Week 1, Term 2 - Friday 28 April
Kia Māia - Be Courageous
Kia Manawanui - Have a Heart
Kia Kaha - Do Your Best
Kia Ora - Be Well
Term 2, Week 1 @ Puketapu
Last week we welcomed 14 new students to our Kura, bringing our roll to 412.
11 of these akonga are New Entrants. Please help make our new tamariki feel welcome if you see them around school.
One of our newest Rimu tamariki Zaiya Pomana is already feeling at home in the playground.
On Monday morning we had Taki Rua Māori Theatre Company perform their whakaari Taku Waimarie. We are the first school this year to see their new performance!
Check out the clip on Te Karere to know more about them and their play. https://fb.watch/k5ECOt746W/
anzac day
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
- Laurence Binyon
Kōwhai with their poppies by our ANZAC crosses.
before and after school care
Thank you to all whānau who participated in the recent survey that was put out. We appreciate all your time and energy that was put into it.
Thank you also for your patience. For us to go forward and get accurate numbers for days required we would like to make contact with you so we can meet your whānau needs.
If you are interested in this service please ring, email or text Anya (on behalf of Good Seed Trust) with your specific requirements. Please be specific about days and times.
Anya 021 708 968 or apoching@puketapu.school.nz
School Values: Acknowledging Students at our Kura
We have a number of ways that students are acknowledged for showing school values:
Level 1 Acknowledgements:
Free and frequent – for everyday use by all staff in all school settings.
These include:
In class Mahi MAKO incentives
Class Dojo
Puketapu Values Certificates
Specific praise for showing values
Level 2 Acknowledgements
Moderate and intermittent – awarded occasionally
MAKO Values Award and morning tea (fortnightly at assembly) for consistently showing values
Student of the Day - Observed showing values. One student each day receives a ticket which they take to the office and add to their Whānau Group tub
Fortnightly White Pear Cafe Awards for consistently showing values
Duffy Awards - specifically achieving Academically
Level 3 Acknowledgements
Significant and infrequent – quarterly or yearly types of recognition.
Termly Value Draws (Assembly, Student of the Day.)
End of Year Value Awards.
End of Year Awards.
Other Acknowledgements
Player of the Day - Awarded for sport and cultural events, either weekly or as appropriate for sporting and other competition events.
Weekly award for sports teams (touch, BB, Netball, Hockey etc).
After inter-school sports competitions
Whānau events
Talk to your children about what reward systems they have in their class and who was the student of the day or received an award. Remind them to keep showing their values and who knows, they might be next!
Our award winners from Term 1, Week 10 enjoyed their morning treat with Whaea Corinne.
Tamariki taking over the staffroom
Thanks to our special helpers Brianna O'Keeffe-Wano and Jahlia Manukonga-Te Uira for helping dish up the goods!
Week 1 had some special Mako Award winners from our junior school.
Halo Makiri-Watson has only started with us this year and has proudly been showing our school values.
Aki Ekeroma, Michael Phillips, Spence Waddington, Tui Robinson, Liam Gorrie & Lucas Speedy from Tōtara have been shwing their values in class.
Student of the Day - How it Works
Each classroom teacher selects one Student of the Day every day.
The student receives a certificate and ticket.
The student takes the ticket home so it can be signed by a parent and brought back to put in the Whānau box in the school office.
The certificate stays home.At the end of each term at assembly, there is a winning draw - it is a big draw and will be very exciting!
Parker Smith gets Kiwi on the table!
On the menu for next week:
Monday: Teacher Only Day
Tuesday: Meatball Subs
Wednesday: Curry with Rice
Thursday: Toasted Sandwiches
Friday: Burger Day
Two of our new items in Week 1:
Spaghetti Meatballs with Garlic Bread and PFC (Puketapu Fried Chicken)
Most tamariki should have received their sports uniforms. Miniball and Basketball uniforms will be given out this week.
Invoices for sports fees will be out soon - please check Hero and pay as soon as you can.
If you have any sports questions please check with your child's coach or contact Flo via email: fharris@puketapu.school.nz
Puketapu Whā netball team had a great first game on Thursday.
(Thanks Rebecca Thompson for the great photo!)
lucky book club
home & School
this week at school
We love seeing our kaiako out on duty in the playground building relationships with tamariki from different learning teams.
Did you know climbing trees, playing on monkey bars and swinging on swings improves fine and gross motor skills? It is also a lot of fun!
Messy Play!!! Tamariki from all ages still love getting in the sandpit and having messy fun.
Basketball - Lunch times are for playing bball.
Friends, smiles, fun and sun!
thank you
There has been a lot of work going on at school over the holidays.
A BIG THANK YOU to the below businesses / people for their mahi.
Chance Taitoko - WestCoast Beauty Outdoor Sharp Service
Chance has been cleaning up our vegie garden, gardens by the pump track and entrances to our kura.
Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089663378222
Ross Wilkinson - Stumped Tree Solutions
Ross has been in with his team over the holidays removing old trees, grinding stumps and having a clean up.
Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/stumpedtreesolutions
Andrew Georgeson - ACG Property Services
Andrew has been working on our new fence at the front of school, along with other ongoing projects.
from home
If you have anything you would like to share or celebrate from home please email it to office@puketapu.school.nz
- Leo Luke
- Kian Devonshire
- Macy Donaldson
- Zane Wilkinson
- Cortez Stevens
- Ayaan Faruk
- Alex Morrison
- Ben Engels
- Chase Gallichan
- Ahkira Takerei-Holswich
- Flynn Bird
- Sarah Jenkins
- Ezra Haylock
- Ollie Sharrock-Henry
- Kallana Bradnock
Upcoming dates
Please check the Hero App for more dates specific to your child's class.
Monday 1 May
- Staff Only Day / School Closed
Tuesday 2 May
- Duffy Theatre show @ Northpoint Church 1.50pm
Thursday 4 May
- Home & School Meeting 6.30pm
Monday 8 May
- Board of Trustees Meeting 5.30pm
Friday 19 May
- Pink Shirt Day
Monday 5 June
- Kings Birthday / School Closed
Monday 12 June
- Board of Trustees Meeting 5.30pm
Wednesday 28 June
- Whole School & Whānau assembly @ Northpoint Church 9.15am
Friday 30 June
- Last Day of Term 2
Community notices
bell Block Rugby
electrical solutions
Puketapu School
Email: office@puketapu.school.nz
Website: www.puketapu.school.nz
Location: Dillon Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Phone: 06 755 0973