CFT Weekly Wildcat
Week of April 3 , 2023

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Message from the Principal
Wildcat Families,
Happy 2025! We’ve had a great week back to school to start the new year, full of high energy moments and exhaustion from both students and staff as we adjust back to school after a couple of weeks away. We’re looking forward to getting back into the groove of coming to school on time everyday and adjusting back to the learning routines that we practiced so hard during the fall.
Next week is an important week for us as a school as we get a chance to see how much students have grown so far this year in reading and math in related to our year-long growth goals. Students will take the iReady and Acadience assessments which gives us a measure of each student’s growth in reading since September. We examine this learning information in team meetings at the end of the month, using the information to target classroom and small group instruction to help meet student needs.
We’d love your help by getting your child excited about this opportunity and prepared with a good night’s sleep throughout the week along with reminders that we have breakfast here on site for anyone who wants it free of charge each morning. Rest and a good breakfast will have our students ready to roll!
As we’ve started the new year, there are a couple of opportunities for parents and guardians to participate in some district-wide committees to offer input and feedback to help drive the decision-making process in TTSD in relation to budget and building renovations. We’re looking for parents/guardians who may be interested in attending a few evening meetings over the few months. Please let me describe each opportunity:
The Political Action Committee will be meeting to discuss plans for our upcoming construction bond, ensuring that the building upgrades and renovations envisioned align directly with supporting our students. On the list of building upgrades is Fowler Middle School, which our students will attend in the future. We need a couple of future Fowler parents to share their thinking as plans are made for this and other building upgrades here in our community.
A Community Budget Workgroup is forming to examine and provide input in relation to how we move forward in TTSD given the forecasted budget deficit for the 2025-2026 school year. With decisions needing to be made later this year we’re looking for a few parents be part of the team that looks deeper at the implications of needing to balance the TTSD budget.
If you’re interested in being part of either of these groups, please quickly click this link so that I can forward your name and information to the group organizers.
Cheers to a great start to 2025!
Tim, Principal
Mensaje del Director
Familias Wildcat,
Feliz 2025! Hemos tenido una gran semana de regreso a clases para comenzar el nuevo año, llena de momentos de mucha energía y agotamiento tanto de los estudiantes como del personal mientras nos adaptamos de nuevo a la escuela después de un par de semanas fuera. Estamos deseando volver al ritmo de llegar a la escuela a tiempo todos los días y adaptarnos de nuevo a las rutinas de aprendizaje que practicamos tan duro durante el otoño.
La próxima semana es una semana importante para nosotros como escuela, ya que tenemos la oportunidad de ver cuánto han crecido los estudiantes en lo que va del año en lectura y matemáticas en relación con nuestras metas de crecimiento a lo largo del año. Los estudiantes tomarán las evaluaciones iReady y Acadience, que nos da una medida del crecimiento de cada estudiante en la lectura desde septiembre. Examinamos esta información de aprendizaje en reuniones de equipo al final del mes, utilizando la información para orientar la instrucción en el aula y en grupos pequeños para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes.
Nos encantaría su ayuda para que su hijo se entusiasme con esta oportunidad y se prepare con una buena noche de sueño durante toda la semana junto con recordatorios de que tenemos el desayuno aquí en el lugar para cualquier persona que lo desee de forma gratuita cada mañana. ¡El descanso y un buen desayuno tendrán a nuestros estudiantes listos para rodar!
A medida que comenzamos el nuevo año, hay un par de oportunidades para que los padres y tutores participen en algunos comités de todo el distrito para ofrecer comentarios y retroalimentación para ayudar a impulsar el proceso de toma de decisiones en TTSD en relación con el presupuesto y las renovaciones de edificios. Estamos buscando padres/tutores que puedan estar interesados en asistir a algunas reuniones nocturnas durante los pocos meses. Por favor, déjame describir cada oportunidad:
- El Comité de Acción Política se reunirá para discutir los planes para nuestro próximo bono de construcción, asegurando que las mejoras y renovaciones de edificios previstos se alineen directamente con el apoyo a nuestros estudiantes. En la lista de mejoras de edificios está Fowler Middle School, a la que asistirán nuestros estudiantes en el futuro. Necesitamos un par de futuros padres de Fowler para compartir su pensamiento mientras se hacen planes para esta y otras mejoras de edificios aquí en nuestra comunidad.
- Se está formando un grupo de trabajo de presupuesto comunitario para examinar y proporcionar información en relación con cómo avanzamos en TTSD dado el déficit presupuestario previsto para el año escolar 2025-2026-2011. Con decisiones que deben tomarse a finales de este año, estamos buscando que algunos padres formen parte del equipo que examine más profundamente las implicaciones de tener que equilibrar el presupuesto de TTSD.
Si estás interesado en formar parte de cualquiera de estos grupos, por favor click this link para que pueda enviar su nombre e información a los organizadores del grupo.
¡Salud por un gran comienzo de 2025!
Tim, Director
School Schedule for the 2023-2024 School Year
7:45AM - Doors Open
8:00AM - School Starts
2:20PM - School Dismissal
Attendance Line: 503-431-4405*
*Even if you have told your teacher, please call the Attendance Line before 8:30AM the day of an absence. If the attendance line is not called by 8:30AM the day of the absence, the office might not be able to put the excused absence in the system before the automated phone calls go out to unexcused absent students.
* Friday January 17th - No School
* Monday January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
* Friday January 31st - Teacher Work Day - No School
Vaccination Exclusion Day
School-Based Health Center Vaccination Clinics
State law requires that all children in public and private schools, preschools, Head Start, and certified childcare facilities have up-to-date immunizations. Parents or guardians will receive a letter in early February if their child's immunization record shows that he or she has not received the required vaccinations. Children will not be able to attend school starting February 19, 2024 if their records on file show missing immunizations. For additional information visit the Oregon Health Authority Website.
The School-Based Health Centers at Tigard High School and Tualatin High School are hosting upcoming immunization clinics. Immunizations are free; no insurance is needed.
Tualatin School-Based Healthcare Clinic Dates:
- February 14 - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- February 18 - 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- February 19 - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Call and schedule to avoid lines, or call to schedule for a different date (503-941-3180).
Tigard School-Based Healthcare Clinic Dates:
- January 13 - 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
- February 10 - 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
- February 19 - 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Call and schedule to avoid lines, or call to schedule for a different date (503-431-5775).
Tualatin SBHC English Flyer
Tualatin SBHC Spanish Flyer
Tualatin SBHC Chuukese Flyer
Tigard SBHC English/Spanish Flyer
Taekwondo Fundraiser
Learn Taekwondo while supporting the PSO! When you enroll your student in the USWC Taekwondo Tigard trial program between January 10th and February 10th, they will donate 50% of your trial fee to the CFT PSO! This fundraising trial includes two classes per week for four weeks, plus a FREE UNIFORM, all for just $89!Dine Out Night
Looking for a reason to skip cooking dinner? Dine at MOD Pizza at 12196 SW Scholls Ferry Rd and show your support for the school. On Wednesday, January 16th, make a purchase at MOD Pizza, and 25% of your bill will be donated to the CFT PSO. Just mention that you're there to support CFT, and enjoy your meal!Staff Appreciation
Help us treat our wonderful staff to a fun Popcorn Bar! Friday, January 24th we will be setting up a fun build your own popcorn treat station and we need your help filling the table. Please sign up and make this day POP for our staff. Please drop off donations to the front office by Wednesday 1/22 thank you!Connect with Us
As a parent/guardian at CFT, you are a member of the PSO. For more information about the PSO, visit cftpso.org. To stay updated on what is happening at CFT, consider adding our calendar or connecting with us on Facebook and Instagram. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at hello@cftpso.org
TTSD students, their families, and staff now have access to mental health care coordination services at no cost through Care Solace.
As a central hub of care, Care Solace streamlines communication and coordination to connect individuals with the right resources and appropriate levels of care.
With a team of more than 500 dedicated Care Companions, Care Solace connects Tigard-Tualatin School District to over 560,000 licensed mental health and substance use treatment providers.
To learn more about Care Solace and its services, visit caresolace.org.
Message from Tigard Tualatin School District
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223
Charles F. Tigard Elementary School
Website: https://www.ttsdschools.org/cft
Location: 12855 SW Grant Avenue
Phone: 503-431-4400