The Geist Gazette
May 15, 2024
Website: https://ges.hseschools.org/
Location: 14051 East 104th Street, Fishers, IN 46037
Phone: 317-915-4260
Twitter: @Geistgators
May 16 - Celebrity Scoopers at Bruster's Dine to Donate
May 17 - Spring Social on the Playground
May 21 - 4th Graders Visit Riverside Intermediate School
May 22 - 4th Graders Visit Fall Creek Intermediate
May 24 - 4th Graders Visit Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate School
May 24 - Field Day (Rain Date 5/23)
May 27 - School is Closed - Memorial Day
May 29 - Last Day of School
Hello Gator Families,
Thank you for your efforts to make Staff Appreciation Week such a success at GES. We appreciate all the food, goodies and notes that were given. Your kind gestures of appreciation mean the world to our educators, so THANK YOU!
Thank you for your time in volunteering and visiting our school over the past month. Between showcases, Earth Day, music programs and our upcoming Field Day, we couldn't do it without your volunteering and support from home. Thank you for all you do to make our days at school successful.
Please take time review the contents of the newsletter. We are down to 7 days with your wonderful children. Thank you for sharing them with us!
Christi Thomas
Principal, GES
Friday, May 17th from 5:30-7:30pm @ GES Playgrounds
Presented by GES PTO
Sponsored by BigBlue Swim School
We invite all current and incoming students and families to come out to play and socialize!
DJ Khris will be taking music requests
Regular Burgers Food Truck
It’s been a great year in the GES Library! All books are due on Monday, May 20. We have circulated close to 46,000 books this year!
If your child has a missing book, please check bedrooms, under beds, under couches, or anywhere else a book might be located. I appreciate your partnership in helping to make sure our library books are returned. Teachers will be checking in the classroom as well. Thank you!
Please contact Jennifer Harmon at jharmon@hse.k12.in.us with any questions.
If your family is leaving GES please let us know as soon as possible. This will help with classroom placements as well as efficient transfer of records to the new school. Email ecross@hse.k12.in.us or complete this form. This does not apply to 4th graders moving on to FCI, HIJ or RSI. Thank you.
iPad collection will start Monday, May 20th, and continue until May 24th. Please prepare your rented iPad for collections - see the attached PDF.
iPad Collection Schedule:
KG – Monday, May, 20
1st – Tuesday, May 21
2nd – Wednesday, May 22
3rd – Thursday, May 23
4th – See Below
J.Scott and Desserich Monday, May, 20th
Dobbins Tuesday, May, 21st
Biggs Wednesday, May, 22nd
Beckner and Freiberg Friday May, 24th
If your child is absent during the collection, iPads can be returned to the Administration Building at 13485 Cumberland Rd. The return hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Have questions?
Please email Brad Waugh, GES Building Technology Specialist, at bwaugh@hse.k12.in.us
Mrs. K's Music Corner
-Dance Week
-Science & Music Week
-4th Gr Research Projects
-Performance Video Information
Our 4th graders are learning about the Indianapolis 500 and the 500 Festival
4th grade-go-kart racer, Chase Thixton, shared his go kart and knowledge about what it takes to be a racer with Mrs. Biggs and Mrs. Dobbins's 4th grade classes.
Chase explained the parts of the go kart, how he trains to race, what it is like to race, and how he stays safe when racing. Students even had the opportunity to sit in his go kart!
GES had a special guest reader pop by last week, Indianapolis 500 Festival Princess, Hannah Mullen, read to classes throughout the building. Hannah is from Fishers, IN and alum of Geist Elementary.
We are excited to provide an opportunity for our families to celebrate our 4th grade students and all their hard work by hosting a 4th grade Clap Out on the last day of school, Wednesday, May 29th, starting at 8:25am.
We are hosting the Clap Out in the morning to accommodate our building schedule, the bus schedules, and the schedule of the HSE drumline. That's right the the HSE Drumline is going to help make our procession even more fun by leading our 4th grade Gators around the building for their families to cheer them on!
Families can arrive between 8:15-8:20AM. Please park in the bus lot and walk the back sidewalk across the back of the school. Families will be lining the procession path from the beginning starting at Door 5 by the playground (a cone will be marking the beginning of the procession path) and wrapping done the sidewalk pass the art garden to Door 3 by the bus lot.
The HSE Drumline will lead our march outside passing families between 8:25-8:30 AM. Students will come from the west (recess area) and progress east across the sidewalk toward the bus lot!
Attention 4th Grade Families Going to FCI & HIJH
For students moving to FCI next fall as 5th graders, the PTO is offering a basic supply kit from 1st Day School Supplies. This is a great way to get a jump start on your school supply purchases. Depending on teams/teachers you have for the 2024-25 school year, students will likely need to purchase items not provided in the kit, especially items related to team specific organization methods. Kits will be shipped to the school and available for pick up during the FCI Open House in early August.
Questions? Email: vp@ptofci.org
Order here: https://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=36776
The HIJH PTO is offering a school supply kit as well!
Visit: https://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=1179194
4th Grade Track Meet
Please help us spread the word to your neighbors and friends that Kindergarten Enrollment is open . To enroll in kindergarten, children must be five (5) years old on or before August 1, 2024. Families may apply for early entrance for students that will turn five (5) years of age between August 2 and September 30, 2024. Students may enroll
Save time by preordering your child's school supplies for next year. Kits will be delivered to the classroom for the first day of school. See the attached form and order online at https://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=36870. For your information the full school supplies list is attached below.
It is time to register for the Fishers Youth Assistance Summer Meals Program. This program will provide grocery items for breakfast and lunch for five days during the weeks of June 4th through July 23rd. Our program will continue to operate out of our permanent site at 8766 E 96th St, Fishers, IN 46037 (Old Marsh building). Weekly pick up day will be on Tuesdays. We will notify registrants of details when it gets closer to distribution. To be part of this program you must sign up by May 19th, 2024. The program will be limited, so please register early.
Join us at the Prairie Dash 5k on May 18, 2024!
Students and families from across Hamilton Southeastern Schools are invited to join the Hamilton Southeastern Education Foundation for the 2024 Prairie Dash 5K fun run on Saturday, May 18 at 9:00 a.m. The run will take place throughout the historic grounds of Conner Prairie, with a portion of the proceeds benefitting HSEF.
Registration is $25/individual and includes a race t-shirt, timing bib, and commemorative medal. You can sign-up to run together as a family, or students may run as a part of a School Team. The race is open to all ages!