PMSA Weekly Update
May 20, 2024

Principal's Message
At the April 26 Teacher In-Service, PMSA teachers participated in an all-day collaborative training facilitated by Novak Education. The topic for this Professional Development workshop was Bridging Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Culturally Responsive Practices. One of the key components that facilitator Emily Luna focused on was the importance of creating a sense of belongingness in the classroom environment and empowering students to co-create the education they are receiving. To do this, student voice and choice needs to be incorporated into learning experiences. Before students feel comfortable getting to this place, they need to feel safe. A quote she shared from author Zarette Hammond captured the morning part of our session quite profoundly:
For our upcoming half-day teacher in-service on May 22, we will continue our important work with Novak Education. Our focus in this session will be on Equity by Design. The agenda topics will include challenging the status quo; confronting implicit biases; exploring the dynamics of power and privilege; seeing diversity as the cornerstone of progress. We look forward to extending this work into next school year and bringing student ambassadors into our mission of inclusivity, celebration, and success for all learners.
Interim Principal
Cristin Chiganos
Staff/Student Spotlight
Mr. Olivares
Q: How long have you been a teacher at PMSA?
A: This is my first semester teaching at PMSA.
Q: What classes/grade levels have you taught while at PMSA?
A: I teach Freshmen and Juniors.
Q: What activities/sports have you sponsored?
A: I host intramurals after school every Tuesday and Thursday.
Q: What do you love most about teaching here at PMSA?
A: The diversity of everyone in the students, which reminds me of where I attended high school.
Q: What is your most memorable moment while teaching here at PMSA?
A: My first day on the job, because it was a huge transition from working full time and being in college full time, also, because the journey was tough, so it started to set in that a new path had started.
Q: What is an interesting fact (s) that many do not know about you?
A: I have two uvulas and I’m Mexican, Irish, and Italian.
Q: What book (s) are you currently reading?
A: Dhammapada: The Sayings of the Buddha.
Q: Is there anything that you would like to tell the school community about yourself?
A: Just remember, sometimes strength isn’t about what you can hold on to, it is about what you can let go of.
Giovanny Herrera
Giovanny Herrera is a sophomore at PMSA. He is a member of the National Honor Society (NHS). In addition, he is a member of the soccer team and played Volleyball for Proviso West last year. Giovanny does all of this while maintaining a 4.9 GPA.
Q: What is your most memorable moment as a student at PMSA?
A: I enjoyed visiting the haunted house from last school year.
Q: What do you love most about PMSA?
A: I think that we really have a secure school. PMSA provides a safe environment for students.
Q: What are your plans post high school?
A: I plan to attend college and study business.
Q: What is your number 1 college choice?
A: I would like to attend U of I in Champaign Illinois.
Q: What is your favorite subject(s)?
A: Spanish with Mr. Garcia
Q: What is your favorite book?
A: The Adventures of Ook and Gluk: Kung Fu Cavemen from the Future by Dav Pilkey.
Q: What is something interesting about yourself that you want to share with the PMSA school community?
A: One of my hobbies is being a barber.
Cool Things Happening
NAACP ACT-SO Competition
PMSA’s Rising Stars at the NAACP ACT-SO Competition!
On Saturday morning (bright and early after prom!) a handful of Proviso students made their way out to the UIC campus in Chicago to compete with the Chicago Westside Branch of the NAACP ACT-SO Achievement Program (Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics).
Students were able to enter to compete in up to three categories and Professor Shmidt was there with the visual artists who presented their work to the judges. The competitors were questioned by the judges individually and given critical feedback on their work. Parents and teachers were not allowed in the room during judging.
The following students competed in various categories on Saturday: Katilyn Lopez, Daniel Baker, Da’Miah Carter, Solé Stampley, and Victoria Lawson.
Winners from this level of the competition will be announced on May 20th in an Awards Ceremony at Malcom X College. Gold Level Winners advance to the National Competition in Las Vegas this summer!
Dr. Walker attended the Educator's Workshop in San Diego, sponsored by the US Marine Corps. He experienced the Yellow Footprints and Combat Fitness Test and talked to newly initiated Marines. He also visited the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar/MCRD SD and saw fighter jets and helicopters up close. It was an unforgettable experience and an excellent opportunity for educators to learn more about the Marine Corps.
2024 Talent Show
On Tuesday April 30th, PMSA hosted our annual school talent show.
Talent Show Winners
First Place: Jayla Mahoney - Modern/Hip-hop dance routine
Second Place: Priscilla Martinez and Lesy Arceo - Folkloric Dance
Third Place: Christian Echeverria, Kayla Kelly, Max Lopez, Raynuel Tupas, and Jesus Nieves- The Band - Loaded Diaper
Fourth Place: Kaitlyn Lopez - Vocals
Prom 2024
On Friday April 26, the seniors hit the dance floor in style to celebrate their senior prom at Victoria in the Park in Mt. Prospect. Seniors: Christopher Aleman and Gabriella Corral won prom king and queen.
Thank you to class of 2024 sponsor, Mr. Bokar!
Spring Art Show
The art classes presented their amazing artwork for the school community on Thursday May 16th.
Thank you to Ms. Cornelius, Ms. LaPorte, and Ms. Schmidt for supporting our artists!
First Aid Training
During Mr. Zak's Wellness 4 class, seniors learned First Aid training; how to administer chest compressions during a cardiac event; how to use an AED (automatic external defibrillator); and how to respond during choking scenarios. The PMSA Wellness curriculum expands beyond fitness so students can learn about health and nutrition along with life-saving skills.
Principal's Day
Wednesday May 1st was National School Principal's Day. Thank you to our interim Principal, Ms. Chiganos for leading our school and making sure that our students feel safe and celebrated.
School Lunch Hero Day
Thank you to all of our cafeteria staff who go above and beyond to make sure that our students are healthy and happy.
Gallery on Five
Gallery on five will be featuring a new Art Exhibition during the month of April!
The Exhibition will include selected works from PMSA's student entries at the Triton High School Art Competition.
District Assessment Information
STAR Testing Schedule
- Mon. 5/27/24- Memorial Day
- Tues. 5/28/24- 12th Grade ELA STAR Reading
- Wed. 5/29/24- 11th Grade ELA STAR Reading
- Thurs. 5/30/24- 10th ELA STAR Reading
- Fri. 5/31/24- 9th Grade ELA STAR Reading
Upcoming Events
🎓Important Information for Seniors 🎓
The Cap and Gown fee is $35. Seniors can go to room 008 and pay Mr. Brown in person OR click the link below to pay online.
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: UIC Pavillion
Clubs/Activities Meeting Dates
Multicultural Club (214)- 3:30-4:30
Key Club (425)- 3:30-4:30
Genealogy Club (407)- 3:30-4:30
Yearbook Club (424)- 3:30-4:30
Medical Club (422)- 3:30-5:00
Culinary Club (322)- 3:30-4:30
Black Student Union (307)- 3:30-4:30
Student Council (400)- 3:30-4:30
Art Club (504)- 3:30-4:30
Astronomy Club (409)- 6:45-7:30 am
Intramurals (Wellness Area)- 3:30-4:30
Robotics (Proviso West Manufacturing Lab)- 3:30-5:00
Newspaper Club (316)- 3:30-4:30
Girl's League Club (217)- 3:30-4:30
Class of 2026 (210)- 3:30-4:30
Class of 2024 (421)- 3:30-4:30
Class of 2025 (College and Career Center)- 3:30-4:30
Class of 2027 (400)- 3:30-4:30
Mental Health Club (213)- 3:30-4:30
Self-Defense (Multi-Purpose Room) - 3:30-3:50
Taikwondo (Multi-Purpose Room) - 3:30-3:50
Art Club (504)- 3:30-4:30
Chess Club (427)- 3:30-4:30
Gospel Choir (008)- 3:30-4:30
SASS (323)- 3:30-4:30
Video Gamer Club (306)- 03:30-4:30
Intramurals (Wellness Area)- 3:30-4:30
Robotics (507)- 3:30-5:00
💲Fafsa Information💲
Parents of seniors, please make sure to create a FAFSA account!
From the District
PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
Yard SIGNS are here!!! We officially launched our PTO Yard Sign Fundraiser. One of our goals as a Parent Teacher Organization is to increase school pride in our communities. We hope that the yard sign project helps us achieve this goal, as well as serve as a fundraiser for future projects for our school. Yard signs are 20 dollars apiece and can be delivered to your home or picked up at our next PTO meeting. If you are interested, please fill out the google form:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGpFlD2heUgdQoTjVD9rblWGfMaf3NvR_eKGAtilkhhN71LA/viewform. Payment must be received before sign delivery. Cash, check (made out to The PMSA PTO), or Zelle (thepmsapto209@gmail.com) are accepted. You are NOT required to join the PTO in order to purchase a sign.
PTO Board Vacancies: We are looking for parents that would be willing to serve on our PTO board next school year. If you are interested, please contact President Butler (text 630-240-2191)
Teacher and Staff Appreciation: We are planning our Teacher and Staff Appreciation Activities and need your help. If you are interested, please contact Mary Ellen Newhouse at 312-593-7414 or at mnewhouse29@yahoo.com
Thanks for your support,
Anissa Butler (President),
Maria Barba (Vice President)
Kim Arnold (Treasurer)
Kathleen Franzwa (Secretary)
Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) empower parents to serve as partners in the education of their children at schools that receive Title 1 funding.
Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) bring together parents/legal guardians, teachers/staff, and community stakeholders to work with their school principal in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of the Title I Program.
PACs empower parents to inspire and assist their children in achieving educational goals.
Title I Program Goals
The main goal of Title I is to provide instructional services and activities which support students in meeting the state’s challenging performance standards. The Title I program strives to increase academic achievement by providing direct instructional support to students and effective professional development for teachers. Title I program promotes parent education and involvement.
PAC Committee Members
Maria Scavella- Chair
Patricia Patrick-Gutierrez -Co-Chair
Maria Escobedo- Secretary
Berenice Garcia -Outreach Coordinator
All Meetings times 6:30-7:30pm
Feel free to contact the PMSA PAC by email at pmsapac209@gmail.com
Learn more about Title 1
Paper Tutoring Support
Community Service Opportunities
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church of Melrose Park is looking for volunteers! Community service hours are available for food pantry delivery on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 8-11:30 am. They are also looking for food distribution volunteers for the Thursday of each month on Fridays from 9 am-12 pm.
Please contact sister Cynthia Mobley for more information.
(708) 217-3553
🚌Bus Info🚌
Updated Bus Times
Routes are posted online under Transportation. The posted route listing is organized by student ID numbers to make it easy to identify your student's route information.
PMSA Club and Activity Bus
Arrives at PMSA at 4:45 pm
Departs PMSA at 5:00 pm
The activity bus will drop the students off at their bus stop location. It is important that all students know their bus stop location and that they share it with the bus driver.
Click the button below and visit the Proviso Transportation page to find your bus stop location.
Proviso Summer School
It’s that time of year to consider opportunities for PTHS 209 Summer School 2024.
This summer, we are offering courses for students who want to get ahead and accelerate their learning, classes for students who need to make up credits to be on track for graduation, and enrichment opportunities that can be taken to improve learning and add recreational fun throughout the summer months. Whatever the case, we are here to support our families and students!
Summer School 2024 registration begins on April 1st and ends on May 31st.
Please note: All summer school offerings are dependent upon enrollment and staffing.
Credit Recovery will take priority over all other programs.
Summer School runs Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. (No school on Fridays.)
Each Summer School session is 12 days.
Dates are below.
- Session 1:
Monday, June 17, 2024, through Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Off on Wednesday, June 19; Wednesday, July 3; and Thursday, July 4 - Session 2:
Thursday, July 11, 2024, through Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Locations: Summer School will take place at Proviso East and Proviso West High Schools.
Transportation: There will be no bus transportation provided by Proviso Township for Summer School.
Food Service: Food service will be provided for all students attending Summer School, which includes breakfast and lunch.
Fees: Students and families are encouraged to take advantage of our 2024 Summer School programs. There will be no fee if students complete registration by May 31, 2024. For any students who register after the May 31 deadline including walk in’s, a $100 registration fee will be required prior to placement in the requested course(s).
For specific information about Summer School 2024 programs, please see the link below.
Please contact Tony Valente, District Coordinator at 708-338-5929 if you have any questions.