AssistantSuperintendent BoardReport

JULY 15, 2024
Instructional Materials Adoption and Renewals
We have just ended year three of the programs implemented to address COVID-related learning loss. Other than the new state-adopted Science materials, all other programs are renewals continuing into year 4 on implementation.
- IMA funds:
- Proclamation 2024 Science Adoption: HMH (K-8); Savvas (9-12)
- Reading Horizons (Reading Intervention program)
- Saxon Phonics (Phonics materials)
- IXL ELA and Math (ELA and Math intervention program)
- 199-11 funds:
- US History supplemental materials
- Studies Weekly (Elem SS materials)
- Summit K12 (EB Instructional Program)
- LoneStar Social Studies (5-8th SS materials)
- Avant (Spanish I-II Credit by Examination program)
- Frontline (LPAC and RtI/504 platform)
- 199-31 funds:
- NWEA-MAP (Assessment Growth Measure program)
- Testhound (District and Campus Test Coordinator program)
- 199-13 funds:
- Lead4Ward Accountability Connect (Instructional Leadership Support Program)
State Assessment Results Report
As indicated on the BISD Assessment Reporting Schedule linked HERE, official STAAR and EOC performance data will be presented at the August 2024 Board Meeting. District and Campus instructional leaders have already begun the process of reviewing preliminary data to identify performance trends and develop plans of action to address areas of concern. The August presentation will include both District and Campus reflections and action plans.
Professional Development for Science Adoption
The Curriculum and Instruction Department is working with science textbook publishers, HMH and Savvas, to organize virtual and face-to-face professional development sessions for our K-12 science teachers. These summer learning sessions are designed to provide educators with information and strategies to effectively implement the newly adopted instructional materials and improve their instructional practices. The sessions will include interactive virtual workshops and in-person training sessions, where teachers can learn from experts in the field and connect with their peers, creating a community of continuous learning and collaboration. The goal is to align professional development opportunities with high-quality curricular materials, ensuring coherence and effectiveness in science education.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Consolidated Federal Grant
Title 1 = $462,942.20
Required Parent and Family Engagement Reservation = $5,875.41
Required Homeless Student Reservation = $200.00
Payroll = $456,866.79 (Comp Ed & Shortage Stipends)
TItle 2 = $73.028.00
Payroll = $73.028.00 (Comp Ed & Shortage Stipends)
Title 3-EL = $26,128.00
Payroll = $4,000.00 (EB/EL tutoring)
Instructional Materials/Supplies = $22,128.00
- Title 3-IMM= $2,566.62
- Payroll = $1,000.00 (EB/EL tutoring)
- Instructional Materials/Supplies = $1,566.62
Title 4 = $33,373.00
Payroll = $33,373.00 (Comp Ed)