksgiving potluck a success!
Grateful for our Friday treats!
Made with love!
Our 3rd Annual Ruby Bridges Walk
Mr. Santana's class in the Ruby Bridges Walk
Staff Spotlights
Meet Mr. Iñaki!
Role at DW: 4/5 Grade SIP Homeroom Teacher
Time at DW: I've been at Daniel Webster for 3 years
I love DW because: I love Daniel Webster for its strong sense of community, where everyone supports each other, fostering friendships and a positive learning environment.
Favorite Food: I love exploring new foods, but if I had to choose, I’d stick with pasta and paella
Outside of school: Outside of school, I love spending time with friends, traveling, playing sports, enjoying the outdoors, and diving into good books. It’s a great way to relax and have fun!
Meet Maestra Eva
Role at DW:I am the 2nd grade Spanish Immersion Teacher/ Soy la maestra de segundo grado de inmersión en español
Time at DW: Four years!
I love DW because: I love DW because the most important thing to me is the sense of community. Everyone helps each other at this school and likes to share their knowledge. It is not a competition and the children can feel that the teachers get along and that sets a good example for them.
Favorite Food: Spaghetti with meatballs
Outside of school:I like to run, read, write, hike, cook, be with my friends and family.
Repeated Information
Safety Protocols
In light of recent events, we want to reassure you that the safety and well-being of our students is our top priority. To ensure everyone is prepared and informed, we have updated our school safety plan and would like to share key details:
Classroom Safety Presentations: We will be presenting safety guidelines in all classrooms. These presentations will include slides that cover important safety protocols and emergency procedures.
Parent Resources: We understand these conversations can be difficult. To assist, we have prepared resources to help guide discussions at home about safety, violence prevention, and emotional support. These will be sent home with students and available online.
Scheduled Lockout Drill: We will hold a Lockout Drill on Thursday, September 12, to practice securing the school building and keeping students safe in the event of an external threat.
School Security: All entrances will be locked from 8:00am-2:00pm. Every visitor will enter through the main entrance, be required to sign-in, and wear a visitor badge for the duration of the visit. For after school pick-up, all parents and caregivers will enter through the small gate by the playground on Texas street.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our community safe. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Set up your School Cafe account
Create an account and apply online through SchoolCafe (available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese).
MFIF Impact Beyond School Meals
Help secure essential funding for your school, like support for teachers and school supplies
Receive discounted utilities like internet for your home
Become eligible for after-school programs and SAT fee waivers
Receive benefits regardless of citizenship status
Aftercare updates
ASEP - Currently there is a waitlist of 10-12 student for ASEP. They are still in the process of hiring an additional staff member to make space as many students as possible. They don't have an exact timeline but will give updates as soon as someone is hired.
OST - Is also currently full but may be able to provide more opening upon hiring an additional Para Educator. A reminder that OST is an extended school program and may not be the best fit for every student.
RecPark - There are no more spots available this year. Due to construction this year, they need keep their numbers as they are while they look for a temporary site.
State Attendance Policy
In the State of California, schools are required to send a formal truancy letter to any student that has 3 or more Unexcused Absences or Tardies over 30 minutes. These letters will begin to send later in the fall. If you qualify, you will receive this letter on your ParentVUE account.
We know that this letter is strongly worded and does not communicate our desire to support and encourage parents and caregivers. Please reach out to Anneliese Carter at cartera2@sfusd.edu when you receive a letter. She will work with your family to address attendance challenges and rectify any errors made in the attendance record.
School Hours, Drop off & Pick Up
Daniel Webster's hours for 2024-2025 are:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 7:50 am - 2:05 pm
- Wednesdays (short day) - 7:50 am - 12:50 pm
This year, we will have a hard start at 7:50am. There will be two drop off locations:
- Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd graders: Drop off on Missouri Street
- 3rd, 4th & 5th graders: Drop off on Texas street
*There is an optional silent breakfast for students from 7:30-7:50 in the cafeteria. Please do not drop students off before 7:30 as there is no supervision.
Pick up for students who are not in an after-school care program is at 12:50 pm on Wednesdays, and at 2:05 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. There are two pick up locations:
- Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd graders: Missouri Street playground entrance
- 3rd, 4th & 5th graders: Texas street gate entrance
*Please be on time to pick up your child as there is no after-school supervision.
*Students in after school care programs will go directly to their programs at the end of school
After School Programs
We have two on-site after school care programs. The cost of each depends on various factors (family income, amount of time in the program each day, etc.)
ASEP: This is our largest after school program that is operated by a separate, non-profit organization. Click here to register for the 2024-2025 school year. You can reach out to their program director, Ferkhunda Murad, if you have any questions ferkhunda@asepsf.org
OST: OST is an SFUSD operated after school program. You can reach out to their program manager, Mona Suen, suenm@sfusd.edu and the program principal, Catherine Lewis lewisc1@sfusd.edu for more information.
Emergency Card and Medical Forms for the 2024-2025 school year
For the new school year 2024-2025, families will be able to complete all required forms on ParentVUE. Through the online emergency card form, families will be able to update their student’s health information, emergency contacts, and upload health forms and immunization records.
You can now submit the emergency card for your child through the Parentvue Portal. Please visit sfusd.edu/emergencycard for more information. Families can also submit a paper emergency card to your school.
Make sure your student is up to date on all required immunizations for school by August 16th. There may be a wait for immunization appointments with your healthcare provider, so get started as soon as possible.
State law requires students to be up to date on immunizations. Your child may not be able to attend school in the fall if they do not have all the required immunizations or have appointments for the required immunizations. These immunizations help protect your child against serious diseases. You can submit health documents and/or proof of vaccinations
- through the online Emergency Card in ParentVU.
- bring documents on the first day of school.
For more information, go to sfusd.edu/immunizations.
**If you need help accessing your ParentVUE account, please contact the Student and Family Resource Link.
**NOTE: Families are able to update their phone number and email address anytime through their ParentVUE account: sfusd.edu/contactinfo.
Attendance: Reporting Absences
We are actively trying to make sure every student shows up everyday at school as this is extremely important to their learning. However, if you need to report an absence, you can now do that through your ParentVUE account. In order to submit a full day absence via the ParentVUE portal, you can follow these instructions.
Free Lunch at Daniel Webster
All student lunches are free of charge for the 2024-2025 school year in SFUSD. School lunch menus can be viewed here. Lunch times are as follows
- Kindergarten and 1st grade - 11:00 am
- 2nd and 3rd grade- 11:30 am
- 4th and 5th grade- 12:00 pm
You are also welcome to send your child with a packed lunch each day.
School Communication
Most communication from me and our teachers will be through email and through other online applications (seesaw, google classroom, synergy, smore, class dojo, etc.). Please make sure you are checking your inbox frequently.
Our school newsletters are emailed out every other Thursday through a platform called Smore that is sent directly into your inboxes.
You will also be able to view newsletters and any other updates on our school website.
For excusing absences and tardies it is best to email the school at sch497@sfusd.edu.
Report Cards
Daniel Webster operates on a trimester system, so report cards will be sent home and visible on parentvue at the end of each 12 week trimester.
Volunteering at School
If you are interested in volunteering at Daniel Webster, please reach out to your child's teacher or our Community School Coordinator, Anneliese Carter.
Technology in School
CHROMEBOOKS All students at Daniel Webster are issued a Chromebook to do various supplementary learning activities on throughout the year. Please keep an eye out from your child's teacher about their chromebook policies and whether or not students will bring their chromebooks home to work on homework and projects each day. CELL PHONES Per SFUSD policy, students aren't allowed to use cell phones during the school day. If you would like your child to bring a cell phone to school so that they can contact you at the end of the day, please make sure that it is turned off and secured in a safe place in their backpacks.
Dress Code
There are no set uniforms for the 2024-2025 school year at Daniel Webster. Students will, however, still need to follow the SFUSD dress code outlined in the SFUSD Board policy notes.
Resources for Parents
Digital Citizenship Week: Promoting Healthy and Balanced Tech Use
This week, we are celebrating Digital Citizenship Week, an annual worldwide campaign dedicated to fostering a healthy, balanced, and positive approach to media and technology use among young people. It’s a great opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of being mindful and intentional with our screen time.
Last week, during library time, our students engaged in activities and discussions about what it means to have balance in their media use. They learned how to manage their time online and the importance of taking breaks to enjoy offline activities.
To continue supporting these conversations at home, I’ve included a tip sheet from Common Sense Media with practical ideas on how you can reinforce these lessons with your children. Let’s work together to help our young learners navigate the digital world in a safe and balanced way!
Help Kids Balance Their Media Lives
Ayudemos a los estudiantes a encontrar equilibrio en su vida digital
Daniel Webster Elementary School
Email: sch497@sfusd.edu
Website: https://www.sfusd.edu/school/daniel-webster-elementary-school
Location: 465 Missouri Street, San Francisco, CA, USA
Phone: 415-695-5787