The Panther Prowl
Principal Hyde
The mission of Edythe J. Hayes Middle School is to engage all learners in a safe and nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence and develops responsible, respectful leaders and citizens
Hyde's Headline
FCPS will once again use Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) days in the event of inclement weather. On days designated NTI, class work will be posted in each teacher’s Canvas page and will continue learning from previous days. No new content will be posted. Students will have three days to complete the assignment posted on Canvas. There will not be live instruction, but teachers will hold office hours from 10:30 AM-12:30 PM to assist students.
Reminder: Cell Phone Use During the School Day
We have noticed an increase in cellphone use by students during the instructional day. We kindly remind you that students should not use their phones during class time to ensure they stay focused on learning.
If you need to get in touch with your student during the day, please contact the school office, or feel free to reach out to them during their lunch period.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work together to maintain a productive learning environment.
Students and Parents,
As the winter break approaches, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your contributions to our school community this year. The first semester has been filled with learning, growth, and accomplishments, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support and dedication of our students, parents, and staff.
To our students: Thank you for your hard work, resilience, and enthusiasm. Every day, you inspire us with your willingness to LEARN DAILY, LAUGH OFTEN, LEAD RESPECTFULLY, and LIVE RESPONSIBLY. You have faced challenges with courage and celebrated successes with grace. Your efforts make our school a place of joy and discovery, and we couldn’t be prouder of all that you’ve achieved.
To our parents and families: Thank you for being our partners in education. Your encouragement, involvement, and support mean so much to us. Whether you’ve helped with homework, attended school events, or volunteered your time, your engagement strengthens our school community and helps us provide the best possible education for your children.
As we head into the winter break, I encourage everyone to take this time to rest, recharge, and enjoy moments with loved ones. This is a season to reflect on our blessings and look forward to the opportunities ahead in the new year. We are excited to welcome everyone back in January, ready to continue learning and growing together.
Thank you once again for all that you do to make our school such a special place. Wishing you a safe, peaceful, and joyful winter break and holiday season.
Warm regards,
Phillip Hyde
Monday, December 16, 2024
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- ELA Finals & Morning Elective Finals
- Drama musical read through in room 503 until 6:00 pm
- Get Fit after school until 5:30 pm
- Jazz Band after school until 5:15 pm
- Panther Men of Quality will meet in the Japanese Conference Room
- Tutoring in the library after school until 5:05 pm
- JV Volleyball will play in the final four
- Drama musical parent meeting in the café from 6:00-7:00 pm
- 6th/7th grade boys basketball tryouts in the gym from 6:45 - 8:00 pm
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
- Cheer practice in the gym at 6:30 am
- Academic team practice in room 1001 at 7:45 am
- Science Finals
- Diversity club will meet after school in room 914 until 5:00 pm
- SBDM meeting in the library at 5:00 pm
- Get Fit after school until 5:30 pm
- Varsity Volleyball plays in the final four
- 8th grade boys basketball tryouts in the gym from 6:45 - 8:00 pm
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- Academic team practice in room 1001 at 7:45 am
- STLP will meet in the student center at 8:00 am
- Social studies & PM elective finals
- Tutoring in the library after school until 5:05 pm
- Art club will meet in room 513 after school until 4:45 pm (6th grade only)
- Volleyball practice after school in the gym
- Archery practice from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the gym
Thursday, December 19, 2024
- Cheer practice in the gym at 6:30 am
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- Academic team practice in room 1001 at 7:45 am
- Math Finals
- 7th grade leadership will meet in room 301 after school until 5:00 pm
- Get Fit after school until 5:30 pm
- Boys basketball try-outs: all grades
- Volleyball playoff finals at Dunbar High School
- Archery practice from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the gym
Friday, December 20, 2024
- Cheer practice in the gym at 6:30 am
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- Academic team practice in room 1001 at 7:45 am
- Boys basketball try-outs: all grades
Helpful links
Upcoming events
Dec 23 through Jan 6 - Winter Break
Jan 7 - Students return
Jan 8 - Rachel's Challenge
Jan 21 - Curriculum Night
Edythe J. Hayes Middle School is excited to host our upcoming Curriculum Night on January 21st from 6:00-7:30 PM! Join us to pick up your child’s MAP student reports, view impressive student work displays, cheer on participants in the spelling bee, and explore engaging activities at our interactive STEM stations. We look forward to seeing you there for an evening of learning, celebration, and fun!
Rachel's Challenge
On Wednesday, January 8th, all students will participate in Rachel’s Challenge, a bully and suicide prevention initiative, by providing a schoolwide assembly for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Rachel’s Challenge is a national non-profit organization founded by Darrell Scott, father of Rachel Scott, who was the first victim to be killed in the Columbine High School shooting on April 20, 1999.
The mission of Rachel’s Challenge is to inspire, equip and empower every person to create a permanent positive culture change in his/her school, business and community by starting a chain reaction of kindness and compassion. If you’d like to learn more about the program, please visit: https://rachelschallenge.org/
On January 8th at Hayes, the presentation will include discussions, audio, and video that may be upsetting to some students and include:
- Violence in school
- Student profiling
- Crisis response protocols
- Death and dying
We want to put all students’ emotional and mental health needs first. We have a designated plan to assist any student who may need support during or after the assembly.
If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to opt out, please contact, Timia Gardner at 859-422-1145.
If you do not want your child to participate in the upcoming Rachel’s Challenge school assembly, please complete the attachment below and return to Ms. Gardner or email Ms. Gardner at timia.gardner@fayette.kyschools.us.
Hayes featured artists of the week
December Friday Spirit Days
8th graders perform at Morning Pointe Assisted Living
Hayes Winter Choir Concert
Hayes Winter Band Concert
High School Scheduling for current EJH 8th graders-Save the date
Frederick Douglass and Henry Clay High School Counselors will be at Edythe J. Hayes Middle School on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 from 2:00-3:55 PM to meet with EJH 8th graders about High School Scheduling. This meeting is for students only. A parent meeting will be scheduled by the High School to answer any questions you may have. Students must complete the High School Schedule for where their current address shows they are districted to attend. If you need to change your primary address, please do so prior to December 20, 2024. Address changes may be done by contacting EJH Registrar, Jody Asher, at 859-422-1149 or jody.asher@fayette.kyschools.us
DanceBlue mini-thon
Help us reach our goal in our 12th Annual DanceBlue mini-thon. To donate to EJH's goal: https://ukdanceblue.com/campaigns/edythe-j-hayes-middle-school
DanceBlue is a University of Kentucky student-run organization that fundraises year-round and culminates in a 24-hour no sitting, no sleeping dance marathon. DanceBlue raises funds and awareness for the fight against pediatric cancer while supporting patients and families affected by it. The money raised through DanceBlue is donated to the Golden Matrix Fund, established to support the kids of the DanceBlue Hematology/Oncology Clinic at Kentucky Children's Hospital, both today and well into the future. The Golden Matrix Fund supports groundbreaking pediatric oncology research, enhances the patient experience, and supports Clinic Operations. DanceBlue will continue to spread joy to those fighting, to persevere in memory of the lives lost, and to celebrate every victory until the battle against pediatric cancer is won. A percentage of net proceeds for DanceBlue will be invested in perpetuity to support pediatric cancer research and support.
Sports information
Boys Basketball
🏀 Basketball Tryouts Announcement 🏀
Attention, students! Basketball tryouts are coming up during the week of December 16th. We will have an informational meeting in the cafeteria at 6:30pm. This meeting is intended for anyone interested in trying out for the Hayes basketball team. It is highly recommended that a parent or guardian attend this meeting with the student-athlete.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Complete the Google Form, which will be available on the Hayes Student Page.
- Submit an updated physical form before tryouts.
- The full tryout schedule will be posted in the Boys Basketball section of the Athletics section on the Hayes Page.
Be sure to check the page and prepare for tryouts. Good luck! 🏀
Basketball Information Links:
Boys Basketball Tryout Google Form Link
Any questions please feel free to contact Coach Jason Pack
Parents & Guardians- Want to send a Candy Cane Gram to your student? Please fill out the following quick form and send your student with the money in an envelope with their name on it. They can turn the envelope in to Ms. Adams or Ms. Malley in the 6th grade hallway and we will keep it a surprise what the money is for, and take care of the rest! :)
Want to help support the Hayes Cheerleaders? Check out the attached flyer for details on our upcoming fundraiser.
Clubs information
NO FCA on Wednesday, 12/18
Somos Panteras
Somos Panteras will meet on Monday 16th from 4 to 5pm.
BETA club
There will NOT be a Beta Club meeting in December or January. We look forward to seeing everyone again in February.
If you are attending the Beta Convention in January, we will push out information through the Canvas page and email. Stay tuned!
MySisterKeeper is hosting a hat and glove drive to benefit children in local shelters. Please consider sending in new and/or gently used items. Thank you in advance!
Varsity Academic Team Practice Schedule
Location: Room 1001
12/16 - No practice
12/17 - 07:45 - 08:30
12/18 - 07:45 - 08:30
12/19 - 07:45 - 08:30
12/20 - 07:45 - 08:30
Governor's Cup Competition
EVENT: Composition
Date: Tuesday, January 14
Time: 4:30 ~6:00
Location: EJHMS
EVENTS: General Knowledge Testing + Quick Recall
Date: Saturday, January 18
Time: TBD (plan for 08:00 - 4:00p)
Location: B. Michael Caudill Middle School
1428 Robert Martin By-Pass Richmond 40475
o: 8598930620
A message from the district UBSE office
We’re excited to invite you to our district’s first-ever Global Holiday Fair next Saturday, December 14th, from 3–6 PM at JDP! This free, public event will feature immersive holiday and cultural stations celebrating traditions from different cultures and from around the world.
In partnership with organizations such as Casa de la Cultura, The Bharatiya Temple and Cultural Center (BTCC), The Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, The Kentucky Association of Chinese Language Teachers, and more, the event will showcase food, dances, songs, arts, and crafts from diverse cultures.
Plus, a professional photographer will be on-site to take free holiday pictures of families!
We hope to see you there—and bring a family member or friend along to join in the fun. The event is come-and-go, so feel free to drop in at your convenience.
Save the Date:
The 3rd Annual Black Excellence Visual & Performing Arts Showcase will be held on Saturday, February 22nd at Bryan Station High School. All are welcome!
The Panther Pod
Mrs. VanHoose's STLP students have created a Podcast for Hayes students. Their first episode has been published and addresses bullying along with a variety of other Hayes topics. Give it a listen at the link below!
After school tutoring
We will begin holding after school tutoring on Mondays & Wednesdays beginning on September 4th. Please review our tutoring expectations.
Please see our tutoring schedule and sign up for dates here.
Youth Service Center
Magnet & School Programs Available at FCPS
Fayette County Public Schools wants to help students explore their talents and refine their career interests before they graduate. That’s why we offer more than 30 magnet and school programs designed to foster skills in art, music, automotive maintenance, carpentry, emergency medical services, welding, engineering, and more.
If your student would benefit from these programs, we encourage you to attend our Innovation Showcase on Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Tates Creek High School. Showcase participants can browse resource tables and talk with teachers and staff from each of our available programs.
Applications for our magnet and school programs open on March 1, 2025 and must be completed by 11:59 p.m. on March 17, 2025. To learn more about our application process, visit our website. For general questions, please email Vee Pryor or call 859-422-0071.
Important Dates
- March 1 - Applications open
- March 17 - Application deadline
- March 31 (high) & April 1 (elementary and middle) -- notifications to families
The HILL (The Hub for Innovative Learning and Leadership)
1️⃣ Welcome Our New Head Principal!
Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Michelle Wilson, our new head principal! Michelle brings a wealth of expertise in Career and Technical Education (CTE) and an incredible energy to this state-of-the-art facility. We’re thrilled to have her leading the way as we prepare to kick things off in August! 🤩
2️⃣ Programs at The HILL
We’re proud to announce a total of 19 programs being offered under one amazing roof. How incredible is that? Below is the full list of programs, and you’re welcome to direct families here for more information about our offerings.
3️⃣ Application Now Open for the '25-'26 School Year!
The application is live and ready to go! It’s quick and easy for students to complete—less than 5 minutes. Here’s the link. We strongly encourage students to apply early, ideally before April 1st.
4️⃣ Schedule Options
We will be on an A/B block schedule where students can choose to:
Attend every other day (1 program).
Attend daily (two programs).
District Mental Health Information
Mental Health Corner
Preparing for Finals
- Finals week can be a stressful time of year for students
o If you notice your student feeling overwhelmed or anxious, help support by providing a listening and supportive ear, or by providing extra studying support
- Make sure students are getting enough sleep each night
o This may include limiting screen time 1-2 hours before bedtime!
- Encourage eating a nutritious breakfast each morning to help start the day with energy and a good mindset
Self-Care During Winter Break
- While we’re looking forward to break, it can come with some challenges
o Some students feel loneliness from not seeing friends, lack of the additional support and connections within the school, boredom or restlessness, and mood issues from cold and grey weather
- Encourage students to go outside when weather-appropriate for fresh air, sun, and physical activity
- Enjoy extra time together doing family activities (games, outings, starting a new TV show together)
- Encourage students to keep in touch with friends over break
Social Emotional Learning at EJ Hayes
Students learn how to recognize strong emotions and unhelpful thoughts, and they learn to apply strategies for managing their emotions and reducing stress. This month’s content helps students understand that all emotions are valuable because they provide us with information about our environment. Students learn to respond to their emotions in ways that help meet their wants and needs.
The goals of this unit include students being able to:
- Assess when and why they are feeling a strong emotion
- Recognize that all emotions are okay, and that how they decide to respond can have positive or negative impacts on their lives
- Apply a strategy for emotion management that is best for them, based on context
Attendance numbers from last week:
Monday - 94.17%
Tuesday - 95.24%
Wednesday - 94.80%
Thursday - 94.57%
Friday - 92.39%