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South Row's Home Link
Week of: June 10th, 2024
Message from the Principals
As we get ready to say goodbye for the Summer we want to thank each and everyone one of you for your continued support and partnership. It truly takes a village and you all are such and important part of our South Row family. A special thank you to all the event coordinators, parents, and caregivers that assisted us and volunteered their time in the various events over the last few weeks and throughout the school year!
If you haven't already, please consider completing our family survey (link below). We greatly appreciate your input!
Additionally, as a reminder, Wednesday, June 12th is the official last day of school for students. This is a HALF DAY for students where students will be dismissed for summer vacation beginning at 11:45am.
Lastly, we wish our fourth graders the very best as they transition to middle school next year. Those families moving on from South Row, always remember you will always be part of the South Row family. Keep in touch and visit us!
We hope you have a restful and fun filled summer and we look forward to seeing you again in the Fall.
Terri and Jayson =)
Family Survey through Panorama Education
Dear Chelmsford Families,
Our district values your feedback! We are currently surveying The Chelmsford Public Schools families in order to gain insight into your perception of our school and district's effectiveness. We also want to better understand barriers to families accessing our schools and programs. To ensure we continue to provide high quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback. We want to know what you think.
To administer these surveys, we have partnered with Panorama Education to conduct our 2024 Family Survey as we did in 2023 as well. Panorama safeguards your privacy, keeping your responses anonymous. The survey shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete and will be a valuable source of information for us as we work to make our schools and district as good as they can be.
You may complete the survey online between Wednesday May 8th until Friday June 14th using a computer, tablet, or smartphone by visiting the website below:
If you have multiple CPS school-aged children, please feel free to fill out multiple surveys to represent each individual child’s experience. The first question on the survey will be a dropdown to select which school you are filling the survey out for.
We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact your building Principal.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Week at a Glance ~ Week of June 10th
Monday, June 10th
- Grade 4 Field Day
- Its Summer Walk to School Day
Medication Pick Up with Nurse V, 8:40AM-3:00PM
Tuesday, June 11th
Rain date for Grade 4 Field Day
Move Up Day
Medication Pick Up with Nurse V, 8:40AM-3:00PM
Wednesday, June 12th
- Grade 4 Moving on Ceremony, Cafeteria, 9:30AM
- Last Day of School for Students - Early Release Day - Students dismissed at 11:45am "Bubbles Send Off at Dismissal"
Reminders for Early Release Days:
- Students are dismissed at 11:45am
- Car dismissals should adhere to the following times
- Last names A-G- 11:40-11:45am
- Last names H-N- 11:45-11:50am
- Last names O-Z- 11:50-11:55am
- Please communicate any changes to your child's dismissal plans to their respective teacher, Mrs. O'Neill (oneilld@chelmsford.k12.ma.us) and Mrs. Sepe (sepek@chelmsford.k12.ma.us). Be sure to also discuss with your child.
- Lunch is available for take home ONLY through online ordering
- Students will either have specials or recess (rotates every half day).
- Snack time may be adjusted and/or not occur depending on your child(ren)'s schedule.
- Extended Day will be open until 3:00PM for students signed up on WEDNESDAY. Please provide your child a lunch.
- Please anticipate possible delays with buses as they navigate an early release schedule.
- Grades Available via X2 click here for directions
- Medication Pick Up with Nurse V, 8:40AM- 3:30PM
Thursday, June 13th
- NO SCHOOL - First Day of Summer Vacation for Students - - See you in August!
Reminders & Updates
Lost and Found: Please consider viewing the "Lost and Found Video". Items will be donated after 6/12. Please come by and pick up item(s) if they may belong to your child(ren) on or before 6/12.
Congratulations to Mrs. Warren & Mrs. Mathews - We will miss you!
Congratulations to Mrs.Sally Warren who will be retiring from South Row as a Technology Instructor at the end of this school year. Mrs. Warren has been a Technology Teacher at South Row for the past 14 years. Mrs. Warren has inspired students for years at South Row increasing their knowledge and curiosity around technology. Mrs. Warren herself has continually explored new platforms and STEM options to further her students' understanding and better prepare them for the future. Mrs. Warren's love for her job and technology truly shows each and every day. We wish Mrs. Warren the very best in her future endeavors. She will be sincerely missed.
Congratulations to Mrs. Beth Mathews who will be retiring from South Row as a Fourth Grade Teacher at the end of the school year. Beth joined the South Row community 7 years ago and has been in the district 19 years including her time as a recess aide. Beth is a dynamic and skilled educator who is committed to her students and goes above and beyond each day to support them. Mrs. Mathews is highly skilled at developing strong relationships and connections with her students in her quest to ensure that each student in her classroom feels that they belong and are heard. Mrs. Mathews herself is a lifelong learner who has always been committed to improving her craft. Mrs. Mathews love for teaching and her students shows each and every day. We wish Mrs. Mathews the very best in her future endeavors. She will be sincerely missed.
Nurses Corner
Dear South Row Families,
Medication Pick Up
I am available for medication pick up Monday June 10th, Tuesday June 11th during the hours of 8:40am- 3:30pm. I will also be available for medication pick up on June 12th from 8:40am-3:30pm.If you have multiple students, please consider bringing an empty bag to carry the medication. Please email me if you prefer that I send your student's medication home in their backpack. Note that I cannot send controlled medication home in backpacks - inhalers and EpiPens ONLY.
Thank you for a fun and busy school year, can’t wait to do it all again! But first…. SUMMER!
Stay Cool,
Nurse V.
PTO Corner
Please keep our fundraisers in mind as you make your summer plans. These are great ways to support South Row and help us get ready to do great things next year. Information for all our fundraisers is on our website SouthRowPTO.com but here's a quick re-cap.
- Raise Right - Purchase physical or e-gift cards for giving away or personal use.
- Mabel's Labels - Order personalized labels to put on clothing, backpacks, or water bottles to help them avoid winding up in Lost & Found.
- Box Tops - Scan receipts or link online shopping accounts for them to give money back based on products you purchase. Often your scans can enter you into sweepstakes giveaways too and you never know who will win.
- Mass Save - Set up a no obligations home energy audit with our special code and Mass Save will make a donation to the PTO. Thank you to the Chelmsford Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee for setting this up.
If you have questions for us over the summer or anytime, you can email us or message us through our Facebook page. southrowpto@gmail.com We had an amazing year and could not have done it without all our amazing families. THANK YOU!! Enjoy your summer!
June Connections Calendar - Feedback
Parent Resources and Support
Parent Resources and Support Button
**Please note: We continuously update the button below with new resources as they arise.
Food Services Corner
This section is comprised of the following items pertaining to food services
- Website
- Breakfast Information
- Tentative Breakfast/Lunch Menus
Breakfast Information
Dear Parents and Families --
Chelmsford Public Schools is utilizing on-line breakfast ordering again this year for ELEMENTARY STUDENTS ONLY.
Instructions on how to set up an account are below. If you need any help, please reach out to the school nutrition department at: (978) 251-5111
Directions to set up your account and order:
- URL Link: family.onlineordering.linq.com
- Sign up now: Email, create password.
- School District: Chelmsford Public Schools
- Student ID: This can be found on x2- Child’s Student ID Number
- Last Name: (You can also search and add siblings/family members at this time). Once this is completed, the student’s name should appear on page.
How to order meals
- School Menu-breakfast online ordering
- Scroll to day/week you are selecting breakfast (top right of page)
- Find date, select meal option
- Add item to cart/Select Add to order
- Click on shopping cart icon at top right of page
- Click Check out
- Select pick up location: Elementary pick-up location classroom
- Place order
Tentative Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Masked Reader Whole School Reward!
High Five Friday with CFD & CPD
Grade 3 Engineering Day
Kindergarten Musical
Pride Shout Outs
Virtual Safari Trip in Mrs. Stagnone's class!
Disney and Celtics Day
Third Grade Field Trip to Lexington
From Art Room
Fit Fest!
Congratulations to our Fourth Grade Class!
Importance of Attendance
Contact the South Row Administrative Team!
Mr. Jayson Ramalho, M.Ed.
Assistant Principal
Email: gilbertt@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.chelmsford.k12.ma.us/Domain/15
Location: 250 Boston Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5177
Facebook: facebook.com/SouthRowElementary
Twitter: @CPSSouthRow
Contact the Main Office Staff
- Mrs. Terri Gilbert, Principal: gilbertt@chelmsford.k12.ma.us, 978-251-5177 ext. 4
- Mr. Jayson Ramalho, Assistant Principal: ramalhoj@chelmsford.k12.ma.us, 978-251-5177 ext. 3
- Mrs. Shannon Vandevoordt, School Nurse: vandevoordts@chelmsford.k12.ma.us, 978-251-5177, ext.2
- Mrs. Debbie O'Neill, Secretary: oneilld@chelmsford.k12.ma.us, 978-251-5177, ext. 0
- Mrs. Kim Sepe, School Clerk: sepek@chelmsford.k12.ma.us, 978-251-5177, ext.0
- Absentee Line: 978-251-5177 ext. 1