GPPSS Update

Attention Juniors & Seniors!
Are you a student looking to start your dream business? This grant is for you! You’ve got big ideas, and the Grosse Pointe Chamber of Commerce want to turn them into a reality. Young scholars with an entrepreneurial spirit will receive scholarship funds to continue their education and build the business of their dreams. For more information, please click here. Applications are due THIS Friday (Jan. 17th).
Save the Date - Skilled Trades Career Night
The counselors from North and South are excited to announce our 2025 Skilled Trades Career Night on February 27, 2025 from 6-8 in the GPN main gym. Save the Date! We need your help to make this a success! Do you work in the trades or have connections in the trades? Please forward our flyer and reach out to Jill Davenport at davenpj@gpschools.org. It is our hope to give our students as many opportunities to learn about different careers in the trades as possible!
CLUE at Brownell
On Friday, Jan. 10th, Brownell had their annual CLUE Party for the 5th grade students and their 8th grade WEB Leaders. 12 staff dressed up into CLUE characters and students worked in small groups to figure out the clues and solve the mystery.
Blue Devil Learning Center at South
Blue Devil Learning Center held is first Saturday session to support students preparing for their High School mid term exams. It was well attended with more than 2 dozen students meeting in the South Library. South teachers, NHS Students were able to meet with students both one-on-one as well as in small groups prepare for the week ahead. We look forward to more in the future!
80's day at Ferry
Monday, January 13th, was 80's day at Ferry. Students and staff had a fun time participating!
GP Travel Guides at Maire
Sarah Neely’s second graders worked hard in the month of December to create Grosse Pointe travel guides. The guides were a part of a social studies pilot for a possible new curriculum. The students identified some human and physical characteristics that would attract new people to the Grosse Pointes. On Jan 9, Neely’s second grade class shared their travel guides with several members of the staff from the Grosse Pointe Chamber of Commerce, as well as the mayor of Grosse Pointe City. The chamber and the mayor told the children what kinds of things they worked on in their jobs. The students came up with some very interesting possibilities for new businesses that they’d like to see in the village. One of the most popular was the idea for an indoor play structure.
Famous Psychologist Interviews at North
AP Psychology students in Mrs. Weisbrodt’s class at Grosse Pointe North recently participated in Famous Psychologist Interviews. Each student selected and portrayed a prominent figure from the field of psychology, engaging in thoughtful conversations throughout the hour. The activity resembled an informal social gathering, complete with appetizers and refreshments, as pairs of psychologists mingled and spent approximately four minutes together. At the end of the hour, students voted, and a prize was awarded to the student who most accurately represented their chosen psychologist.
Welcome Blue Devils Class of 2029
With over 200 parents in the audience at last weeks Rising Freshmen night, we know they're just as excited as we are to be a Blue Devil! The halls were lined with South Admin team, department chairs, teachers, Athletic coaches, Student Activities, popcorn and goodies to meet and greet with incoming parents and guardians. We look forward to an amazing freshmen class!
Join our Team!
GPPSS is hiring! We have multiple positions available. Click the links for more information and to apply!
Dance Clinic at North
Unified Basketball
On February 26th at 2:30 PM, our Unified teams will face off against each other at Little Caesars Arena. After the game, attendees are invited to stay and watch the Detroit Pistons host the championship-winning Boston Celtics!
Event Details:
Game Time: Unified Basketball game at 2:30 PM, followed by the Pistons game.
Tickets: Every ticket purchased will send $5 directly back to support the Unified Basketball program.
Seating: Use the correct link for GP North or GP South to ensure you can sit with your friends.
Special Option: Tickets in sections 201 and 202 include an all-you-can-eat package (hot dogs, popcorn, chips with cheese, soda, and water).
Want to support our programs but can’t attend the game? Contact Coach Kisskalt at kisskad@gpschools.org for GP North or Coach Smith at smithk@gpschools.org for GP South to learn how you can help!
700th Win for Coach Bennett
South Varsity Baseball Coach Receives Coaching Award
The American Baseball Coaches Association honored Dan Griesbaum Sr. of Grosse Pointe South High School with the prestigious ABCA/Dave Keilitz Ethics in Coaching Award. Griesbaum was presented the award during the 2025 ABCA Convention, on January 3 at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Washington, D.C. See the background video on Griesbaum here.
Blue Devil Digest
Click here to see the latest athletic news from South.
Upcoming Concert at South
A founding member of the Grammy Award-winning Harlem Quartet, violinist Melissa White is recognized for her “warmly expressive and lyrical” playing (Chicago Classical Review). Her recital with Indian-American pianist Pallavi Mahidhara highlights works by Brahms and Gershwin, alongside American women composers Amy Beach and Reena Esmail. The program concludes with William Grant Still’s Suite, a stunning work by the “Dean of Black American Composers”, inspired by the visual art of the Harlem Renaissance. Mahidhara explains, “We are performing works by composers who represent a diversity of backgrounds, much like the two of us.”
Student Complimentary Tickets Google Form
Friday, January 24, 2025
7:30 PM -9:00 PM
Grosse Pointe South High School
MSVMA State Honors Choir Concert at Parcells
Congratulations to Parcells musicians Laila A. (8th grade), Thomas M. (7th grade) and Ellington S. (6th grade) for being chosen to sing in this year's MSVMA State Honors Choir Program. Prior to being chosen, they submitted a video audition and participated in Regional Honors Choir day back in October. These three singers have rehearsed with students, conductors, and collaborative pianists from around the entire state of Michigan since November. They will perform in the MSVMA State Honors Choir Concert during the school day on Thursday, January 23rd in Grand Rapids at the Michigan Music Conference.
(pictured from left to right: Ellington S., Laila A., Tommy M.)
Instruments Fittings at Mason
Fourth Grade students participated in their instrument fitting as they prepare for middle school next year. Thanks to Mr. James Gross, Music Department Chair, and the entire team for making this happen. Students were excited to try the variety of instruments, and make choices for next year!
Calling all graduates!
As part of the CTE reporting requirements, GP staff is conducting a follow-up survey of CTE students who exited the district in June 2024. Please encourage your student to complete the survey using the link and pin that was emailed to them. If they didn't leave an email, we are happy to send their pin! Alternatively, they can complete their one minute survey over the phone; staff members are busy calling students to follow-up. Please encourage your student to answer when they see the (313)432 number calling.
For a link and pin, or if you have questions please contact Andrea Gruenwald- gruenwa@gpschools.org
Off & Out of Sight Reminder
All secondary students are to have access to a technology learning device. The GPPSS BYOD Handbook supports the district's strategic plan for student learning and growth. Students use their technology learning device to access Schoology -- the GPPSS's Learning Management System.
Additionally, cell phones are OFF AND OUT OF SIGHT all day for middle school, and during class time for high school students. If students need to be reached during the school day, please continue to contact the main office.
Middle school students may use their phones before the first school bell and after the final school bell. High school students may use their phone during passing time and at lunch, as well as before and after school.
How Snow Day Decisions Are Made in GPPSS
As winter approaches, we wanted to provide you with important information about how inclement weather may affect school operations. Our top priority is the safety of our students, staff, and families, while also striving to maintain as much instructional time as possible.
Decisions to close school or adjust schedules are made thoughtfully, with careful consideration of the impact on our community. While the District reviews all available information to make the best possible determination, we recognize that winter weather brings inherent risks. Ultimately, parents have the authority to decide what is safest for their students under their unique circumstances.
Meeting Summary
On Tuesday, Jan. 7th, the Board of Education held a regular meeting where they approved the following:
- Election of Officers
- Colleen Worden- President
- Laura Hull- Vice President
- Tim Klepp- Treasurer
- Valarie St. John- Secretary
- Clint Derringer- Trustee
- Sean Cotton- Trustee
- Ginny Jeup- Trustee
- Declaration of Board Member Compensation
- Regular Meeting Minutes for December 9, 2024
- Resolution of Continuance of Funds and Designation of Signatories on Accounts
- Appointment of Representative to MAISL Joint Risk Management Trust
- Regular Board Meeting Calendar for 2025
On Tuesday, Jan. 21st, the agenda action items will be:
- Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes for January 7, 2025
- Approval of Paving Contract
You may review each item on the Board of Education agenda by visiting the district calendar and clicking the date of the meeting, then clicking the agenda, then each hyperlinked action item.
Please watch the district calendar on the website for the latest information on board and committee meetings. Upcoming BOE meetings now include:
- BOE Regular Meeting, TUESDAY, January 21, 2025, 7 pm, Brownell
Upcoming Events
Jan. 20, 2025- NO SCHOOL, MLK DAY