Stanwood High School
Family Newsletter — Sunday, February 4, 2024

Family Newsletter — Sunday, May 19th, 2024
Message from Principal Washington
Spartan Families,
This week, we will start our two-week Smarter Balanced Testing season for 10th, 11th, and some 12th graders. There will be a third week for makeups, Running Start students, and students who missed or didn't complete their tests during the first two weeks. Please encourage students to be on time for each class and to do their best.
Last week, we mailed letters to senior families. These letters contained important information about ticket pick-up and senior check-out, graduation practice, Roots to Wings, fine notifications, and night of graduation details. For your convenience, additional hard copies, including Roots to Wings field trip forms, are available in the front office.
There have been questions concerning the designation of "lost" on the fine notices. All checked-out Chromebooks and books will be listed as "lost." This doesn't mean that your student's Chromebook or book is indeed lost; it's to let you know what is checked out and what will need to be returned. When students turn in their items, they will be marked as "found." Seniors will turn in their Chromebooks during the week of graduation. Library books should be returned now if no longer needed. Thank you for your feedback as we work through the rest of the school year.
I hope you all have a great week!
Mr. Washington
District Promise
Every student in the Stanwood-Camano School District is empowered to learn in an inclusive setting and is prepared for the future of their choice.
Stanwood High School Vision Statement
Stanwood Spartans are united in cultivating character, modeling respect, teaching leadership and connecting to community.
Class OF 2024 Information - Updated!
****Our Senior information page has been updated with lots of end of the year dates and events! Make sure you check it out and click HERE****
Senior Fines!
There have been questions about the designation of "lost" on the fine notices -
Please note that ALL checked-out Chromebooks and books will be listed as "lost" on a fine sheet. This is how the Destiny system is set up, it does not mean that your student's Chromebook or book is indeed lost. When your student has turned in their items it will be marked as "found".
Students should be turning in their library books now (if no longer needed). Seniors will be turning in their Chromebooks the week of Graduation.
- If you have questions, please see Mrs. Owings at the ASB window.
- Directions on how to access In-Touch for a list of fines and online payments are attached below.
- This includes food service balances which can be seen in Family Access and can be paid online or to the Kitchen directly.
Senior Letter!
Letters to Senior Families were mailed home last week. The letter included information about ticket pick up and Senior check out, Graduation practice, Roots to Wings, fine notifications, and night of Graduation information. Extra hard copies, including Roots to Wings field trip forms, are available in the front office.
Grad Night, June 7th
There are less than 30 Grad Night tickets left. DO NOT WAIT TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKET! THIS WILL SELL OUT! Please reach out to stanwoodboosters@gmail.com to secure your spot now if you'd like to make alternate payment arrangements.
Also, now taking bus buddy requests. Please email your request to stanwoodboosters@gmail.com. Have your senior check with their friends to make sure their friends have already paid.
Photos submissions are now being accepted. Please email photos to: stanwoodboosters@gmail.com
A few items to note:
*please try to include photos and videos of groups of Seniors instead of individual photos
*be mindful to submit photos, videos, and songs that are appropriate for this occasion; K-12 are great
*limit photos or videos that are duplicates or multiples of the same event if possible
*not all images will be used
Final Transcript Information for Seniors
Eat and Complete!
What: Eat and Complete
Dates: Tuesday, May 21st
Time: 2:30-4:00
A Staff member from each department will be available so students can complete work for any class as well as complete PE make-ups.
Pizza will also be provided!
Spring Tolo: Mamma Mia!
Tickets will go on sale Monday, May 20th; $10 with an ASB card or $15 without - can be purchased with cash or check in the main office at SHS before school, during lunch, or after school. Guest passes are available in the main office.
Students must enter no later than 8:30 pm. Tickets must be purchased by the intended user only.
Once a student leaves, re-entry is not allowed. Alcohol and vape products are strictly prohibited. All student handbook expectations apply at all high school events.
Update SBA Testing Information as of May 19th
We start state testing tomorrow, Monday, May 20th. All students must work to be in class on time, as the testing will be conducted in classes. Every second counts.
May 20th-May 24th: ELA SBA testing for 10th graders will be completed within their ELA classrooms. Some will go to other ELA classes for testing. Thursday and Friday of this week, 11th and 12th graders who need to take the ELA SBA test will be pulled to the library for an approximate three-hour block for their testing.
May 28th-May 31st: Math SBA testing for 10th graders will be completed within their Math classrooms. Thursday and Friday, 12th graders who need to take the Math SBA will be pulled to the library for an approximate three-hour block for their testing. Once 11th graders complete the WCAS test, those who need to take the Math SBA will be pulled for testing. This may be Thursday or Friday of this week.
WCAS (for 11th graders only) testing will be completed in Science classes. They are scheduled to test the 28th, 29th, and 30th.
June 3rd-7th: Makeups (all)
Students must bring their charged Chromebooks daily, as they will be used for testing.
Smarter Balanced ELA and Math Assessments include a computer adaptive test and a performance task.
For state testing, we will provide headphones and all testing materials for students. If they'd like to use their own/personal headphones, please ensure they are WIRED and plugged into our Chromebook (state testing does not allow wireless headphones).
For more information about the Smarter Balanced and WCAS tests, visit: https://www.k12.wa.us/student-success/testing/state-testing-overview, and click on the name of the test.
What's New in the SHS Library?
Attention SENIORS: Now is the time to start returning all of those library books and textbooks that you are no longer using! Everything must be turned in and/or paid for before we can sign off your senior checkout sheets for graduation. Don’t wait until the last minute rush! Check your Destiny accounts and In-Touch to see what you still have checked out. For questions regarding your Destiny library account, please stop by the library to see Ms. Byrum.
Please check the library hours this month for closures due to AP testing. Summer reading lists are coming soon! Check out the newest additions in Young Adult novels in the SHS Library and the librarian’s favorites list. For details on all the library events and literary news see the May/June SHS Library Newsletter.
Bell Schedules for the Week of May 20th:
Monday, May 20th:
- Regular Schedule
Tuesday, May 21st:
- Regular Schedule
Wednesday, May 22nd:
- Late Start Schedule
Thursday, May 23rd:
- Regular Schedule
Friday, May 24th:
- Spartan Time (Advisory Schedule)
Important Dates
20 - Celebration of Excellence
21 - Eat and Complete 2:30-4pm in the Commons
22 - Transition/Front Door Event
23 - FFA Banquet
28 - SCAF Scholarship Night - by invitation only
29 - Choir Concert
30 - Senior Athletic Awards Night
31 - Assembly (Recognition)
31 - Spring Tolo dance
2 - Spartan Football Golf Tournament, in support of the SHS Booster Club. * not an SHS sponsored event.
4 - Senior Memory Night, * not an SHS sponsored Event
5 - Senior Parade, *not an SHS sponsored Event
6 - Senior Check-out during 6th period
6 - Baccalaureate, * not an SHS sponsored Event
6 - Senior Sunset
7 - Roots to Wings Grad Walk
7 - SHS Graduation
11 - LHHS Graduation
17 - Field Day (*Late start. Bell schedule)
17 - Booster Club meeting
18 - Last Day (7:40 - 9:40)
24 - 28 - SkillsUSA National Conference
29th - July 2nd - FBLA National Conference
Summer School Information
Our Summer School program is designed for students who have credits that they need to recover. That means that they did not pass a class at SEMESTER either this year or in year's past. Summer School will be from 9am-12noon, July 29-Aug 23 at Stanwood High School. Both breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please register by getting a paper registration packet in the counseling office or through this link. https://forms.gle/bU4E7VUcnuxrdSMN6
All the attendance requirements and transportation information is provided in both paper and online forms.
For any questions, please contact Kelly Parsons at kparsons@stanwood.wednet.edu or 360-390-2299.
Spartans shine at state FFA
Spartans claimed two state titles and a bunch of additional awards at the Washington FFA Convention & Expo.
Stanwood won state titles in “Agricultural Sales Career Development” and “Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems Career Development.” Both teams advance to the FFA National Convention & Expo this fall in Indianapolis.
Raya Jakobsen and Zackery Woods both received a State FFA Degree — the highest honor a member of the Washington FFA Association can receive at the state level and recognizes their work on Supervised Agricultural Experience projects, their service to their community, and dedication to FFA at their local chapter and beyond.
In addition, the Spartans were one of 18 schools to win a Superior Chapter title and placed 11th in the National Chapter competition!
Other Stanwood team and individual highlights include:
Agricultural Sales Career Development
Team, 1st
Raya Jakobsen, 4th
Zackery Woods, 5th
Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems Career Development
Team, 1st
Callum Russell, 2nd
Evan Gray-Bennett, 5th
Milk Quality and Products Evaluation Career Development
Team, 3rd
McKinzee Levi, 9th
Tractor Driving Career Development
Team, 3rd
Harley Hall, 4th
Austin Stephenhagen, 6th
Dairy Cattle Evaluation & Management Career Development
Team 1, 3rd
Team 2, 8th
Torunn Strangeland, 3rd
Signe Cairus, 9th
Livestock Evaluation Career Development
Team, 5th
Environmental & Natural Resources Career Development
Team, 6th
Agricultural Communications Career Development
Team, 6th
Hunter Sparrow, 6th
Raya Jakobsen, 9th
Poultry Evaluation Career Development
Team, 8th
Spartan Athletics
Spring Postseason
Visit www.wescoathletics.com for up-to-date information on playoff brackets, schedules, and more!
Spartan Athletic Awards
Seniors, please mark your calendars for Thursday, May 30th!
We will gather to celebrate the accomplishments of the Class of 2024 at 6:30pm.
Spartan Sports Report
Keep up with Stanwood Athletics by subscribing to the Spartan Sports Report! Click Here to sign up to receive weekly scores, news, photos, and more.
SHS Athletics Helpful Links
Please visit our linktree for access to a variety of Spartan information! Rosters, schedules, tickets and more: https://linktr.ee/go_shsspartans
WESCO Spectator Guidelines & Sportsmanship Code
The essential elements of character-building and ethics in interscholastic athletics are embodied in the concept of seven core principles: sportsmanship, discipline, leadership, teamwork, responsibility, dedication, and respect. To demonstrate sportsmanship in the stands, we ask all spectators to adhere to these 5 basic guidelines:
- I will appreciate all good plays and players, whether they compete for my team or my opponent.
- I will remember that school athletics are an extension of the classroom and that learning is taking place.
- I will be positive and use respectful language towards players, coaches, officials, and other spectators.
- I will respect the abilities and sensitivities of our opponents and officials, regardless of the outcome of the contest.
- I will remember that my actions reflect on others, including students, school, and the community.
SHS Booster Club Fundraisers
* Not sponsored by the Stanwood-Camano School District
Saturday, June 2nd - Spartan Football Golf Tournament, for SHS Booster Club
Community Resource Night
What is next for my child?
What will my child do as an adult?
What help is available?
For Answers, Please Join Us at the Community Resource Night
An opportunity to learn about community resources and services that support individuals with disabilities.
Date: May 22nd, 2024
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Stanwood High School ● High School Commons
7400 272nd St NW, Stanwood, WA 98292
6:30-7:00: Brief Presentations
Arc Of Snohomish County
DDA Overview- Why apply?
DVR Overview- Interested in employment
Snohomish and Island County Transition-”School to Work” and the Big Picture
6:30-8:00: Resource Tables
Agency representatives will be available to provide individualized support with questions regarding topics such as housing, social security, employment, and guardianship
***This event is not sponsored by SHS - but is in collaboration with various Sno-Co agencies and community organizations. ***
Friday Family Message
Find the most recent Friday Family Message from the Stanwood-Camano School District online HERE
The Stanwood-Camano School District does not discriminate in employment, programs, or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District's Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer and Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Christine Del Pozo (cdelpozo@stanwood.wednet.edu), or the Section 504/American Disabilities Act Coordinator, Robert Hascall (rhascall@stanwood.wednet.edu) Stanwood-Camano School District, 26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292. Telephone: (360) 629-1200.
Parents/Guardians have the right to request their students' teachers' professional qualifications. For this specific information, please contact Mrs. Christine Del Pozo at cdelpozo@stanwood.wednet.edu or call 360-629-1200
7400 272nd Street Northwest
Stanwood, WA 98292
Main Office: (360) 629-1300